Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Ok..hit the Wiki up, that makes it a lot easier. I had been doing the conflicting data thing...but still ran in to problems even when I choose them from my own list.

Brendan, approved your collab request...last one I did took my merge issues from 100 to didn't increase my numbers much, thanks!!!

Erica...I approved your collab request last week sometime.

I started on my line...can someone approve the John Alden's I worked on yesterday?

Thanks in advance.

Ben...were there different kinds of beer (I think it was called ale) back then?


Additional information has been added concerning the Mayflower Passengers Wiki Project.

Please see Overview and Extent of Project:

Thanks, Kim

I have a lot of "tree matches", but keep the other ones at zero. The 9 I have right now are because of the work that I did last night. The tree matches are basically impossible because I haven't pulled the Pro trigger.

Thanks for the MP's! I may need you to get rid of the parents completely, but I'll do some more work first to be sure.

I hadn't thought to put my shoe size, favorite color and beer preference on my profile, but I guess in 200 years, that info may be interesting. (11, blue, Guiness) :)

Looks great Kim

Haha! Guiness Extra Stout here. :-)

P.S. sorry missed that. Thanks Brendan.

Please check your settings for merge issues. It may not be as bad as it looks.
Go to "merge center" then "profile merges" and at the top right, you will see a check box "include collaborators." UNCHECK that box, if it's checked.

If your merge issues are skyrocketing when you accept a collaboration, and the box IS checked, then you are getting a lot of static. You are seeing all of your collaborators' pending merges, too. Mine goes from 300+ to over a million when the box is checked because I have over 200 collaborators.

I hope that helps.

I exaggerate -- really, it's not a million, it's 132, 971 with all my collaborators.

Actually, I believe that Thomas Rogers' house was adjacent to the "Dover Brewery" according to an article someone had pasted on the About Me section.

As to ale, it's a stronger form of beer. Not so sure they refined the process to create pilsner and lager forms of beer as yet at that time (Pilsen was suffering from the ongoing 30 Years War at the time, so there probably wasn't too many people there who had the spare time to make beer there in the early 1600s), but I think that ale has been differentiated from regular beer based on strength for some time.

And for posterity's sake, hmm... I guess I'm wearing a size 46 shoe, my favorite color depends on my mood (though for clothes, so as to spend less time thinking about what to wear, I choose only black), and I still have a thing for Labatts Blue (though I really like the Porter they do at the local K'usa Brewery here in Valparaiso, Chile - I only tolerate Quilmes when in Argentina; the red wine is so much better there in Mendoza anyway).

According to the genenologies that I have I am a descendent who william white on my mothers side and dr samuel fuller on my fathers. My fathers geneology is coplete, but my mothers comes one name away from william white with a suzaane white which I'm told is either a daughter, daughter-in-law. any information would be appreciated.

Maria...I have been doing that. I am keeping my own at zero...thanks for the tip, though!

This one I kind of like. Granted, not enough that I wouldn't delete if I could...

Too funny Ben!!!!

You're not in the big tree yet. Do you want to be? If we can link someone in your tree with someone in the big tree, you'll find a ton of info out about your ancestors. Susanna White was William White's wife. I can't see your tree. On the White line, who is the last person that you have and what is the year of birth or death?

I come from the White's also, so welcome cousin Nancy! :)

That all needs to go on the Rogers' wiki ;)


You mean Thomas Rogers being a descendant of Johnny Depp? Sure, that can go on the Rogers' wiki :)

Ben, I think we need a curator to go delete happy on that tree :)

The beer writeup was very detailed and needs to go on the wiki

Apparently the brewery data was posted by Walter G. Ashworth, another descendant here on Geni, and taken from the New England Historical and Genealogical Register. However, I was off on Thomas Rogers living near the Brewery... there were other pilgrims that were though:

The Leiden betrothal records, as well as other types of documents, identify some people’s place of residence. Several Pilgrims lived “in Douveren” or near it: Elizabeth Pettinger, William Pontus, Jane Peck, John Spooner, and John Jennings.

Dover was the name of a brewery situated between the Haarlemmerstraat, a major street running through the northern third of the city and the Oude Rijn (the north branch of the Rijn, or Rhine River), midway along the block bounded by the Hooijgracht bridge to the east and the Hooglandsekerksteeg to the west. John Jenny (not the same as John Jennings) who was a brewer’s man (brouwerksknecht) living in the Veldestraat may have worked in this brewery with its other Pilgrim the Veldestraat may have worked in this brewery with its other Pilgrim associations. What the structural arrangements of breweries were is unclear, but from these and other references not concerning Pilgrims we can conclude that breweries often included rental space. Taverns were also found on the brewery premises. The river frontage of the Douveren brewery was 15 roeden 6 voeten 6duim (about 192’), which indicates that there was plenty of space in the lot where rental housing could be constructed.

As to stuff that can go on the Wiki... I think everything that is on the About Me section now can go on it. That's where I usually leave supporting information for assertions on basic information, timelines, etc. It's a lot easier to argue for correct information when you have that information and its references close at hand.

Private User


Off topic slightly (not that Ben Angel won't find a connection to riff off) -- can you start a wiki page for "signers of the declaration of independence" ? I just found a good source although it's got wayyyy too many ads:


When I "mega merge" I pull in all the public profiles from the geni-base and smush them together. I totally left in the Johnny Depp connection just for you. He's my seventh cousin, you know. Is he also a Mayflower-child? Apparently so if he was on a Rogers profile. Therefore, you've got PIRATES! How awesome is that!

One of my disappointments is that I haven't connected myself to a privateer yet. I must keep merging.

How do we refer to

Private User

Very nice work on the overview to the wiki page!


The wiki is public -- anyone can read and use. And also, it's easy to make yourself an ID and contribute information and sources. The more enriched and detailed the pages, the better our Mayflower profiles will become. So please do contribute.

Brendan Molloy is the overall geni-guru for the Mayflower-child Wiki, so just keep his structure in mind.

To understand how wiki's work if it's new to you:

A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor (JUST LIKE WORD!). Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create collaborative wiki websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems.

All ready! The discussion for the signers is here -

We need to keep going on the Mayflower passengers and we also need help on the signers. Hopefully, you'll all help with the signers as much as you've helped here.

I'm really hoping that Kim will keep helping with that project too!!! My wiki buddy!

I started the page by listing me and Erica as project members because I don't want to commit anyone. Please let us know if you want to be listed or you can edit and list yourself too.

Hi Erica:

If I riff Mayflower-children into Declarers, it will have to include Depp and the pirates somehow. Still working on it. (Although I think I liked him better in Once Upon A Time in Mexico - but that could be just because Rodriguez was directing.)

I do have John Stone as a possible ancestor along the Calvert line (the uncertainty is at William Calvert to George Calvert, as a parentage connection has never been identified, although time and place match). In any case, John Stone is famous because his death was the casus belli of the Pequot War. Not a particularly nice guy - he sold slaves as part of his piratical activities:

The Notorious Captain John Stone

Thanks Erica.

And yep, my Wiki buddy Brendan, will do. Also great that you've started a page for signers of the Declaration of Independence!

I was thinking along the same lines and also would eventually like to do a project the signers of the U.S. Constitution as well.

William Samuel Johnson is one of my gr.++ (however many) uncles (though I've not yet added all of my Johnson side of the family to Geni).

You can sign me up to work on the Declaration of Independence too. Or I'll add myself, later on (probably tomorrow).

I am guessing most of the Declaration signers will also have Mayflower connections, right? Great idea for the same folks to work on both!

The President / VP project noticed the Mayflower connection first. And since their project seems to be pretty much under control, it's making it easier to do the Declaration Signers.

We need to do the Mayflower compact as well. If they all overlap, then we don't even need a separate wiki - we can just use the mayflower one. Anyone know offhand if anyone signed that wasn't on the Mayflower? (I guess I didn't pay attention much in 6th grade) :)

Brendan...they were still in Cape Cod harbor, on the ship, when it was signed, and only by the men (no women's signers). This should be an easy edit/add to their MP info.

This is Wikipedia's info, but there are many other sources:


Also google for really cool copies of "The Mayflower Compact" image: I've seen various versions and all are kind of interesting. And also a version with just the text so we can, you know, read it. :) I've also seen some great discussions on line about how the MC is really the basis for the Constitution! Conceptually it was all laid out in that cabin in Cape Cod Harbor.

Dang, it needs its own Wiki page.

Anyway, we should be able to do a document upload and tag the associated profiles. Busy trying to talk Geni into making us groupings. :):)

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