Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Luckily we now have the curatorial program and we can get around the locked profiles etc. We have a clear mandate from geni to make "one correct tree" and tools to do it with.

So if there's anything particularly bothersome about Mayflowers, please post the URL (tag) in *this* thread so we can find the profile -- with the correct genealogical information if you have it handy.

If there's anything particularly bothersome about *any* profile, please post it in the discussion called: ATTENTION Curators, please assist:

Best wishes for improved health.

Hi Erica,

Thank you for your invitation to ask for help from the Curators.

One of these days we may manage to create a "correct" tree.

There may still be some mistakes, but we should be able to

make trees more accurate than they are now.

Ethel Johanna Myers

Yes, let's let the "mistakes" be genuine genealogical questions, not silly data errors! We'll get there, I am very optimistic due to the recent enhancements from Geni.

Yes, Erica

In my tree, someone has both William Brewster of the Mayflower and his father, William Brewster as the parents of Jonathan Brewster.

It is hard to correct such mistakes. They also have added three wives for Jonathan Brewster

and also for Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower. For Elder Brewster, I feel quite sure that there was only one wife. Even though the names
Smythe and Wentworth have been chosen by some people, most websites
agree that the parents of Dame Mary Brewster were not known.

As a Curator, perhaps you can look into these scrambled situations and
simplify the problems.

Ethel Johanna Myers

I can't promise how quickly we can get this fixed up for you, but now that you've pointed it out, we *can* get it done. Thank you!

I have about 8 Benjamin Snows, and many many other duplicate entries for the same person since I joined the "big tree". I am not even going to attempt to fix this...I am just way to new at Geni. I just wanted to bring it to your attention and let those of you that know what you are doing work on fixing it....thanks in advance!!!! rush.



You know how you can help?

Post the CORRECT information here, or the source from a GOOD website page. It makes it so much easier to get it straight when there good source data in another screen.

Many thanks and welcome to geni.

In the tree, there was a yellow triangle in the bottom left of her profile. You click that and then "Merge Trees". After that, if any parents, siblings, partners or children are the same, you move the boxes to combine them. She had 10 husband Benjamin's. I did that step. Now, all of those profiles need to be merged together. When that happens, any fields that are different will have to be verified. Go to your merge center under More in the top bar.

If you go back into the tree, you'll see that 2 generations up, there are many profiles with the yellow triangle. Give it a shot. It's not so bad. :)

Welcome! You'll be a pro in no time.


Here is the info i could not find earlier... There is a Thomas Rogers Society. This info is old, 1978, The person in charge is/was Mrs. Elmer Sawtelle, RFD 3, Box 209 Dexter, ME 04930. i have been researching my family since I was 16. I am now 68. So have been on this like a pit bull for a lot of years. Unfortunately in 1978 I was not inclined to join the Thomas Rogers Society. Other stuff going on in my life. is the email of the person who apparently takes applications for the Thomas Rogers Society. They are very responsive and helpful. I just contacted them yesterday I think and heard back immediately. For any of these societies, you have to have credible proof -- scholarly references that they recognize or copies of official documents -- and need to prove the link between each generation. It is a lot of work, believe me, and my family is pretty straight forward and documented in genealogies up until my great grandparents.


concerning your comment to Anita: Anita,In the tree, there was a yellow triangle in the bottom left of her profile. You click that and then "Merge Trees". After that, if any parents, siblings, partners or children are the same, you move the boxes to combine them.

I finished merging those.

Thanks Kim. I had to run out after the initial merge, so left all the actual merges out there.

Thank you Brendan and Kim!

Brendan and Kim,

You are rocking! Thank you so much.

I have got myself caught up with Montagus and trying to make sure they stop getting merged into Mullins. Lots of curator notes.

Yep! (yw) As mentioned, there are some other yellow triangles around that general area though, which still need work. I did a few of the others too but then stopped for dinner.

Can any one help resolve this problem? In the Rogers line?
Please see...

Sally: In that line, can you turn the following profile public:

Lucinda Harding

Lucinda Rogers (1804 - 1887)

But you see... The problem is several generations before Lucinda Rogers... It referrs to intergenerational parents... 2 sets of parents of different generations listed as James Rogers parents...

Here is another one that is somehpow all messed up... I wish I could fix these issues.

Dear Sally Thomas

You are absolutely right about the proliferation of mixups........father and son
in the same generation.....or such.....

I have many more such problems.

But, with the help of people like you, we may conquer the difficulties.

Thanks for making lucinda Rogers I can merge if need be.

Ethel Johanna Myers

I'll be glad to help whoever is going to fix the two conflated Samuel Fullers (one profile merged both the nephew and the adult physician uncle). I'm waiting to merge my (nephew) Samuel Fuller but because I had linked him to his father, my profile is erroneous - listing his full brother Matthew as his half brother and listing Samuel Fuller as his own brother...

Is someone planning to curate the two Samuel Fullers and fix the information. The site has the agreed upon information about the Fuller family.

The nephew is:

Hi Mayflowers,

Just so you know my plan of attack, this is what I'm up to:

-- get all the duplicate profiles merged together for the Mayflower passengers, their ancestors, their descendants
-- get them all marked as "master profiles" (even if they aren't 100% correct yet)
-- get "curator notes" going that "float" above the master profiles for common mistakes, such as giving John Alden parents, when they are unknown
-- correct the relationships *after* the merges are done (this is where I will need other's help most, to make sure the relationships are good)
-- ensure the "overview" data is accurate and well sourced and the vital statistics accurate

---- anyone can go forward with this piece in the "master profiles" even while "super merging" is in progress

As a "template" for the top of the "overview" tab:

Name, brief summary, vitals
Children listing

This makes a quick "checklist" right within the profile and with the most visibility


good weblinks:
their wikipedia page
family association such as
DNA project

Then notes, citations, book references, biographical statement -- hopefully interesting stuff!

Uploaded as "documents" and associated with the "sources" vital statistics tab are files such as birth / death / marriage / land records / wills

I also like to see photos of historic homes added to the Mayflowers "gallery"

Sounds excellent to me Erica. I have purchased some of the genealogies recently, which may help. I just found NEHGS myself.

I love NEHGS! They have great references.... Sometimes I can find these references on ABE Book Exchange, used... sometimes pricy, but worth it if you get the right genealogy line...

And don't forget about the gravesites / historical markers, some of which are gorgeous works of art.

This site is really fast for finding relevant images:

The Historical Marker Database

A very well respected source book is:

The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2002), (Orig. Pub. New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995).

It looks like some historical sketches can be retrieved from, and I have access to that database.

Would Winslow descendants care to validate this site?

I am getting confusing information about Ellen (unknown maiden name) Newton Adams, widow of John Adams. Was she married to Kenelm Winslow or is she being mixed up with Eleanor Worden?

Elenor Winslow

To answer my own question! Eleanor Worden is the incorrect wife. Kenelm Winslow married Ellen Newton Adams after John Adams died.

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