Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Elizabeth Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger

I wonder if there's been progress on tracing her family.

I don't know but I have a friend who married a Winslow and I went to school with her sister in law and I know Sylvia does genealogy, cause I have run into her at a meeting over in Lynnfield, Mass.I should ask my friend if she knows anything about her husband's line. She's Scottish background and knows all that stuff but what she knows about Stan's back ground , I don't know.

I know there's a connection , in law, to my Taylor line.

There is no Barker listed on the Mayflower Passenger List.

Yes there is. Erica listed all the passengers Elizabeth Winslow( Barker)

Elizabeth Barker was the first wife of Mayflower passenger Edward Winslow. They were married in Leiden, Holland 16 May 1618, and she accompanied him on the Mayflower in 1620. She died 24 March 1621 leaving no children, hence no Mayflower descendants today. It is of course possible that she left brothers who have modern descendants, but they would not be Mayflower descendants.

A good source of Mayflower history is Caleb Johnson's Mayflower History at He has conducted extensive research on Mayflower families, and written several authoritative books on the subject.

I concur. Caleb Johnson is doing astonishing work & is the current authority on the Mayflower. Plus he's a marvelous writer.

There's also interesting research in the Leiden archives from historian Bangs. He's tracked some descendants of the Scrooby congregation who didn't emigrate - and they are thoroughly integrated into Dutch society.

Hanna Rogers/Tisdale/Terry/Williams first husband was my 8th great grandfather, John Tisdale Jr. They are both buried in the Tisdale Burying Grounds. I am happy with all of the information I have gathered on my mother's side of the Tisdale family.


My name is Steven Chambers. I have been doing Genealogy for over 25 years.

The entrance page I joined from stated their was no proof of Royal Lineage.

That is a false statement.

I have discovered that I am a Grandson of all Kings, A couple of Caesars of Rome, and Tribal leaders and Kings of Scotland, Ireland, England, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, Germany, Kiev, and even attached to the Christian Kings of Israel. (Hard to believe, I know).

For Instance, William Bradford Married my 12 great Grandmother Alice (Carpenter) Southworth. She was previously forced by her parents to Marry Edward Southworth, of Samlesbury Hall and Manor.

( )

This has been the Castle home of my family under the Southworth Name since 1325.

Alice Carpenter was in love with William Bradford. Bradford however did not meet the Status of the Carpenters. He had already been shunned by England, as he was known as a nonbeliever of the Reformation.

Here is a story that ended in murder, planned by two lovers. It is of no coincidence that William Bradford did not write of his spouses death, Dorothy May 1597 – 1620. She supposedly slipped from the frozen ship, and drowned while William Bradford and other men were on a mission to explore, and see about wild game.

On the return of the Mayflower to England, Governor William Bradford sent a letter to Alice (Carpenter) Southworth, asking to Marry her. Suddenly we find that Edward Southworth was murdered. Alice was now free to take her two Children, Constant Southworth,b.1615 – 1679, Thomas Southworth
1616 – 1669. She was destined to follow William Bradford for they were lovers in youth, so she headed to America.

I appreciate feedback as I believe I am the person that is able to prove beyond a shadow of doubt, that my thesis is true and factually based on written research and DNA evidence.

There is a twist that personally involves me. No one knew of our heritage at the time.

My Mother is best freinds with a woman who is a 11th Great grandchild of William Bradford. I am a 12th Great grandchild of Alice (Carpenter) Southworth.

I met this woman and her kids while I lived on a farm in my childhood. I became a young lover of her youngest daughter. We were in love. I moved away and came back at the age of 17. She said she was waiting for me. Her mother though did everything she could to keep her away from me. Now remember that this was my mothers best friend. This affair with her daughter mimics the same relationship that William and Alice had in their youth. How can this happen 12 generations to me and my oldest best friend whom I was in love with. I first kissed her at the age of 8-10. We remained innocent. Now she is in her second marriage and both have beat her.

I tell you this story because it seems more than a coincidence. How can two families be reunited 12 generations later, with no knowledge of the past, our DNA strings match. Here is the path of my family line that ties the story together.

William Bradford Governor (1590 - 1657)
husband of 12th great grandmother
Alice Carpenter (1590 - 1670)
wife of William Bradford Governor
Constant Southworth (1615 - 1679)
son of Alice Carpenter
Alice Southworth (1646 - 1719)
daughter of Constant Southworth
Elizabeth Church (1664 - 1757)
daughter of Alice Southworth
William Little (1685 - 1756)
son of Elizabeth Church
Capt. Joseph Little (1735 - 1800)
son of William Little
Joseph Little (1762 - 1848)
son of Capt. Joseph Little
Peter D Little (1785 - 1848)
son of Joseph Little
Charles M. Little (1806 - 1878)
son of Peter D Little
Sibie Little (1834 - 1907)
daughter of Charles M. Little
Abner Terry Shackelford (1858 - 1933)
son of Sibie Little
Safronia Shackelford (1883 - 1912)
daughter of Abner Terry Shackelford
Leonard C. Chambers Sr (1904 - 1969)
son of Safronia Shackelford
Jack Lee Chambers (1930 - 2010)
son of Leonard C. Chambers Sr
Steven Shawn Chambers
You are the son of Jack Lee Chambers - (n

Hi Steven

Indeed - what "are" the odds that human nature, especially love, repeats in patterns through the ages?

And of course those of us who can track back our pedigrees to England may often find ourselves descended from Kings. It's quite strange but the math proves it.

However for the specific 21 reproducing families of the Mayflower, 1620, I believe what is known is -

- The More family was "gentility" (the story of the children sent away from home with the Pilgrims is tragic)
- The Southworths seem to have been "gentle" but the exact pedigree is unproven / disputed (check DNA projects for the most current evidence)
- Standish is an old noble English family
- (anyone I'm forgetting?)
- quite a few of the passengers have not yet been tracked back in England, despite diligent efforts of the last 400 years

We do have a picture, thanks especially to the modern, professional efforts of historians, archivists, and projects, of the life, times and likely origins of many of the families. There is the well known split between "saints & strangers" (religious refugees / hired hands).

The Pilgrims seem to have originated from the rising middle class of England much more than from the aristocracy. But it was still early days, and us Americans now, interestingly, may find ourselves closer cousins to royalty than English ...

I found this on Richard More, Mayflower passenger.


As a male that married an Atwood, I knew from the first days of my introduction into that family, the tradition was that the Princess Anne County Atwood's were descendants from the Mayflower. I find that in two ways. Through the likes of Stephen Hopkins and through John Wood.

Additionally, I also find that one Edward Atwood, born 1596 in Teddington, Worcestershire, England is probably the first Atwood family member to enter what was called Norfolk County, Virginia in 1653. There Edward Atwood, son of Charles Atwood born 1596 in Teddington, Worcestershire, England and wife, Alice (or Elizabeth) Giles (Gilbert) Atwood born 1606 and married Edward on 25 October 1624 (18 years old) were the parents of the soon to be world traveller.

This Worcestershire Branch of the Atwood family originated from the Sanderstead Branch of Surrey County, England. This is the Branch from the Mayflower, Sanderstead.

That is interesting. Has there been any ability to track the diverging American lines to a common origin in England?

Yes, Erica,

Charles Atwood that married Alice Giles Gilbert, were both also born in Teddington, Worcestershire, England.

This was the beginning in England, of the American line of Atwood's within Princess Anne County, Virginia. Their son, Edward is the progenitor of the Atwood family within Princess Anne County. I apologize if I made mistakes above. I have an inherited genetic brain disease that is beginning to cause me to do many mistakes now.

Again, the common origin, at least for Princess Anne County, Virginia Atwood's is Edward Atwood, the immigrant and progenitor.

The other connection is through Stephen Hopkins, of the Mayflower. This was not his first encounter with America, however. His first venture left him shipwrecked on an Island for nine months, then rescued with many others, and taken back to England. Then, he signed up with the Mayflower again, and off back to what was then the New World.

One of Stephen Hopkins descendant married the John Johannes Atwood, of Stephen Atwood, who had a son by name of Joshua Atwood. This Joshua removed to New Hampshire, and then to Nova Scotia, where he, his wife died and was buried.

It has been found that his descendants are probably through Hannah Atwood, Experience Atwood of Massachusetts, but the progenitor of this Atwood family was John Johannes Atwood.

The Edward mention above was born July 30, 1630, and not the date of birth above. With my illness, I now am making too many mistakes, and probably will have to forego what I now do. Sorry for any inconvenience.

John Johannes Atwood is from the Sanderstead Manor family, Surrey, England.

The original Atwood family had five male lines of their family. The different number of acorns showed on each Atwood family shields represents the number of Atwood male lines within that family; giving a big clue to researchers how many Atwood lines they should search within any particular Atwood family.

Hello Erica... According to Geni, I am an 8th. Cousin 1X Removed to Madonna on Her Mother's side. There is a web of Show Business Related Families that seem to come and go?
As far as "The Mayflower" and "The Francis"... perhaps my family lines might connect in that direction to them and her,

Isn't Madonna all Italian though? (Haven't looked lately). Great for show business families, not so much Mayflower descent ...

(No Name)

I'm sorry I missed replying to your posts, which are very clear.

This is fascinating! I never thought about acorns representing the direction of the Atwood family.

Thank you for sharing it. And Stephen Hopkins is my 2nd favorite Mayflower passenger. :):)

Madonna's Father side is Italian, but Her Mother's Side is mixed, as you can see in my chart lines
As far as "The Mayflower", I am suppose to be related to Christopher Jones, Owner and Captain of"The Mayflower".

I'm Nathan K. Goldsmith. We trace through my mother, Ruth Angeline Ross Goldsmith as follows:
JOHN ALDEN of the Mayflower married Priscilla Molines 1621
Elizabeth Alden, daughter of John and Priscilla
married William Pabodie Dec. 26, 1644
Rebecca Pabodie, daughter of William and Elizabeth Pabodie
married William Southworth in 1680
Elizabeth Southworth, daughter of William and Rebecca Southworth
married David Little Dec. 2, 1703
Elizabeth Little, daughter of David and Elizabeth Little
married Joseph Otis June 6, 1738
Mercy Otis, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Otis
married Perrin Ross about 1768
Perrin Ross, Lieut. in American Army,
killed in Battle of Wyoming 7/3/1778
PERRIN ROSS born 7/4/1748
Jessie Ross B. 1773 married Betsy Hancock 7/22/1795
Ellen Ross married Danforth L. Peckham
Daniel Ross B. 3/10/1769 married Jane Hancock 1/1/1791
William Ross born 5/11/1794 married Ann Shoemaker 11/19/1818
Hanna B. Ross born 12/18/1819 married John J. Wheeler 4/16/1840
Daniel Shoemaker Ross B. 4/1/1822 married Melissa C. Goodrich 9/10/1848
Solon Daniel Ross B. 2/17/1894 married Lena Follett 2/11/1880
Jay Follett Ross B. 7/3/1884 married Cora Mae McCracken 11/27/1906
Ruth Angeline Ross B. 7/31/1909 married Adolph O. Goldsmith 5/5/28

Private User

This is how Geni shows your path
Kent Goldsmith is John Alden, "Mayflower" Passenger's 10th great grandson!

Thanks, Angus.for a much clearer picture of where I came from. I have been unable to track back my father's side for some reason - probably just lazy. He tracked it two or three generations and then abandoned the search. I'm 80 now, so I better get busy!

Not Priscilla Molines, but Priscilla Mullins.

The Mayflower experts might want to take a look at Sarah Frances Weston

Private User you are my 9th cousin. Our shared ancestor is James Leonard, of Taunton of Taunton. Cool.

Eldon Lester Clark very nice profile. It would be fun to track her back to her "Mayflowers" - a bit of a hike, but that she was a member of THE CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS suggests a pedigree somewhere.

Erica Howton Actually, It seems to be her husband Jubal who is the Mayflower person. I copied that part of her About to him where it should have been in the first place.

For Louis Fletcher:
Priscilla was born about 1602 in Dorking, Surrey, England, about 30 miles southwest of London. Her parents, William and Alice Mullins or "Molines" as her father signed his name, may have been French Huguenots, but this has never been verified.

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