Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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@ Erica, How do I access this information? Most of the information I have seen shows Jane dying ca 1650, which would make her mother of most of Experience's children

Dea - you mean, read the articles mentioned in the profile ?

I usually start by googling the name of the article.

You might also want to start a discussion on Sarah (Mitchell) Hayward's specific profile so her descendants and profiler managers can assist - and use "send message to manager."

Hello Cousins, Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating. This was posted on the facebook page for Mayflower Families and Descendants.

I have not watched it yet myself but intend to do so this long weekend.

I sent my sisters and mother a listing of the Mayflower passengers with our nth great grandparents (quite a few sets of them) highlighted and their siblings and children highlighted. I wrote the relationship in red next to each name and if they were alive for the second winter, I wrote Thanksgiving next to the name. My sister had a big family Thanksgiving and wanted to share with the kids and their significant others our family's Mayflower connections.

I have fellow classmate and friend who has 13 cennections to the Mayflower. I though I was doing good with maybe four. I'd have to count but 13, Wow! Of course I have Native American connections too ,so I am on both sides of the fence.

Wow, Hatte wins the Mayflower competition, lol!

I have a ton of indirrect's relations with ancestors within the mayflower project john alden alice mullins and priscilla mullins being my only direct (10 and 11 great great grandparents) as far as dirrect ancestors hattie by far is the winner in that section.. lol

I didn't know about Mullins, Alden, and Browne. They turned up with I linked my Mary Snow Williams to Ebenezer Snow. Read her About Me. It's some nice detective work.

Mary Deane Williams

I am connected to Brewster.

Brown and Brewster are two of the 13 my friend is related too.

I also have Howland and Soule( Soole)

Dear Cousin Judy

May I have a list of your connection to the four you mentioned?
Brewster Howland Soule and Brown
I have been working on a link to WM Brewster
+Fr Dalton

Dear Cousin Hatte

May I have a copy of you links to your family listed in your comment
RE: Mayflower Grandparents


+Fr Dalton

Dear Father Dalton,

See the links above.

Dear Hatte
I did and it showd how I was linked.
But, My link showed these people to be desendents.
You mentioned Ancestor: Since we are both cousins
I would like to know if any of your grandparents were also
one of mine
+ Fr Dalton
If you want: my email:

This is our shared ancestor, my 12th ggf:
Christopher Reynolds, Sr.

Edward Dalton White Jr we are also linked by the same person hatte listed my 13th great grandfather though my connection to you is thru Thomas Gardner, "Old Planter"

We have another path. You are also my 9th cousin through the French family.

This is ANOTHER shared ancestor, my 10th ggf:Thomas French, of Halstead

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer i'm connected to that line as well.. via rodger toothaker my second cousin 13 times removed

as for the thread topic i am putting togther a list of my connections..

I have John & Abigail Howland and John & Joan Tilley as 10th & 11th grandparents

Roger Jacobs i have them in my list as well though not as 10th and 11th grandparents.. more like 2nd cousin 13 x removed.

This all sounds very interesting and I look forward to the results. My 8th Great Grandfather married Hanna Rogers and I am always interested in finding new information.

Pamela Compton

my list of mayflower ancestors.
unless noted i am also descended from wifes\husbands and children of several arivials.. for example francis eaton would marry 3 times 2 wives both mayflower descenants died within a year of arivial at plymouth

m.a McCann my mother
y → g.d LaPoint
his mother → M LaPoint
her mother → G Douglas (southworth)
her father → O Southworth
his father → S.Southworth
his father → C Southworth
his father → J Southworth
his father → N Southworth Sr.
his mother → Rebecca Pabodie
her mother → Elisabeth Pabodie
her father → John Alden, "Mayflower" Passenger 10th great grandfather
priscilla mullens his wife william mullens alice mullens
thru same line
also sis of joseph mullens thru same line

note their daugther sarah wife of alexander standish
thus making mlyes standish my 10th great uncle's father to get there follow path to john alden's mother above sarah standish her sister alexander her husband cpt myles standish his father

me my mother
→ M mccann
her father donald → LaPoint
his mother Marion LaPoint
her father → Henry Douglass
his father → Samuel Douglas, Jr.
his brother → George Douglas
his son → James Douglas
his wife → Luella Jane "Jennie" Douglas
her father → Ransom Tinkham
his father → Thomas Tinkham
his father → Amos Tinkham jr
his father → Amos Tinkham sr
his father → John Tinkham, Sr.
his father → Ephraim Tinkham, Jr.
his mother → Mary Tinkham (Browne)
her father → Peter Browne, "Mayflower" Passenger
first cousin four times removed's wife's 6th great grandfather

first cousin 8 times removed's husband's third great grandfather
edw (edward fuller) on this line also dr samuel fuller (wife's name not known also son samuel fuller mayflower
follow above line until henry douglas (husband of gertrude) her father
father ogilvile southworth
his father samuel southworth his father chester southworth
his mother Irene southworth (reed) her mother hannah reed her brother elihu palmer his daugther abigial robinson her husband peter robinson his mother ruth robinson samuel fuller 3rd her father anna fuller his mothher cpt matthew fuller her father

wife and mother of cpt mathew and samuel fuller (also mayflower) is not known)

first cousin 13 times removed
john tilly (wife joan tilly and daugther elizabeth howland also on this line as well as brother edward tilley
follow line at john alden until henry douglas
samuel douglas jr his father samuel douglas sr his father
lucretia douglas his mother david calkins her father lucretia turner his mother Ezekiel Turner
her father
John "the Younger" Turner
his father
Lydia Gamer
his mother
Margaret Gamer
her mother
Joan Chandler Mason (Jennings)
her mother
Mrs Agnes Tilley
her mother
Robert Tilley
her son
John Tilley, "Mayflower" Passenger
his son
(note husband of joan tilley "Mayflower" Passenger and father
of Elizabeth Howland, "Mayflower" Passenger and brother of edward tilley
"Mayflower" Passenger)

Path to Elizabeth Howland, "Mayflower" Passenger 2nd cousin
13 times removed
follow line above to samuel douglas sr
william douglas v father william douglas iv his father sarah douglas his mother george dennison esq her father cpt john borodell dennison his father capt george dennison (stonington) his father marget denison his mother tobais chandler her father
john chandler his father agnes tilly his mother robert tilly her son john tilly (mayflower)(wife of joan tilly "hurst) thru same line above) his son Elizabeth Howland his daugther john howland (mayflower) husband

edward or edmond tilley first cousin 13 times rem follow same path as brother john above
husband of agnes tilley (cooper) (mayflower) follow same path as husband john above

Eleanor Armstrong, "Mayflower" Passenger
my mom Michelle McCann
her father → Guy Donald "Don" LaPoint
his mother → Marion LaPoint
her mother → Gertrude Douglass
her mother → Martha Southworth (Carpenter)
her father → Joel Carpenter
his → Caleb Carpenter, Jr.
his father → Caleb Carpenter, Sr.
his father → Edward Carpenter
his brother → Jotham Carpenter
her wife → Desire Carpenter
her mother → Mercy Martin
related to dorthy eaton as well * (christina billington penn was mother francis eaton (mayflower) as well as samuel eaton his son with wife sarah eaton) and dorthy eaton all thru this line) ** sarah eaton 8th great aunt's grandmother's husband's 1st wife)
her father → Francis Billington, Mayflower passenger
his mother → Eleanor Armstrong, "Mayflower" Passenger
(note wife of john billington sr thru same path)
eleanor was mother of john billington sr mayflower)

moses smith fletcher first cousin 13 times removed's husband's great grandfather follow line to samuel douglas jr above
sarah douglas his mother
peter crane her father major thaddeus crane his father mary couch his mother andrea couch her mother mary brown her mother francis brown her father mary brown (newhall) his mother mary newhall her mother major brian pendelton her brother mary fletcher his daugther seth fletcher rev her husband william fletcher esq his father johnnais fletcher his father moses fletcher his father

fifth cousin 14 times removed.
your mother Michelle McCann
→ Guy Donald "Don" LaPoint
her father →
Marion LaPoint
his mother
her father → Henry Douglass
his mother → Harriet Bancroft
her father → Joseph Bancroft
his father → Levi Bancroft
his father → Abel Bancroft
his father → Deacon Benjamin Bancroft
his father → Benjamin Bancroft
his mother → Mary Bancroft
her father → Israel Webster
his father → John Webster, Sr.
his mother → Elizabeth Webster
her mother → Elizabeth Mainwaring
her father → Sir Arthur Mainwaring,
his mother → Dorothy Mainwaring
her father → Sir Robert Corbet II
his father → Sir Richard Corbet,i
his sister → Jone Corbet
her son → Richard Cressett
his daugther → Margaret More
her son → Jasper More
his daugther → Katherine More
her son → Capt. Richard More, "Mayflower" Passenger
also ellen more jasper more and mary more all mayflower passengers
and siblings of this person

Gilbert winslow 5th cousin 11 times removed
follow path above to major thaddeus crane
Joepsh crane his father deborah crane his mother
mary crane (griswald\griswold) her mother
lt thomas tracy her father baronet 1st sir paul tracy his father sheriff richard tracy his father
marget tracy his mother
sir thomas of coughton (throckmorton) her father agenes winslow his sister thomas winslow esq her son william winslow his son kenlnen winslow his son edward winslow his son gilbert winslow mayflower passenger brother of edward winslow gov follow same path related to Elizabeth Winslow (Barker) 1st wife 2nd wife Susanna White (Fuller), "Mayflower" Passenger as well as her children Resolved White, "Mayflower" Passenger; Peregrine White, "Mayflower" Passenger and william white thru her

Lt joseph rodgers fourth great aunt's brother's wife's sister's husband's fifth great grandfather. follow path to samuel douglas jr
george douglas his brother eunice douglas (pramater) his wife nathan parmater her brother anna paramter his wife harriet butterfield her sister
ruben butterfield her husband ephriam butterfield his father stephen butterfield his father elizibeth butterfield his mother elizabeth bradford (pinney) her mother deacon john pinney her father mary phinney his mother lt rogers her father
thomas rodgers his father

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer, you told Edward Dalton White Jr that Christopher Reynolds, Sr. is your shared ancestor... he's your 12th ggf - he's my 11th ggf but Geni shows that you and I are related through Henry Howland, Jr. of Duxbury and Edward Dalton White Jr and I are related through James Reynolds, of Plymouth & Kingstown . I'm very confused, lol!

Does that mean the three of us are related through all three lines? or is there some other explanation?

I have others but would have to look them up.

Many of us are related through multiple lines. Geni usually only shows one line and it will be the path that their algorithm considers the shortest and/or a cached path.

Henry Howland Jr. path must be shorter than the Reynolds path I assume.

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