Mayflower Passengers

Started by Private User on Saturday, September 25, 2010
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Erica, absolutely! The wiki page has several sections and we can add any that we like. One on the history would be great.

Jon, not sure which lists you're referring to. In this thread or in the wiki?

Yes, Philip, that's exactly how we're thinking!

There is a "Presidential / Vice Presidential" project going:

Us Mayflowerans are just faster to get a Wiki going. :)

Curators can mark "master profiles" and we're getting it done. There is a lot *to be* done though.

My thinking is that once the Mayflowers are underway we should do "signers of the declaration," simply because it might be easier to make sure Mayflower genealogy is in good shape before tackling a couple of generations later -- but really, it can be simultaneous if there's enough interest.

I worked on an Abraham Clark profile (go New Jersey!)

Abraham Clark, Sr., signer; Declaration of Independence

Jon and Brendan,

I separated out "master profiles" into hyperlinks and those without hyperlinks.

Sadly, the bottom half of the list Jon was asking about, I could find no profile on geni. Now, that might be that I just couldn't find it in "search." Or it may mean that no profile exists (more likely).

I'm looking at how I'm related to Myles Standish. 19th Great Grandfather. What? That's pretty far back. Too far...

This is ridiculous - Robert Potter, of Newport Pagnell
How does someone put in the tree that the father was born 250 years after the son? 250 years!

I added a section at the bottom of the wiki for "Items that need to be worked out". That wording can be changed if you want.

I put a couple of issues that I noticed and the one that Janelle Morrow Walker pointed out.

Master profile for William Latham created:

William Latham, "Mayflower" Passenger

I put the url in the wiki page.

Robert Potter was a ZOMBIE -- one of the walking living as a result of a GEDCOM upload. I made it deceased.

The Miles Standish line needs some serious cleanup, starting with putting his parents or not!parents (my idea for designating spurious ancestry) in the "overview" tab.

I will now mention how much I hate GEDCOMs.

I want to find out who Jon is related to, since I'm related to Jon! We know of four ancestors on the Mayflower at least. I need to pull out my cousin's book to verify. I have put in the lineage from some of them to my family and will put in the others shortly.


There's a way to track relationships between two different people who are on geni. Check for the exact method. I've been meaning to try it as it might be a great way to spot "holes" in your own geni family tree and get them filled in.

I curate the profile of George Soule, "Mayflower" Passenger, my 11th great grandfather.

Interesting discussion!!

Erica, you wrote: "Factoid:

20-30 million Americans claim descent from 26 "Mayflower" passengers. (Someone better do the math here.)"

One couple who arrived on the First Fleet in Australia in 1788, have no less than 70,000+ descendants. Perhaps it is possible after all? :)

We need to get some math heads on it. That one sounds a bit too few generations? On the other hand, Australia is quite fertile ....

Giggling here, Erica!! Methinks that given that people married so young, and went forth and multiplied without benefit of contraception, large families were the norm for generations. Not hard to believe that a couple could consequently found quite a dynasty in a very short time!! My parents had eleven children, and I married very young. I'm 58 now, and have a great-granddaughter!! :))

Thanks Erica. I like the push pins and have been using them. I marvel at Jon's patience at going through each Mayflower passenger. I did click at random on several and found that I am related to more than the 3 - 4 I knew about. We are direct descendants of the Tilley, Howland and Rogers families and I think one other.

I went through them too and found that I'm a direct descendant of Myles Standish and also the Mullins, but I have serious doubts because of mistakes in the tree. The only one's that I'm sure of are the White family.

If you come from the Howland's, look at the About me in my profile and at the Presidents discussion:
Coming from the Howland's make you a cousin to a bunch of Presidents.

Erica and Lynne,
William and Susanna White are my 10th great grandparents. From me to them is 12 generations. If the average person has 3 kids, then each descendant would have 531 thousand descendants. Times 26 is 13.8 million. Crazy! If the average were 7 kids (typical Irish family), it would be 359.9 Billion!

george soule is my 1st cous14 times removed'shusband's grandfather. my ggf on board were......
william brewster my 14thggf, isaac allerton 13 ggf, thomas rogers 10th ggf, lt joseph rogers 9th ggf . kind of shocking in a silly way, to just now find out these things. makes you feel a little ignorant. isn't history great....always surprises.


Thank you for the math: that 20-30 million descendants claim is not so spurious after all.

But at least according to Lynn in Australia, they have us wildly beat in the fertility race. Did they get more Irish there? :)

considering 49 survivors of the mayflower passengers & allowing for each to have 5 children(maybe high but some families were large) the growth in people connected to the original passengers reaches over 2 billion so i think it is easily believable that 30 million of us are related to mayflower passengers. realize that is over 10 generations. going beyond 10 gen. the scene changes very rapidly.

since most of the passengers were related there is a good chance one is related to quite a few of them if related to any of them.

the tree is right till proven wrong. we are trying to get it correct.
that is the great thing about what is happening to genealogy-we have the internet, we have computers, we have dna, our resources & tools have exploded w/ new opportunities, it is a new world out there for genealogy.

Let me introduce myself. I am the the 9th Great Grand son of John Alden and
Thomas Rogers, passengers on the "Mayflower", signers of the Mayflower Compact etc. . That would make me the 8th Great Grandson of Elisabeth Pabodie (Alden) and William Pabodie. On down through the Rogers, Searle, Baylies and Smith, and finally Ashworth connection. My late Aunt Ruth Ashworth (Stevens) put this all together in 50's, long before computers.

Could someone please fix William Pabodie. The name on his Gravestone is "William Pabodie" • period the end of subject . I have tried to fix it to no avail.

Thank you

Welcome, Walter. Could you provide a link to the profile for William Pabodie? (Copy and paste the url in here) I'm not sure which William that is in the list. Any backup that you have should go into "sources" on the profile. The list that we started with is from That appears to mostly match Geni. You may have different and better information, so I'm interested to see it.

I have a feeling that the profile that you're referring to is WIlliam Mullins. If that is the case, then he is listed as my 19th ggf. We know there are mistakes and all want to work together to fix them.


Hi Walter, I am also the 9th great granddaughter of Thomas Rogers I believe (or 8th?). I believe that my Aunt Elsie put this together in the early part of the 20th century based on the records of the Williams family in Taunton, Massachusetts. I have Aunt Elsie's hand written notes.

Yes, the 9th great granddaughter through Elizabeth Rogers, granddaughter of Thomas Rogers who married Nathaniel Williams. She was my 7th great grandmother.

Wow Hatte!

I hope you can get your Aunt's notes scanned into a file and uploaded to geni profiles. What a fantastic historical source.

Hi Private User

Curators have the ability to designate a "master profile," and I've just done that with what looks like a nice, clean, no extra marks in the name profile:

Hon. William Pabodie

We also can "float a curator note" *in* a master profile: people keep trying to give John Alden parents in error, for instance, due to internet myths, and my note there is getting sterner and sterner.

I'm learning all about the Alden's from this project! Feel free to bring my attention to anything that needs help. It makes it a lot easier if you copy and paste the URL of the profile you're talking about into the message. :)

I'd love to see your original sources get into geni as documents. That would be so awesome.

Okay, the other Mayflower family we are descended from is Edward Fuller who had a son Samuel (not to be confused with Edward's brother Samuel). Samuel the younger's parents died the first winter and he was raised by his uncle, Dr. Samuel Fuller. This according to my cousin's book on our family, from Aunt Elsie's notes. My mother just had Aunt Elsie's notes scanned, so I do have a digitized copy in JPG.

Samuel married Jane Lathrop (daughter of John Lathrop and Hannah Howse). Their daughter, Mary Fuller married Joseph Williams of Haverhill. Joseph Williams and Mary Fuller's son John Williams married Mary Knowlton. Joseph Williams and Mary Knowlton's daughther, Mary Williams, married Nathaniel Giddings Jr. Nathaniel Giddings Jr and Mary Williams' daughter Sarah Giddings married Nathan Gallup. Sarah Giddings and Nathan Gallup are my fourth great grandparents.

Aside: Erica, I have seen links to ship genealogies. I've even seen cow genealogies. I'll bet that there are genealogies for dogs as well (serious ones I mean, among dog breeders). I think that I've also seen house genealogies.

P.S. Hello Hatte Anne Blejer. Samuel Fuller (son of Edward) is my grandfather also.

Hello to everyone else as well. i'm glad that there is so much interest in this project.

I just made a merge I have to undo. Can someone remind me how to do this?

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