The Duncans

Started by Private User on Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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While working through the Plantagenet Trees (trying to clean up areas), I came across about 50 lines of spouses, children and parents per person into the Duncan's. I was working on Gill Crist (Gilchrist), which took me to Ghospatrick, which took me to the Duncans. I could NOT believe how many lines were running sideways, up and down, and would scroll for 3 minutes before I got to the end of one line, etc.

I noticed various generations of Duncans were merged together. I went ahead and detangled all the Duncans, removed some, readded them back, etc. I made some Master Profiles and they are currently locked. I am proud to say that the Duncans are no longer merged on the wrong profiles. Now if I can get some Curators to help in this area on spouses and kids (mind you some of the profiles are locked due to "Work in Progress" so the regular managers can't edit certain things), would be uber-cool!

This was the best "detangle" I have ever done thus far on!
*happy dance*

PS Click on CRINAN (points to the left) in order to view the tree I am talking about.

Wow, Mimi, you are INCREDIBLE!! I could take some lessons from you! Much to untangle in my tree(s).
KUDOS! :-)

Congrats Mimi

you go girl :)

"happy dances" with Mimi. It's good to celebrate the little victories along the way.

I feel like the little kid who rode my bike, tied my shoe, wrote my name, got dressed for the first time..."all by myself." LOL

Knowing how much effort has to go into tackling a job like that you definitely deserve a medal, Mimi! Congratulations!

Mimi! Waow! Good job! And thank you! Hapidancin, hapidancin! Kitty

Mimi thank you for all the fine work you have done.

I am hesitant to merge despite the 50 or so requests, because people have so many duplicates of spouses, children parents names, and just seem not to have bothered. Perhaps there are some obstacles.

For example, when you have 17 managers, who has the right, who has the duty, to cut out the duplicates and resolve issues of spelling, of two or three years difference in birth dates, and so on? Any guidance AVAILABLE?

REgards, Lois Dean Courtney

@Lois, when it comes down to names I look at it like this. If a person is French, they wouldn't have a Spanish name. If they were born in France, they wouldn't be going by a Russian Cyrillic spelling of their name.

So, for example...
If a person is from France (born and died there) and their name is spelled Maria Juana de Plantagenet, Reina de Franca (you'll find that our Spanish collaborators will sometimes have it written in Spanish) I will CHANGE to the name that her parents would have named her and what people would have referred to her as which would have been Marie-Jeanne de Plantagenet, Reine de France. In the Nickname field or in the About Me, there can be her "Spanish variation" of her name.

It's ok to share a tree with 17 other managers. The more accurate the tree, the better.

Now as far as a 2 to 3 year difference in birthdate I tend to go with the most common between the managers or use a "circa" next to the date.

Manager 1: January 7, 1859
Manager 2: January 2, 1859
Manager 3 July 7, 1857

I will pick January because it popped up twice, 7 because it popped up twice, and 1859 because it popped up twice.

Now if it's a completely different date, like October 8, 1859 and June 3, 1840, I'm going to assume these profiles are completely different people and would need more information to edit.

It's good to also make note why you've changed something, and better yet, if you have proof of dates or spellings of names, list it, upload it or link to it.

Mimi looks very fine
But my relationship says Crínán is connected to your tree in 58 ways, amomg them 28 marriages one ought to be more than enough!!.
There is as far as I can see no undone merges - thus there is only left to make a ticket for GENIhelp asking them to remove the "vrong connections"

@Gunther, I cleaned up his I've been spending time in his peer and descendant groups.

Oh gosh, and now it starts...getting the first new merge requests within the Duncan Scottish tree.

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