Private => Public, please:
ancestors of
Unknown Profile
Unknown Profile
Baltasar Donoso Cienfuegos
Pastoriza de la Cruz Donoso
Unknown Profile
Unknown Profile
Baltasar Donoso Cienfuegos
Pastoriza de la Cruz Donoso
Unknown Profile
Unknown Profile
Could someone please assist with this merge:
Could someone also please assist with this merge:
Which curators specialise in the French Middle Ages?
A decision needs to be made between the research data about two different sets of conjectured parents for Leuthard, Count of Fezensac c 801:
I've appended examples of the two fields of thought to his profile, but a decision either way splits the tree, and it is clear that the two options for sets of parents CANNOT be merged because they are undoubtedly different people. I think an expert in the field needs to weigh in here.
I'm happy to re-post this question in the appropriate project if someone would tell me which it is.
Sharon, that's not in my tiny area of expertise in French Middle Ages. I'm tagging someone more knowledgeable among the curators.
Pam Wilson (on hiatus), can you recommend someone who could take a look at this.
There is something strange going on with this profile:
Capt. Thomas Cooke, alias Butcher
He is the son of Thomas Cooke, alias Butcher and Joanna Cooke
His parentage is not showing up in the tree or his profile and, yet when you try to edit his profile from the tree, it shows 3 sets of parents for him.
He is also linked to Rebecca Cooke and should not be. I am not able to unlink that either.
If someone could help me straighten this out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Pam Wilson (on hiatus) - I have an Anglo-Norman family I noticed is quite messy still.
I just started looking at my Baldwin - Bruen family. Bruen is full of Anglo Normans. Where still I post the profile info?
Mary Baldwin is my 8th great grandmother. I have her lineage material from someone in our family hiring a genealogy (my grandmother?) probably 40 years ago.
I have taken Rebecca out twice, completed a bunch of merges, laid a few Zombies to rest, and merged parents for Thomas Cooke. He picked up several instances of a Mary Havens as a wife. I don't know if she is your Mary LNU. I don't know that area of the tree well enough to decide on my own. Some of the children may be duplicates.
Take a look and see if that has fixed your original problem. If you need more help, post here again. Ordinarily, I'd tell you to send me a message, but I"m going to be pretty busy the next couple of days and may not see the message. So, due to holidays, post back here and someone will get to you as soon as they can.
Private User
David Prins made and a large number of neighboring profiles public. You should be able to move forward now with that branch of the tree.
Sally, is this the right family? If so, his name should be Edmond Littlefield. The dates don't match up but the people and the places do.
needs to be by passed somehow I can not merge it tells me it can not be merged