ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Showing 211-240 of 8939 posts

Erica Howton@erica
I looked at John Phelps and it looked ok to me (I guess someone fixed it) as for William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley Ihave no Idea. Looks like Private User is the one who added him.
(I hope all the links work in this msg)

p.s. Since I already got 1 email for this discussion today, I will not know if you answer me. Try using "contact button instead"

Hi Marvin:

I'm not really foregoing splitting the tree on purpose. I just simply don't know how. If I had the supernatural power to split trees, there would be sections that would have long since been splinters.

Eh, it's probably safer that I just scream for help. (Go git'em Janet Palo-Jackson...)

sex change for Daniel Baker... who can do this? Can someone help with this?
Please see...

Operation complete. There is a pending merge with a profile that has him as female. The main profile had him as male, but showed everything as pink and "daughter". I switched to unknown and back to male. Seems to have corrected it.

Also... Can any one verify or let me know of a surce for this? I do not want to merge if there is an inconsistancy here... Again it is in the Baker line.

Also... Can any one verify or let me know of a source for this? I do not want to merge if there is an inconsistancy here... Again it is in the Baker line.

William Baker is already a male.

Your Patience Chase has more information than Patience Ryder. Maybe Patience Ryder is a mistake. I'd probably contact the profile manager directly.

I did contact the manager of Ryder... and got no reply. Also, here is another lady Baker... who should be a male....

John Baker appears to be male already.

Anyone... Please... ehen you have time, and you can... Please help with this snargle... Thanks, in advance....

Sally, I got rid of the zombie there if that's what you were referring to.

Re: Cannot do a thing about this one at all... no permission.... Daniel Baker listed as female... so I just do not to do a merge on it, even though I have in in my merge list....

He's listed as male.

Thank you for getting rid of the pink box for Daniel... However, since I do not have permission to merge the correct Daniel with the correct Daniel... The point is moot... But thanks anyway....

@Sally Thomas, you're welcome.

@Sally Thomas, it looks as if Patience Ryder and Patience Chase are two different people (according to what is listed on the other profile). Since that has been determined, I can fix the tree for you.


Kim... Thank you very much.... I wonder where the ryder came from....

Some one who is interested should probably take a look at the Luther and Butterworth lines... very discouraging just to look, me thinks... I am not going to touch them with a 10 ft pole!

No 10 ft pole? Is there a 7 ft swede out there that might work? (sorry, obscure joke... couldn't resist...)

Hi I was wondering if these can be merged. I took over a lot of Chris Rivait tree and he has a few zombies
Unknown Profile

Tanche Colson
thank, I will merge them after they are fixed

All merges done
Please resolve data:

Gilbert Crespin d'Eu, Comte de Brionne
Gilbert de Brionne comte d'Eu

Is Gilbert married to Constance d'Eu or Gunnora d'Aunou? I am finding conflicting documents

This one says Gunnora. Am I getting my Gilberts mixed up? I have a Constance that is married to Albert de Clare and also Gilbert.

This is a tough one.

Rick, Best of luck tracking down info on Gilbert. I already changed mother to Constance, just to clean it up a bit, but we can always change it if you find it is supposed to be Gunnora.

@Rick and Meg and Anne Marit--while is indeed a helpful source, it cannot be relied upon partly because it is anonymously written--I would be much happier if the author would declare him or herself so that appropriate credibility could be granted.

As for the Gilbert de Brionne question, some research in the archives of the GEN-MEDIEVAL (soc.gen.medieval) discussion group leads to the same conclusion as the FMG--that Gilbert de Brionne's wife is not known. The "marriage" to Gunnora was apparently a conflation with a separate Gilbert Crespin (no relation) who married Gunnora d'Aunou: follow the discussion here and read the final explanation:

Showing 211-240 of 8939 posts

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