ATTENTION Curators, please assist

Started by Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on Sunday, September 5, 2010
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If possible could anyone with the necessary permission delete the fiancé of my ancestor Johana Olsdatter (Maren Johanne Johannesdatter Lindberg Flintian) . He is not the same person as her husband Lars Olsen.

Private User
He has been disconnected from her now.


I need your help to undo an incorrect merge performed on 9/12/2014, without my knowledge or consent. I have contacted the person who performed the merge, but have received no reply nor corrective action.

I have also tried to resolve the conflict by selecting the correct parents. I keep getting a message that it will split the tree, and won't let me complete the action. The merge needs to be undone and the trees split because they don't belong together.


Private User

Alex Moes - Messages to the Manager go to All the Managers -- and ANY manager can add another Manager as co-manager - so - suggest - send actual geni-message to all the Managers - from the profile, via contact Manager. Perhaps one of them then would be willing to go to Manager Options and request you be added as a Manager. Then you could just accept that request (if you have a request to be added as Manager and they request you be added as Manager - Geni treats them as two separate requests, each awaiting acceptance. Think in that case, only one has to be accepted for you to be manager)

That's a good suggestion Lois, I get requests like that.

To repeat:

- If there is no response for a multi managed profile to a request from the actions menu to "add as manager," use the "send to manager" function. Request to be "added as manager".


1. My expectation is that you "won't" have problems that need attention from this discussion, which is focused on quick questions / answers

2. It was thoughtful of you to call attention to the spam attack but it wasn't necessary to post on this discussion. We see it too when we check discussions.

For anyone - do not respond to spam discussions. Use "report spam" from the message; it "hides" it from view & the normal course of page refreshing eliminates it altogether.

Thanks Lois, that's a good suggestion.

Thanks Lois & Erica for the suggestion to go to the Manager message for a request to co-manage a profile. I have frequently gone back in to the request for management, canceled my initial request & then gone back in & requested it again. This hasn't always been successful, so now I know of an alt. method that hopefully will be more successful!


Un merge has been requested of Geni staff. It's the weekend so will take a couple of days. If a manual tree split (disconnect incorrect parent pairs) is preferred sooner send me a private message identifying the correct family configuration & I can do it for you. Otherwise I'll advise back when un merge is complete.

I was ordered to merge the profiles of Samuel Kaufmann from whom me and Richard Dick Steilberger were the managers of.

I tried to merge but it didn't work and funny as it is: I am not the manager any more and this is not the first time I discovered that.

Samuel Kaufmann


I was ordered to merge the profiles of Samuel Kaufmann from whom me and Richard Dick Steilberger were the managers of.

I tried to merge but it didn't work and funny as it is: I am not the manager any more and this is not the first time I discovered that.

Samuel Kaufmann


Hi. Can the parents of this woman: Ragnhild Nikolasdotter be disconnected from her profile please?

Despite several conflicting hypotheses, which has been summarised in the description, no contemporary sources has provided conclusive evidence of Ragnild's parentage.

The parents of Dorthe Adelsten should also be removed. If Dorthe Adelsten did indeed exist, which genealogists (including Tore Vigerust) seriously doubt, her ancestry can clearly not be trusted.

Furthermore Erik Eriksen Sjællandsfar should also have his parents removed:
A convincing historical argument to why King Valdemar IV cannot be his father is presented in the description to the person.

Ingrid Meissner

Here is yours
Samuel Kaufmann

Did you ever remove yourself as Manager?

No, Angus, I never removed myself from any profile in my family.
I always was sharing the managership with Dick Steilberger.


I saw such a case very often and I have already discussed it with Pam Karp.
She might sure remember this.

Private User, on historic profiles such as Ragnhild and Erik Valdemarsen it is better to start a public discussion from the profiles so that everyone who is following the profile has a chance to discuss the changes.

@Peter, you should also know that any Pro user can do these cuts - there are many more Pro users than there are curators, so if you get some knowledgeable Pro users to help you do the fixes, I'm sure you will make much faster progress.

Ingrid Meissner

Angus was asking if

Samuel Kaufmann

was the profile you were referring to, but I had the impression you were actually referring to another Samuel K which is now private (and not managed by you)?

@Angus Wood-Salomon (damn, why doesn't this thing work!) would 'revisions' of a profile show that a manager was removed?

and if a manager was removed, wouldn't that be vandalism?
but how to prove?

Justin Durand : In the case of Dorthe Adelsten a public discussion on the profile questioning her link to the family was started in 2012. It currently has no responses, so it does not seem that anyone can provide new evidence (if it exists) to this family.

In the case of Erik Eriksen Sjællandsfar , I put a summary of the historical research status of this individual in the descriptiion of this man in january 2013, quoted from S. Otto Brenner: Nachkommen Gorms des Alten. No new information has come to the surface since then, and S. Otto Brenner clearly identifies the source to the mistake, and debunks it.

Since this is mostly public information, geni, by allowing fundamentally wrong relationships and dubious conjecture to remain untaltered, misleads amateur genealogists and contributes to keep alive long since debunked genealogical myths and deliberate construction. I'd love to help out more, though, but I guess that means I would have to nominate myself as curator. I am not going to pay to make geni more historically relibale.

Peter, we all want to get the problems corrected. The trick is to make sure the right people are seeing the problem and the right people are fixing it.

If you post here, you are reaching a handful of curators who work to solve problems that only curators can solve.

You want to do something different. What you want to do to talk to the people who have an interest in the profiles and who will want to know the information is being changed, and why it is being changed.

Most users do not read this thread, so the people you want to talk to might never see your message if it is here. Because of your tags, the managers and followers will get a notification, but the subject (Curators please assist) will not show them why they would be interested.

Much better if you do your requests in a way that gets the attention of the people you want to reach.

Justin: As mentioned requests have been made in the case of the profiles we are discussing, namely Erik Eriksen Sjællandsfar and Dorthe Adelsten

These requests were posted in profile-specific areas in September 2012, and January 2013. Even so, no profile changes has been made, and since I haven't got the sufficient permissions to make the changes (because the tree will be split), the errors remains. This is why I post the request here.

On the contrary, Private User ... the profile for Erik does NOT currently have a Discussion topic specific to its issues ... it only has the generic one. There is a nice bit of info in the About, but, as noted previously in this (generic) discussion, you really need a separate discussion specifically about that profile. THAT will get the attention of the co-managers (if they are still active on Geni). Just editing the About info will not (generally) cause anything to "alert" the co-managers of a profile -- but a new, profile-specific Discussion will cause such an "alert".

... go to the profile, click on its Discussions tab, and you will see that only this generic Discussion is referenced. Start a New Discussion at that point (from that profile's Discussions tab) and the profile will automatically be 'tagged' and the profile's co-managers (the 1st 20 active co-managers, anyway) will be notified of the new discussion.

Private User

I noticed that Ingrid was added back as Manager to
Samuel Kaufmann

It is still private so you may not be able to see it.

Dan Cornett Discussion has been created. Although I believe the historical argument is good enough to disconnect this unproven relationship.

In the case of Dorthe Adelsten then, where a discussion was created in 2012, could anyone with the necessary permissions please disconnect her parents?

@Private Thank you for your prompt assistance.

Is Geni making some formatting changes in the profiles??? I've notices that the box for the About section seems to have a smaller font size and the Name section in the Edit personal info is also smaller font sized. Those of us of a certain age have a hard enough time reading this font (at least telling i's from l's) without having to get out a magnifying glass to read the editing sections. Is anyone else having a problem with the smaller print??? I don't need the extra large fonts, but this size (12???) is about right!!! It looks like the font size is now 10 or 11. Granted, not much smaller, but it is more difficult to read in the editing sections!!!!!!!!

Also had several profiles that were VERY wide & wouldn't resize!!!
Don't particularly like these changes!!!!!!!!!!!

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