Mareen Duvall, his wives, and his children need a massive clean-up

Started by Private User on Sunday, July 18, 2010
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Robert, I really don't know what we are going to do about the parents of Mareen Duvall " the immigrant". I have found birth records, in French for a Marin du Val (this was his original name) in the right place and right time (1625-1630), but his mother is listed as Marie du Val. The more I dig the more questions I have. Any thoughts???

That is very interesting, Terri. Is there any way for you to scan/upload to the birth record?

Hi Robert, I am still trying to verify the information. But I will send you what I have found. You know I too have doubts about our GGGG--grandfathers parentage. Just by going with 17th -18th family naming patterns the parents that are listed...both sets just don't fit! I know how upset family members will be to hear this...but the names tell it all.

Kewl!!! Where was it?? I very much look forward to seeing this!


Hi all, I have been sick for the last few bed. : (
Today, I will get to the file I have from last week. I have found more du val's over the last few weeks in France living in 1600-1640 and have no idea how they fit into the family line.
I will post what I have found today and we can then go over it..still no dad for our GGGGGGGG- Granddad. LOL, but I will keep digging. We still need the tree in the states cleaned up. The merge problems are a real mess, I hate to even look at it any more. : (

On a related family profile, I have found in "notes from records of York Co, VA book 1, VA will records", an entry for Robert Bouth. Could this be Mary Bouth's father? I know some have listed him as Robert South...

page 454, 5th par. " 25th day of April, 1639, Rob. Bouth is clerk. Att a cort holden att james Citty the 5th day of March, 1640 (1641). present: Sir Francis Wyatt, Knt Governor, Capt John West Mr George Minifey, Capt Wm Peice, Capt Wm Brocas, Mr Rosger Wintgate, Mr Ambrose Harmer. "

Could Robert Bouth be Mary's father, and if so, was he a clerk of the court in James City (James Town) in 1639?

Just some of the stuff I am finding. And if Robert was Mary's father...why is it that none of the male children she bore, bear his name? ...Back to naming pattens? Any thoughts.

Very interesting, Terri. I am very pleased with the work that you are doing. You have my thanks.

As for Robert Bouth, I think the more information, the better. :-)

Well Robert, glad that you are happy..but remember..I am doing this for me too! These are my great grandparents also, so I want to get it right!. LOL
I have more on him, land he owned ...other tidbits, I will get it posted over the next few days. Do what ever you want with it.. A lot of this research overlaps other work I am doing on a few other projects. And I will get you that du val info over the weekend. later... : )

I cleaned up Mareen's "About Me" section a bit. I didn't change any of the content, I just cleaned up the wording and formatting a little bit. Also, I moved a good chunk of it to the sources tab.

Hi all,

I have more stuff to post on what I have found...but I have been really sick with the flu...sorry. As soon as I drag myself out of bed for more then a few moments to send emails, I will post what I have found.
Have a good weekend,

I hope you're feeling better, Terri. I hope to hear from you after the holiday noise dies down. :-)

Mareen needs some love again. His children are all mangled again thanks to bad merges.

Hi cousins,

Sorry that I have not had time to post the research for our family here. I have been a bit sick. : ( and still having to work as I still have a small company to run. I will try to get to posting next month when my work settles down a bit.
I did get for xmas two books and a disc. The disc is Mareen Duvall of Middle Plantation; A Genealogical History by Harry Wright Newman 1952.
And two old books: Register - Maryland's Heraldic Families -1634-1935. (1935)
& Evolution of Patriotic Ancestry, Series II of the Register Maryland's Heraldic Families. (1938)
These books may have leads on some of the "problems" that we have with the line. Let me know if you need look ups and I will try to fit it in before next month.
Once again, I am sorry that I have not been able to help with our family blood line. This is a very important project to me and like you I want to make sure we get it right.


Grant..and all,

I have not been on her as you know for a while. I have been trying to collect as much info to help clean up our tree. I have found wills, and probate, as well as land dealings..and even a few 1st marriages that are not posted..with children. Where would you like me to post them? Let me know, I have the source information to go with this information as well.
Please get back to be as I just don't want to start putting it into the tree.

Good to hear an update from you! I am excited to see what you have found. I would suggest posting the documents to the Mareen Duvall project:
There's an add a document option on the right side. If you have a lot of notes and don't want to put them all in a discussion thread like this, then I would suggest just making a document of your research notes as well. Then we can all go read them there and discuss here. The project is the best way to keep us all on the same page about changes to the tree.

I am a descendant of Dr.William,Josephine Nina, Howard Quackenbush(changed name to Bud Duvall),& my dad Robert Quackenbush-name changed to Robert Wagner.Are any of you aware of an Indian blood in the family?We heard about it and I have traced each Duvall man and woman in the line way back and don't see anyone that knows except a Michael Duvall who has changed his email and we can't get ahold of him.

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