@ Jesus not married.

Started by Private User on Wednesday, July 14, 2010
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Here's some "non-human" person's in peoples' genealogies...
Nyx: http://www.geni.com/people/Nyx-%CE%9D%CF%8D%CE%BE-Nicte-%C3%96%C3%B...
She was a shadowy figure.

Tartarus: Tartarus
She is a "Deity" and also a scary dark place deeper than hell.

Danu: Dôn verch Mathonwy, {Fictitious, Mabinogion}
Supposedly the cousin of the Virgin Mary, but also looked at as a Goddess and mother of the Faeries.

Boltorn Jotun the Frost Giant: Bolthorn the frost giant

I can't find the faeries, but they are in the tree somewhere among the giants, before or after...on the same line!

Thanks Mimi !


If you find the faeries post a URL if you would. Mimi's been talking about them but I've never seen one. I have a lot of fun being related to the frost giants though.

Are you guys going to make a Faerie / Non-Human project? If so, count me in. I've seen many non-human profiles...I'd just have to hunt them down.

That's a splendid idea. Ann, did you want to try opening a Project as a Project Manager? I can help you with it if you like but if you start it, you're the project manager. Add Mimi and me as Project collaborators to help you once it's open.


Just remember when you get to Elves, they Do exist


Actually some of us believe or would like to believe that Jr=Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. They would not have traveled together unless married or related some way. It would have been improper.There is a passage in the Bible that speaks of Jesus missing Mary on the lips. but then I believe Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mary was virgin at time of conception but no where in the Bible does it say she stayed that way after his birth. It was only important that she was innocent at the time of conception. That was the miricle! My opinion. I'm a Congergationalist. Judy

Another point Mary magdalene was not a Harlot. The Catholic church decided to make her one for whatever reason they had. Just re=watched a whole program on the history channel about her and about the books that were banned from the Bible by the Catholic church, O'course to be fair when martin Luther started the protestant movement he eliminated books he didn't want and added the ending to the Lord's Prayer. So we never have gotten the full story have we! Judy

"My son, Rodrigo Castel, shared these genealogical informations. He doesn't use Geni anymore. He uses MyHeritage now. So, any wrong information here, perhaps it will be correct in his pedigree chart in MyHeritage. Regards, Victor Castel."

Actually when he was on the Mount and taught his disciples to pray the Lord's prayer. he also while alone and prayer to God asked his father if there was a way not to have to die. He died because his father , God, told him too. It was to God. When he was dying on the cross he said Father forgive them for they know not what they have done.They also mention in the Bible that god gave his only begotten son to save us. As far as marriage goes . never said one way or the other. But Peter was exstream upset because Christ kissed her on the lips.In those times , that would have been a no no. In fact a woman traveling with them would have been a no no. So there's a good chance Jesus and Mary were married.

I know I just partially repeated my previous statement but so what!

The Gospel of Philip (3rd century?) says that Jesus was Mary's "koinonos" (companion), which some scholars think implies an intimate relationship.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Philip

More recently, a 4th century fragment called The Gospel of Jesus' Wife has been making headlines. It says explicitly, "Jesus said to them, 'My wife ...'"

See: http://www.hds.harvard.edu/faculty-research/research-projects/the-g...

Neither source is perfect proof of history. Both sources are very late, and both sources are linked to the Gnostic tradition, a tradition that had substantial differences from what later became normative Christianity.

Still, because of these sources, we can't simply dismiss the idea that Jesus was married. The best we can say is that there was a tradition he was married, but no contemporary evidence one way or the other.

Mimi , she's a shaddowy figure because the catholic Church made her that ay and then Matin Luther eleminated books from the Bible that he deemed unnecessary . The Catholic Church made her a woman of the night, which she wasn't. No one wants to admit that Christ was in fact a huiman being, flesh and blood human being. After all his mother ,Mary was a human being.While his father in heaven was God. He could very well have been married. Haven't all of you noticed that in the old Testement there are very few books devoted to women. Rith and Esther being two and their are none in the new testement,in the St James version.I understand their are in the catholic version.But not many.

Not in the St James Version.Ruth and Esther the only books about women.

allow me to bring a input i think will set things in perspective . Acc. to scriptures there was a wedding in Canaan .. isn't it obvious that it was the weddding of Christ and Mary ! forget the dogmas .. and think out of the box here

Private User please check out this discussion and post your concerns and/or argument here.

Yes there were. I remember Christ turning the water into wine at one.
I should say I remember reading about it in the Bible. I wasn't there( Old but not that old (joke))

Yes there were. I remember Christ turning the water into wine at one.
I should say I remember reading about it in the Bible. I wasn't there( Old but not that old (joke))

Ok In the St James Bible no where does it say Jesus was married. There are books that were written in the a later time that can not be proven because the people to prove or disprove true or false were dead. For those of us that have excepted Jesus as our Lord and savior we are his bride. Jesus for gave Mary Magdalene of her sins and told her to sin no more. She became a follower of Jesus just like us that have excepted him. I know this will up set some people but Catholic's pray to idles like the virgin Mary, St Peter and so on. God said put no graven images before me. We only pray to God and thank Jesus for what he did for us on Calvary. We can debate this before we are all no longer here but one thing for sure we will know the truths after we are dead. And that's all I have to say about that.

I have inserted this into Jesus' timeline regarding the marriage.

I'm not saying it's real or fake. I'm just presenting evidence stating he could have been married. I have an open-mind about the possibility of him having a romantic relationship, although it is not stated in the King James' VERSION of the bible, as he was an adult male with hormones, and I'm guessing he felt feelings like everybody else, even if he was a little bit more 'special' than the rest of us.

There were some later tests that turned the majority opinion back to fake. It's likely to be an ongoing controversy.

Jesus didn't get married as it was not the reason for him to come to earth. The reason was mainly to come and die for the sinful race of mankind on the cross. Jesus was a full time teacher Lord and Savior. Jesus didn't have time for marriage, He was to busy teaching us sinners. I guess that wasn't all I about this LOL

Dale, If your statement is correct that nowhere in the KJV does it state that Jesus married could you please point out where in the KJV it states that Jesus _did_not_ marry.

An absence of evidence is not evidence.

Thanks in advance.

PS: No I am not a Catholic :)

I agree with you Alex. It never stated at least in the Saint James version that he was or was not married. Ps I am not Catholic either.

PS it wasn't Mary magdaene that he forgave. It was another woman.

This is a very difficult discussion to have online. We all need to remember that Geni has to accommodate both believers and non-believers. There are New Testament scholars who believe Jesus never married, and others who believe he probably did. No matter what opinion we have individually, we're in good company ;)

Not married ! He would of have seen to a wife when he died nothing mention, like he saw to His mother the bible also states that He was with out sin and it would be a sin to be married and engaged to another woman and the church is to be his bride so i say that helps prove it!


I’m not clear what you are saying.
Perhaps he did not see his wife because she stayed away from Calvary, perhaps the thought of watching her husband being crucified was a little too confronting… or perhaps she just couldn’t find a baby sitter?
Regarding being married = a sin, I think Shmuel has already explained in an earlier post that this is not the case in the Jewish faith. As Christianity by definition did not exist before the Resurrection then marriage=sin as defined by Christianity (or at least some Christian doctrines) is not applicable to Jesus in his lifetime, so not even circumstantial evidence nor a point of logic for debating purposes.

Anyway, I do not _believe_ that he was married to the Church (see what I did there!).
How could he be married to something that didn’t come into being until after he had died.
Chronology aside how could he marry an institution, it would be like me claiming that I am married to the Fox Network??

Sorry if my post seems rude or impertinent but the entire argument against Jesus being married is based on faith and dogma which has been shaped by 2,000 years of politics and propaganda.
As I said before a lack of evidence is not evidence, so the fact that the KJV does not mention Jesus’ wife does not prove that she did not exist, how often it doesn’t mention her is a nonsensical concept which I can’t even be sure is a grammatically sound sentence X(

I think my brain just popped!

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