Who likes to help in Carolingians

Started by Henn Sarv on Sunday, May 30, 2010
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Showing 31-60 of 69 posts

I did a bunch of St. Leutwinus

so did I with both of them

Wife down to 13 many zombies and uncooperative managers, have sent the profile to zombies please
Thanks to both Gene and Ofir for there good help

Wife down to 13 many zombies and uncooperative managers, have sent the profile to zombies please
Thanks to both Gene and Ofir for there good help

Henn et al, I see that I'm able to complete some of the merges on St. Beggue / Begga -- do you want those completed at this time, or should I wait?

Michael - when You can COMPLETE merges and they are correct ones - You always can complete them

Only to prevent is restacking merges what isn't collaborative and You couldn't complete them

How to recognize - the best way is - if You see only ONE manager and this manager is NOT Your collaborator and merge request dont offer ANY other merger to send request - then is probably non-collaborative and good to leave alone somewhile



There is better to wait somewhile

looks like there is 2 different persons merged together


Now down to 7 - 4 all requested - zombies killed
Unfortunatly a few uncooperative

I have problem - who can HELP


This stack is unaccessible for me (tech Difficulties)

Who can DECREASE the stack? But big big wish - confirm only MATCHING person. Best I can wish is unstack all the close to 200 profiles and remerge them but this is too big work. I have thats kind of tool but this is usable only for profiles I can access.


Please confirm TRUE matches and unstack NONTRUE matches and possible send me list of unstacked (when the parent isn't Charlemagne*)

Thanks in advance!

after resolving this profile - seem like FAMILY of Charlemagne* will be more-or-less managed :)

PS! the work still running - so don't stack ANY noncollborating profiles into family


I'll look at it seems like I have a lot of collaborators in that area!!

@ Henn; why is it that her parents appear in some of the profiles as Louis the Pious & Ermengarde?

I think we need to merge everything in, unless its clomplete nonsense, then the wrong children and parents must be taken care of later

I have no idea - becouse I can't see this stack

In Gisela was 2 different Giselas merged together so about 40 wos one and other same amount other.

Becouse i can't open this stack I need some help.


I meant the stack of Adelaide Adelaide of the de Tours (Franks)

should I undo the profiles with her wrong parents or just merge them anyway?

better is to unstack them and record adrresses of unstacked profiles
or simply keep unmerged in stack and confirm sure matches

Might be I can get access when stack will be smaller and start with my own tool to unstack wrongs


One more when I need help - Lothair

there is again 2 different Lothairs merged together and I have no access to the stack - Geni Will Be reight Back

Emperor Lothair I

Lothair - son of Charlemagne
Lothair - son of Louis I

they need to be separated

when it possible - who can access the stack - could You please confirm merges of match to the 1st in stack and unstack others

THanks in advance

Adelaide down to 5 all requested
unfortunatly 3 unresponsine:

Rulene Ellen Walk
Arthur Harold Thorstensen, Jr.
Martin John Budden

There where a Mickael Hungate profile too, where did we leave that

Henn Sarv
"I have no access to the stack" why not ???????

Reigt now there is no pending merges on: Adélaide of the Franks


Help needed again.
This stack is unaccessible for me. Can someone help there

NB! in that area is during 2 last week HUGE amount of wrong merges and wrongly stacked profiles. So please better unstack or merge (confirm) only sure profiles

I have NO IDEA how many profiles in that stack. and what is quality of this stack

Thanks in advance


Henn are you getting an error when you try to access that page? Or is it just that you lack the permissions you need to complete the merges?

There are 62 profiles in that stack, five of them are private, probably causing the problem, but I have access to merge a lot of the others.

Should I just start merging since it is easier to fix errors when duplicates are gone?

I get a "Geni Will Be Right Back!" when trying to access the merge carousel on some of the private profiles.

Henn :
seems like some one is working on that stack.
earlyer today it was 81 profiles there.
now it is down to 59.

now this stack seems manageable

thanks a lot


Actually now in Merovings or more earlier.


there is again one stack I have no access. Geni will be right back is all I get.

Looks like again huge stack and I don't know the quality of this stack

Who can access? I hereby ask to decrease the size by
completing SURE merges (only sure and correct)
unstack any WRONG (possible wrong) merges from
unstack ANY NONCOLABORATIVE orifukes frm stack

The 50-60 size is eatable (geni will pass me in when that size)

Thanks in advance

For moment I got access

tere is 100 profiles in stack
Clovis. Clodion, Clodomir, Merovee etc

Simply unstack them


Do NOT unstack correct profiles just because they belongs to non-collaborative people.

They are just annoying and not errors. Unstacking them will create errors and you will probably not be able to restack them if they were stacked before the latest privacy change and you will end up with a permanent error with parent conflicts and so on.

Help needed again:


here is 3 profiles on stack. Any attempt to confirm, request or unstack gives me "Technical Difficulties" error message.

Any recommendation? OR simply wait?


I did not have any problems completing that merge.

Showing 31-60 of 69 posts

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