Who likes to help in Carolingians

Started by Henn Sarv on Sunday, May 30, 2010
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There is huge amount of work to do and this need some coordinated actions

1. Currently any stacking of Pipins have to be delayed - there is 3 generations of Pepins stacked togerther and I looks like succeed unstack them.

2. Some Pepins are still wrongly in stack but stack of Alpaidas disturb to solve.

Who can help to clean and merge this stack:

let other stacks still waiting. Let non-collaborative profiles stille there. When I can - I'll clean of them.

So coordinated help is welcome.


Alpaide down from 112 to 39 (with help(from?))

Thanks a lot - now Pepin II works again

i did it, theres none left i can do

ths Jason
Now down to 24 there have been many collaborators over the last hours - thats the way!! will you Henn request the rest your self - or shall I do it for you??

Something strange here - I tried to merge the one remaining profile in the above stack for which I had permission - idx21 at the time - but it would not let me complete the merge. It is the profile managed by Jan-Cedric HANSEN with whom I collaborate.

I had the same problem - think Cedric have put his profiles as private - I have written to him!!

This stack is now quite maximally completed. I try to go through and make some inventure. Let it be so long

I have list on Pepin II to checked and stacked.
I have Begga but with parental loop.

I give a note when additional help is required


PLEASE! don't stack PEPIN II - 5535353244920040751
I try 3rd time to unstack this becouse there is parental loop somewhere.

Henn :)

i have started to remove all the incorrect parents from alpaida, however have to go to work now, will finish when i get home

@ ROSS RICHARD. Gentlemen ,Thankyou for inviting me to make comment on the problem of "Carolingians"......Unfortunely I have no idea what the subjest is all about,so I am in no position to express a veiw.Best wishes,ROSS RICHARD.

The area certainly needs attention, and I expect to look in from time to time, but my Carolingian priority is Project Charlemagne on Familypedia. The page I created that is devoted to Charlemagne's children may be of some use to the Geni cleanup if it contains some "sources" that you folks haven't found.

Saint Beggue of Austrasia

Who can decrease the stack?
any attempt from my side gives "Geni will back" error (timeout)


im on it

I can also help

Have merged what I can, and requested the rest

Stack reduced from 33 to 25, and will probably go down by 5 more within the day.

Wow, that's great - was 111 when I started, saw others were working on it too, by the numbers.


next one stack, where "Geni Will Back Right Soon" - so who can compress this stack.

PS! Thanks all - the Carolingian mess going much better and better. Parental loops are gone and wrong peppins are unlinked and number of duplicates is constantly decreasing


Hen sorry but can't do any of them. Can of cause request them but!!

What should we do about all the parents on St. Arnulf? I understand his parentage is of questionable authenticity, but there's no doubt that we have duplicates of the same questionable parents -- are Arnoald, Arnold, Arnoldus, Arnout, Arnoul, etc. all the same person?

This is some next step - 1st I think we have solve
Martin de Laon - Martin de Laon
his son Caribert
and Caribert mother/wife Bertha

The Bertha need to unstack and after while restack correctly


Pepin stack "Technical difficulties"


this 3 merges gives me today "Technical Difficulties"
might be someone can confirm those and decrease the stack


Sorry i get the same only the top profile i succeeded to request merged by Bjørn.

Henn, I received the same error. These links can be sent to Geni Help, and Geni can resolve them.

I've send those in help@geni :)
lets wait "tomorrow"


2 more stack need decresing. I get "will be right back" on both
AND - please temporary DON't RESTACK


Try to resolve anything You can - both are about 100 stacks and gives continous toim out (during 100 attempts only 2 success)


I had a go at http://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000003780623936 and sent off two or three requests.

Seems the saintly Bishop was my 27-great-grandfather. God rest his soul.

Henn ; I've started doing what I can

St. Leutwinus de Tréves is down from 162 to 12 with help from??
I'll look om Mrs there is only 63!!

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