Discussions about the Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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I appreciate so much your response. I believe the real culprit has to do more with the mechanism of the GENI database. Having talked to several people, and most recently Ofir Friedman, I believe that some processes we're asked to do, such as merges, may likely cause deletions within themselves. We are doing as our collaborators ask us to do, and before you know it, the profiles are displaced or deleted.

Yes, I would like that very much if you would. It would at least save me the time and struggle of piecing everything back together again. And since you are far more knowledgeable about Jewish genealogy than I, I welcome your advice. I'm lost starting at Bertrade, Charlemagne's mother. And I used to have Itzchak David, and Kahan David. But alas, they were deleted. I go back to my Ancestry.com tree and I get depressed looking at all I have to manually replace. But if you can guide me back to the connection, I would appreciate it. BTW, I observe Shabbat. That's a reason why it is so dear to me.



I just checked and Zerubbabel is my 40th ggrandfather. So evidently, I'm connected. This is great. I guess now I have to clean up the rest of my tree. So glad to know this!!!! Wooooooo Hoooooooo!!!

Anticipate you to be my guide in this territory. Thank you so very much!!!!

Zerubbabel should be something like your 100TH ggrandfather. so we probably have a problem here. I'll send you a message to see what can be done.

Shmuel; Ann; I guess you are referring to

I have him as my 80th GG

So there is a problem with the relationships

He appears as my 43rd greatgranfather. graduated from 61st a couple months ago. Milt

@Milton: I feel a little better, --- I mean longevity does run in my family. LOLOL!!!! (sigh) Okay, then Ofir and Shmuel, I will have to roll up my sleeves and work this out.

Give me a day or so, though. And I will be right on it. Thanks again. Well I guess the tree is "cleaned up alright!!!!" ROFL!!!!

He appears as my 43rd great grandfather as well.

I likely would have had at least 43. The origin of this discussion began when I discovered some deletions of my connection with the Exilarchs.


Would you want us to send you our relationship charts to you to see if there are any similarities?

I've been getting a lot of requests to update one of the people in my list "Kathleen Aversol." When I look at the suggested changes, they are the same as what I have in my tree. I've done extensive research on my tree and don't want to go changing things until I know exactly what I am changing. Maybe we should also send a message with the request explaining the changes being requested.

@Craig Manske, I've sent you personal email about that. :)

I now show Hezekiah my 103rd great grandfather, Esther my 61st greatgrandmother (from 2 months ago and Zarubabel my 45th great grandfather.

that is VERY interesting! The number for Hezekiah is very reasonable, BUT he was hardly 60 generations before Zarubabel (more like 10). You probably have two different lines needing merges. Can you please send me a message with links to these profiles.

@ Shmuel & Milton,

There seem to be many profiles for Hezekiah, Zerubabel and Esther, so I am wondering if the profiles links below are the ones you are discussing?

Hezekiah ., 12th King of Judah
Hezekiah 82nd great grandfather

Queen Esther of Persia
Queen Esther 86th great grandmother

Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
Zerubbabel 74th great grandfather

yes that Zerubbabel shows as my 45th greatgrandfather and that Queen Esther shows up as 60th greatgrandmother but that Hezekiah shows up as my 53rd great grandfather. I didn't print out the one that said he was my 103rd greatgrandfather, so I don't know which one it was.

I found it, this is the Hezekiah that shows as my 103rd great grandfather
Unknown Profile

well I'll try and get those properly merged some time this [busy] week.

OK would you like me to email the connections to me.

Henn Sarv@Henn I for one, prefer the collaborators listed in the ENTRY order. That way, I can always look towards the bottom of the list to see if there is anyone I have overlooked.

But, once in a while it is nice to have them listed alphabetically. Must be a lot of work for you though ;-)

Actually I collect manually all entries into Excel table
I have there some formulas (with custom functions) getting out the URL, name, profileID etc from link I copied-pasted

I can order my list by everything:
a) by entry date to pool (manually I keep this order)
b) alphabetically (excel sort feature)
c) alphabetically by last name (using my custom funtion - I can get LAST name from display name)
d) by eage in geni (by profile ID)
e) by coverage (number of profiles managed and/or inserted)
f) by collaborativity (number of collaborators)
... etc

I agree that for checking is good to have alpha order
I prefere entry order (same as Barbara wrote) becouse this helps to check any new entries from bottom of list

ordering by LAST name gives nothing els but moves Shmuel into end of list :)

for people need to check persistence someone in list - I recomment nice feature in ALL brawsers I know - Ctrl-F

Who is really interested to share my houskeeping tools, I can send original Excel table :) or put the excel table somewhere "half-public" available place.

so long I will provide regulary the full list in entry order and time-2-time in Alphabetical order.

PS! the goal of thi slist is multiple:

1. for new members - quick way to send collaboration requests (they never used this feature) :)
2. for members - to check persistence itself, someone they know
3. for people exited from ist - to check correct removal
4. many others

With bests

Henn Sarv
All I can say it thank you. The collaboration tool has been useful, the pool made it a better tool, and the list of collaborators in the pool makes the pool more effective.

What happened to the auto-accept setting? Today I can only see the names of my collaborators but no way to switch auto-accept on or off!

when you go to the veiw all option on your profile page... it should show up an the right side of the page. i had a time finding it too

I know that's where it USED to be, but when I look at it now, there is NOTHING on the right side of the page. Names on the left, nothing on the right.

Am I the only one who is having this problem?

You have to click on the overview tab then scroll down to the view alll link so you have a list instead of pictures


Actually this link contains both in list

What address You see when You open Your collaboration list?


about attendee list in collaboration Pool

1. I agree - shmuel idea to put the actual list into somwhere is suitable

there is some problems

a) newbies don't know existance of that - so I have to regulary post a message telling that full list is somewhere. So this don't prevent regular postings.

b) I prefer skydrive and Excel web App - support for suitable functionality is better. (personal oppinion - dont kill me! please)

c) becouse my list contains UDF-s (splitting names, reading link from URL etc) - I need to manually create additional copy. No problem for me :)

I try to do this during few days or hours.

With bests

NB! this list will NEWER cotains last minute updates. This list will be always with some delay.

Becouse lack of API in Geni I have to gave out from backward. And example - coverage macro works sometime close to hour (for only list about 250 person bit quicker :))

so i will actualize this list not more frequent than onece per week


ctual List as Excel is available

http://tinyurl.com/GeniDocs (Google Docs)
http://tinyurl.com/GeniDocsLive (Offlice Live Apps)

the second one is more functional but works only in IE
FireFox and Chrome allows to download only

Any comments, questions and suggestions are welcome


NB! Posting geni profile URLs and get named links as result is functionality only in Geni. Other environment can't convert URL to NAME


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