Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Showing 1201-1230 of 1468 posts

Lois, fully agree with you and Geni fits my needs perfectly. If you only want to build a private tree and wish a 'don't disturb' from others eager to merge with you, however, I believe 'My Heritage' is the place to go for privacy.
That was my point :)


Private User
Gentlemen Please Geni Curators, make no merge in my branches to merge them with private profiles.
I do not accept private profiles, perhaps for them is that there are repetitions of profiles, I do self or family asks me what I do private and / or delete
Enrique Angenscheidt
Happy 2013

Private User
Hey Roy
We are connected but by marriage. Pls. se mail
There is some connections you should look into anyway.

Happy New Year everyone!

Sincerely Magnus


Will Chapman (Vol. Curator) more than happy to join


Private User
Cada día que entro en Geni noto algo diferente
Creo firmemente que los apellidos de las personas sebeb ser escritos en su idioma-
Por ejemplo el apellido López se escribe así y no Lopez
Ponce de León se escribe así
María es el nombre en español
por favor no sigan creando más caos, no hagan merges entre perfiles que son privados con perfiles que son públicos
Every day I enter in I notice something different Geni
I firmly believe that the names of people sebeb be written in their language-
For example the surname written like this López and Lopez
Ponce de León written like this
María is the Spanish name
please do not continue to create more chaos, not do merges between private profiles are profiles that are public

Private User
Instagram perdió la mitad de sus usuarios activos en menos de un mes. Entre el 17 de diciembre y el 14 de enero, el tráfico de la red social de fotografías bajó de los 16,35 millones de usuarios a los 7,41 millones. ¿La causa? El cambio en los términos de uso.

Según lo publicado por El País de Madrid con base en AppStats la mayor caída de usuarios se produjo el 18 de diciembre de 2012, día en que anunciaron los cambios.

Instagram, que fue adquirida por Facebook, envió en diciembre una carta a los suscriptores recordando que se actualizarían las reglas. "No cambia nada en cuanto a la propiedad de tus fotos, tampoco en cuanto a quién puede verlas", advirtieron.

Pero a muchos les quedó la duda porque en un primer momento se anunció que las fotos podrían ser utilizadas por la empresa con fines comerciales sin retribuir nada a sus autores. National Geographic fue uno de los primeros en mostrar su descontento.

Ante las críticas, los gestores de la red le quitaron importancia y aclararon que compartirán datos de registro con Facebook para evitar el spam y además expresaron que sobre el uso de las imágenes iban a tomarse un tiempo para desarrollar mejor la idea.

De todas maneras, con los conceptos claros o no, a partir del sábado no queda más opción que seguir aceptando los cambios o irse. La única excepción es la demanda colectiva. Por el momento solo se ha registrado una en San Francisco.
Instagram lost half of its active users in less than a month. Between 17 December and 14 January, the social network traffic down pictures of 16.35 million to 7.41 million users. The cause? The change in the terms of use.

As published by El Pais based AppStats users the biggest drop occurred on December 18, 2012, the day he announced the changes.

Private User

Dear Henry (Henry V) Raul

Manuel Maria Arocena Bayley deleted Michelle's profile Errecart Thevenet. If necessary, you can use the link below to add it again:
See a list of all deleted you manage profiles:
% =% 2Flist 2Fdeleted
- The team Geni
I wonder if I put a public profile as this person can delete it and put it private
I have no access now to that profile access now and hes allowed me to replace it, do not know the causes
is a ancestor omy family too

Private User
Clara Thevenet Errecart

Clara Thevenet Errecart is your great aunt's grandmother. Icn_refresh


Blanca (Mima) Baridon Armand-Ugon
your mother

Alina Armand-Ugon Rivoir
her mother

Claudio Victor Armand-Ugon Rivoir
her brother

María Inés Bayley Apotheloz
his wife

Clara Froilana Apotheloz Thevenet
her mother

Clara Thevenet Errecart
her mother
Nacimiento: estimated between 1813 and 1873
Pau, Aquitaine, France
Defunción: 1937
Montevideo, Uruguay
Gestionado por: Enrique (Henri V) Raúl Angenscheidt Baridon Enrique (Henri V) Raúl Angenscheidt Baridon, Cr. ( J.) y otros 2

Private User
Manuel María Arocena Bayley ha fusionado los perfiles duplicados de Germán Thevenet Errecart, Enriqueta Camila Apotheloz Thevenet, Clemente Apotheloz Morton y Clara Thevenet Errecart. hace 3 horas
Manuel Maria Arocena Bayley merged duplicate profiles Germán Errecart Thevenet, Enriqueta Camila Apotheloz Thevenet, Morton and Clara Clement Thevenet Apotheloz Errecart. 3 hours ago
that's the way, first you duplicate de profile, then go the merge , last delete public profile
really a gentleman procedure.
I hope you do not bother with these small issues homely

Private User
to see the problem you cab see de Document ( jpg Format) i upload today
I supose all of you has the same problem.
but in uruguayan profiles, not do't again please,
already made ​​enough mistakes to continue making
Do not do merges with branches nonpublic

Yes, Please
@sally Hofmockel

so um.. this is probably been asked before ( alot) so please don't shoot me :s

if i put my name here, other people will request me to be collaborators, that means that if they see we have a matching ancestor they can merge our two tree's, is that correct?


anything else i need to now as a "newby" ( is there some sort of "how to' guide)

sorry for asking this here :s

There's a cool video

"Geni in a minute"

Build the tree from yourself until you hit a duplicate (match). The more profiles you have as public, the easier it is for family to connect with you. There's a BeNeLux portal project I think - certainly curators from Belgium and lots of interesting historical areas to contribute to, so browse projects as well.

All Dutch speaking, reading a/o writing people are very welcome to join
where they can read a first introduction about how we can help each other to become familiar with the GENI-using approach and tools that make it easier to edit & merge your first family-tree profiles.

alright thank you so much!

I'm wondering about what kind of people there are in my family history :)

again thank you so much :D

Hello and thanx for the invite. I'll be willing to assist in any way possible, however,BEWARE, I just started working on my family tree and confused already... I'm doing okay on my Dad's sde but really stumped on my mom's side. I've only found my grandfather, Alvin Carl Bain Sr, on one site. And, how doI find infor anywhere outside the U.S., like Scotland? Again, thanks for the invite. Cindi Watts

Cynthia Anna Watts

There are different project-pages ment to meet others to collaborate with in a specific field of genealogy, f.i. a topografical area or a language in common. Here I will give you some examples, but as soon you are familiar with the way profiles, projects and users are linkable with each other and you have experienced some search-functions for either projects or profile-sur-names you will be able to find your own interests, I think. Besides those two inputs, profiles & projects, geni offers you also a wealth of information by the possibility to link documentation like interesting internet-url's or photographs a/o video's to your 'personal' part of the big tree. So, take some time to experience, learn and search for co-operarion and collaborating friendly users, and you will become 'addicted' like me!


And a complete network of 'Coffee Corners' can help you find others in different languages too to have a virtual break for digital collaborate:


And... FEEL FREE to ask to be invited there, for it is the purpose of these 'locations' to be open, hospitable and friendly for new users too ! Good luck and enjoy your genealogy journey! —Jeannette—

We have a well functioning Norwegian portal so I ask everyone to stay away from the Coffee corner project because it is run by someone that don't even manage the language, and no Norwegians are active there.

I recommend you to delete that project because it is confusing the Norwegian users, and we have by the way we also have a parallel Englisg project for people with Norwegian ancestors.

We are NOT going to change anything on our project, regardless of what suggestions and decisions us made in the Language portal.
Norwegian and Estionians have well functional language projects.

Ok, Private User, I do NOT mean to be a concurrent, all users make their own choices and it's good to communicate here about your Nothern European Portals too. Thanks for that ! The Corners are ment for people that do NOT manage your language enough to be part of your Norwegian poral, but are searching for Norwegian information to complete their family-information, harmless as it might be.... And then its nice to discover a place to find others to ask your questions, f.i. by using a discussion thread.

Private User

@Jeannette Marina Verroen Uilenreef, ir. I agree with you, the more collaborative groups - particularly those like the Coffee Corners which offer new resources not always known to newcomers to genealogy - the better our chances of achieving the already huge task of building a world-tree.

In fact, I am really surprised that a curator has discouraged us not to support such collaborative efforts; there clearly aren't enough hours in the day for Curators to cover all of the request for assistance that they receive. They do an excellent and vital job but the Geni project as a whole can only get better if ordinary users have multiple opportunities to share experiences and knowledge with each other and Coffee Corners seem to me a feature of Geni that should be encouraged.

I don't think Bjørn is saying that the "coffee corners" Jeannette runs are a "bad" thing or anything like that. I think he's saying that in these two particular cases -- the Norwegian one and the Estonian one -- they are duplicating something that's already naturally occurring in much larger, more active groups, so they may not be worth her effort. I think Bjørn is simply trying to direct people to the resource that will help them the most, which seems to me to be a kind thing to do.

I think I can safely speak for all curators when I say that we *love* it when users take initiative and create projects, work together on portals, and so forth. No, we definitely do not want to do all the work. :) But we do want to help you use your own time most effectively, which is what I think Bjørn is getting at. If you have a question about ancestors from a particular region, it makes sense to work with the largest existing group of Geni users who work on that area's genealogy and speak its language.

@Ashley Oden My apologies if I misunderstood when Bjorn asked everyone to stay away from the Coffee Corner project. However, as I misunderstood there is a chance that others would too so my comments stand as is: that is that I believe we ought to support all projects that encourage collaboration and/or help other users how to use Geni and genealogical resources in general.

Showing 1201-1230 of 1468 posts

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