Collaboration Pool

Started by Private User on Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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Greetings all...

One of the most frustrating/irritating thing about geni (for me) is the time consuming nature of trying to get enough permissions to fix many areas of the tree.

I, currently, have 398 collaborators... a number it's taken me more than a year to accumulate, and I still run into large areas where I have no permissions to work in.

So I propose a solution to this, in this very thread.

My solution is simple... post here with "@yourname" to indicate your willingness to join the "Collaboration Pool".

The rules are simple:
1.) if you post here, you are indicating your willingness to accept any collaboration request from anyone else who posts here
2.) before you can send a collaboration request from someone in this thread, you *MUST* post your name here (reciprocity)
3.) you may remove your name at any time by deleting your post
4.) you must respect the deleted posts as 'out of bounds' (ie., *DO NOT* send a request to a user who has deleted their post here)
5.) a post in this thread *without* the "@yourname"... is *NOT* an entrant in this pool

If enough people join in this effort, we can, rapidly, remove many of the prior barriers to fixing this mess.


Jason P Herbert

Allow me to go first...

@Private User

i am in
Private User

I agree and willing to help... I may be slow to merge but not unwilling to collaborate. (It's kind of like pimp your profile only pimp your collaborator.)
@Chad Bouldin

me too.
Private User

My only worry is maybe with number 4. If I'm busy performing merges, and I run into a permission error, I just don't see myself returning here to see if I can find a post, or a deleted post, to see if I'm allowed to send a collaboration request. Rather, I see myself sending the request at point of need. If the other party wishes, they are free to either ignore or deny my request at their leisure.

"My only worry is maybe with number 4. If I'm busy performing merges, and I run into a permission error, I just don't see myself returning here to see if I can find a post, or a deleted post, to see if I'm allowed to send a collaboration request. Rather, I see myself sending the request at point of need. If the other party wishes, they are free to either ignore or deny my request at their leisure."

The "rules" are for this thread only.
Everything else is for/at the leisure of the people involved.

I would recommend (for those sending requests) that you include a link to this thread (or say "Collaboration Pool").

This way people know why the collaboration request is being sent (for those in this thread).

Just a thought (feel free to ignore).
Jason P Herbert

I am posting here does that mean we are available to collaborate? If so yes! I would prefer to collaborate with as many people as possible, to go from spending all day getting no where to actually accomplishing my chosen task.

@Scott Lane Johnson

"I am posting here does that mean we are available to collaborate? If so yes! I would prefer to collaborate with as many people as possible, to go from spending all day getting no where to actually accomplishing my chosen task."

Essentially... yes.

By posting here... you are, in effect, stating intent to accept *ALL* collaboration requests originating from people who have posted their names here.

If this is something you're agreeable to... please post your name like this:
"@yourname" (for you "@Private User" )

@Margaret S Verner

How did you do the link thing?

I will go along with Jason Peter Herbert's proposal..

@Alexander Michael Hamling

Margaret: usually geni does that automatically... but if your name does not appear in the list that appears when you type "@"... then you can use the profile id trick.

Sorry to use you as an example... but...

Your page is here: Private User

Your profile id is after your name in the link... and before the

So the profile id trick works like so: "[ [ 31578 ] ]" (without the spaces).

Jason P Herbert

Sure, I'm game:

Private User

@Eileen Hogan (Osborn)

Margaret I had the same problem because I was a bit hasty.

All you need to do is type @

Look at bottom of the window you will see 'Start Typing a name'

Start Typing your name and you should see a list at the bottom with your name on top.

Click your name...

Post reply

Angus thanks. For a little redundancy...
Private User

Sounds great to me!
@Darlene Boggs

I'm in 100%.
Daniel B Williams

Private User

David Embrey

Does this thread go to all Geni users? I recognize most of the posters here as already being collaborators with me. Just curious.


"Does this thread go to all Geni users? I recognize most of the posters here as already being collaborators with me. Just curious.


My understanding of public discussions threads is that they are initially viewable by only the original poster's collaborators/family group.

However, as each person posts here, the ability to view this thread expands to each posters collaborators and family group.

Obviously this will contain alot of overlap.

Jason P Herbert

makes sense. Thanks, Jason. This is a great idea!


Henn Sarv - I'm in

Just a thought:

I'm not so sure if it helps to just add everyone to be your collaborator, if you don't have have over lapping trees. Are there people who reject your offer to collaborate when you've identified a match?

I'm already at "6650 merge issues" up from 5000 with just the few additional requests to merge.


I've already added my name, but wanted to say "Thanks" for coming up with this! Maybe with this I can get rid of some of the 14,000+ "merge issues" I have! I'm very new to this, but have become very frustrated with trying to deal with that list!

Wow, I thought I have a lot, and I only have 3500!

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