Do anybody collaborate with:

Started by Günther Kipp on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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How is your gedcom authenticated, specifically the period from 1350 to Adam.? Who did the authentication and what is their credentials into this kind of work in that timeframe?

Your genealogy-site where I have found your supposed lineage back to Adam, only have names, years and the ralaiontship between the people. There are no references, sources or authentications from anyone or anything. You can se it yourself here: and on the other pages underthe same site.

As I said last time to you, Jacqueli, you have to come up with something alot better to convince me. Anyone can write down some names and years and put them up on a webpage. What you are showing on the page I linked to is not HISTORY as you claim, it's heresay intil you show me (us) the proof that your claims are correct.

How can someone live for several hundred years? Where are the females? Supposedly 33 generations and only 6 females?

Since you are making the claims that these relations are correct, it's up to show us the proof. I want to see the proofs? I want to see the the sources, the references and the authentications. Please show me!

Here is my collaborator, family member, friend and mentor who contributed his 50+ years of research, combined with mine, to complete my tree. The GEDCOM the was involved with this topic is my direct ancestry only line, Jim is a cousin, so I have a larger GED with outward branches of the historic line.

His name is James H. L. Lawler and fill free to contact him if you wish.

I had offered to anyone wishing my GEDCOM to let me know and they can have a copy. It is a very large file (ginormous) so I cannot send via Geni.
But the information has been authenticated, all legally sourced, verifed. So adding to is not necessary, nor editing - just adding to the outward branches. My mainline is the historic tree, that is how Jim and I became friends - my research for my own family tree and his research on the historic, royal and Davidic line.

Anyone wishing the GED can email me at

Okay - that's a link to Jim. (Prof. James H. L. Lawler)

You can email him from the Nexial Institute. He has a bio page and contact info.

And Remii - you are right. I have not listed sources on this websiteyet. On my "Lost Descendants" E-book website, I did list the bibliography - 3 pages, over 30,000+ sources. Most of my readers did not appreciate it as much as you probably would. But I was recently very ill with my sclerosis, and started about 2 months ago, so as I can I add or write. Obviously as you pointed out - I have alot more work to do.

I did not mean to vent so, but I felt attacked unfairly.
And Jason, yes I may be an old fossil - but you can learn alot of history from old bones.

Good that you're admitting to something, Jacqueli.

Your gedcom is of no worth to me because the gedcom-programs are to narrowminded in their informationgathering from the genelogical programs. A full export-file from your genealogical program would be a lot more interesting.

As you probably allready have understood, I am fact-based in my genealogy. And I categorize my information in 4 categories regarding to how much I trust the source. And I must say, the good old Bible comes in category 0 Unreliable. The reason is that the information is not written at the time when the things happend. It's only primary sources that gets into category 3, very reliable.

You have a lot more work to do, both on your Lee site and on your Familytreeguide-site, where your sources are mostly's One World Tree, and that source is not good enough and in my book falls under category 1 - Questionable.

At the moment and with what I have seen so far of your work I will not recommend anyone to take you up on your offer to get a copy of your gedcom. Because your sources are not good enough and gedcom is a bad way of exchanging genealogical data with a reasonable amount of reliability left in the data. Sorry to say that, but gedcom as it is to day, is to old. To much information gets lost in the process.

I think we should let mythology be just mythology. The bible is not a historical book of facts but based on myths that are spread among the people of earlier times , collected and written down, jsut the way the antic greek myths or the norse myths were collected. Of course there can be a small original truth in these myths but it can´t be trusted as "the truth" at all...and that is regarding both the old Torah and antic jewish scripts and myths in general and the more lately collected jewish/christian scripts. Even much later scripts must be interpreted with scepticism. For example genealogical line to Charlemagne (Charles the great) in th 900´s centuary that is so common to refere to as an ancestor that even I have him in my geni family tree now but it is not added by me...

Sincerely yours: Steve

Does anyone knows something about

Thanks in Advance

Ofir, I see that Jillian has been on Geni for two years, BUT has NO Collaborators. This might means that she's non-cooperative, but I'm guessing this is an abandoned account. You might want to ask Geni, if they can release her profiles.

As far as I know, Jillian Shepard has blocked everyone who has requested a merge with her. She was still blocking people about 6 months ago.

thanks Sherry & Shmuel
so I guess that if I have some pending merges with her profiles it is best to undo them...

unless you can completely separate the two trees, then NO, do not undo the merges. That will only make a bigger mess.

Can anyone help me with Paul Brown? I have several merges pending, have tried to contact him and no replies.
Collaborators we have in common are:
Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Bjorn Petter Brox
Myrna Huthmacher

Eldon, can't you send your requests to Kevin, Björn or Myrna then?

Wish I could. They do not show up as someone to send requests to, That is why I went this route.

Try sending a message instead ;-)
Anyhow, if it is private profiles a collaborator of the manager does not have access to merge and will probably not show up as an alternative.

I have sent requests to merge, family invitations, friend invitations and messages. No replies to any of them. I guess i will have to either ignore the problem or remove the matches.

Well, the hint was to send ME a link with the profiles since I am a collaborator of Paul Brown. His last login are: December 8, 2009

When looking closer Paul Brown is also in my extended family group so I should have access to help you with zombies/private profiles too.

Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted. Here is one link, I dont know if you can access the others from here or not.
Thomas Barker

Sorry, I misunderstood what you wanted. Here is one link, I dont know if you can access the others from here or not.
Thomas Barker

That is only one profile and no merge problem on it at all.


I never connect those in the middle of a line, and in general we should leave clean trees like this one alone. They are just annoying hotmatches, so just look another way.

Bjorn, here is another one.
When you check each profile, mine shows her as my third great aunt. Paul Brown,s shows her as my first cousin four times removed. Of course I can not see his tree to find the error. Should i just delete the merges?

Are Paul's profiles shows you the same path from you to Mary or a different one?

In general; different trees can show you different links since they are not connected yet.
Also when you do connect trees with similar profiles in them it can take some time (about a week or so) for the Geni system to update the relationships.
I have some examples for that in my family tree but it's also kind of a complicated one since my ancestors were married with in the same families; so my 15th GGG appears as my 14th great uncle's brother or something like that and there are many more examples for that (and I would wait and see if the system could deal with that )
Also sometimes the path between 2 individuals cannot be updated if there are some locked profiles in the way.

They are still unconnected trees and should leave tham as such until the other manager agrees to merge.

Someone made them available, thanks

Can anyone help me with Amber Charles? I've had merges pending since March, I've emailed and had no reply. In particular, I have issues with
Elisha Logsdon, Sr. and Ann Davis.

Amber DOES have two collaborators: Jeffrey Welch and Private User, both of whom are Pro users (so likely to be still active). If you get Collaboration with either of them, you can get your merge-issues resolved via them...

Thanks, I'll try them!

Bjorn, so you know what i am talking about, Here is your reply to me "When looking closer Paul Brown is also in my extended family group so I should have access to help you with zombies/private profiles too." These are not zombies. I want to merge them but do not get any replies from Paul Brown.

They are private profiles, - i.e. within his close family and I usually avoid merging such without the permission from the manager, but someone initiated the merge so I completed them, but in my opinion merging profiles so close to another user without his/hers permission is not acceptable even if you have access rights to do that.

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