Do anybody collaborate with:

Started by Günther Kipp on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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Showing 91-120 of 245 posts

Private User@kath I un-merged the "Elizabeth Plantagenet " mess. Over 20 of them. Looks like someone merged all the "Elizabeth's" they could find in the tree. They where thier own grandma (good title for a country song) LOL

Marvin, thanks!! I don't know why but this mess was one that bugged me the most and caused some awful problems - I couldn't get very far with it,glad someone did at last!

I'm glad I could help. The norm is it isn't allowed when I try that kind of thing. lucked out this time.

Billie Love Benjamin Key:
Private User

Maybe I have asked before:
Walter William Dalitsch III
Walter William Dalitsch, III

We/GENI need to find a solution on non cooperative managers
we spend hours and hours every day - and get more and more frustrated bumping into profiles of noncooperative managers again and again!!!!

Gunther, I totally agree. It's very frustrating, especially when there are locked profiles for historical figures. Going crazy here, as I can't complete a lot of merges because of this. When you message these managers and/or invite them to collaborate, they ignore it......I doubt many of them even check their messages from Geni, indeed, probably spam them. Maybe the Geni gurus could simply make it policy to release those locked profiles when managers are unresponsive. I'm sure they could do it quite legally, if they inform the uncooperative managers that this is going to happen, unless they can give a reason to Geni as to why it should not? And of course, inform them that if there is no response to THIS, that lack of response will be taken as being compliance with Geni's new policy.

I have (without using your names) added these two comments to the forum as they are directly related to a previous message I had sent to the forum without getting a meaningful response. I hope you don't mind.

Sorry, should have included a link to the forum thread:

Just to inform you: Walter William Dalitsch, III is still family group member with me, and shows: <strong>Last Online: April 12, 2010</strong>

I would not call that an abandoned account.

Sorry Bjørn

But he doesn't respond, and there was no collaborators in the request.

Terry, I do like your idea as to a "two-pronged" approach. It would be fabulous if there were two options as to how you wanted your tree to be, i.e. completely private, or to be part of the big own personal preference. What is lost on the swings would no doubt be picked up on the roundabout, i.e. we would no doubt find that there is at least one cooperative person out there who would be adding people whose trees are private to their branch of the big tree. I'm saddened by the fact that people don't want to be part of it, although I understand and defend their position re: freedom of choice, because to my mind the big tree works on a principle which I would love to see implemented in every area of human existence, i.e. drawing together people from often disparate and always interesting cultures....finding the common thread in our humanity, as it were.

I agree, Lynne.
I think there should be a copy mode where a branch can be copied onto our tree without changing other's information.
I think it would be cool also if the 'big tree' had an option of info and photos etc. Just a thought, or wishin!

Oh Desiree........the copy mode would be fantastic!! :))

We are certainly dealing with "unclear requirements" here. I'm not sure, from a software perspective, whether or not there is a clear line of demarcation between "public/private" and "ownership/management". Many of the historical profiles are managed by many who have chosen to collaborate. However, even those profiles are not open to edit/add information by just anyone. You have to have management rights to a profile in order to edit it. Most of us would probably agree to this method, as we don't want just anyone with an account editing profiles that we collectively manage, we want to have some level of control, and provide management access to historical profiles on an "invitation only" basis. Doesn't this practice make aspects of these profiles "private"?

If you want deceased profiles to become public and editable, you need to be prepared to reciprocate that capability on all historical profiles to make them editable to all. Otherwise, are we back to the class war discussion, where a few GENI users become god-like in their power to the Big Tree, and the rest of the working-class stiffs succumb to their mercy?

Bottom line, I think the GENI software engineers need to go back to the drawing board, start removing the ambiguity of their software requirements document, and make changes to their software that supports and promotes collaboration for all. Might require a change to their mission statement to accomplish this (What is the purpose of GENI?)

There's my 2 pennies. I'm here to help!

I haven't read everything, but I just got collaboration with Huddy today if she was mentioned as being a problem manager.

Günther Kipp
Billie Key does not want any more collaborators, I have tried manymany times.
But he collaborates with Bengt-Olov Evrell

I think a button on the GENI application that allows managers to back out of the Big Tree and make their profiles private would be a wonderful thing. GENI produces all of the statistics, they should be able to allow you to reclaim all of your profiles and make you private, if you no longer wish to participate in the Great Experiment...

Imagining what life would be like then...

Does anyone collaborate with Dan Hills?
Private User

If so, can you please complete this merge?

Do we have a problem on:
Beth Deniese CLARK:
Private User


I sent her a collab. request and have not yet received a response.


I know that.

Can anyone handle zombies for
Private User
I think she was mentioned before but I can't recall where it was

I know too, also that no one I know of is collaborating with her!!

Can anyone help me with Camille Farnsworth or Melanie Churchill???

How about Rulene Ellen Walk??

As far as I know Rulene hasen't accepted any collaboration at all

Thanks Gunther.

Noah Tutak Collaborator list to profile would be a great idea.

You are so good on statistik how could we make a list on non cooperative managers - I have over the last days written to:
Michael Hungate
Ken Rice
Rulene Ellen Walk
Beth Deniese CLARK
Eduardo Lobo Cabral de Mello
Robert Lyman Hults
Arthur Harold Thorstensen Jr.
Robert Walter Conrad
With no answer so far,
I think we should make a list and then appiel to GENI to take efford on the managers to coorperate!!
I my opinion it must be collaborate or dissapear from the big tree, I know that some of the managers have been connected by mistake - bad luck - collaborate or go!!!

Gunther, you sound as frustrated as me. It's infuriating to not be able to complete merges.....grrrrrrrrrrr!! :'(

Showing 91-120 of 245 posts

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