Do anybody collaborate with:

Started by Günther Kipp on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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Showing 31-60 of 245 posts

James Stuart, the Pretender, is no longer married to his father's first wife.

Is anybody collaborating with Jared Dean Wyckoff?
Private User

He has a lot of inaccessible and/or locked profiles clogging up the tree in the area of Thomas Lincoln.

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

Collaboration will not help accessing those profiles since they are not public zombie profiles.

Is anybody collaborating with:
Linda Mae Fox: Private User
She is manager on a lot of Zombies, but don't react on any request!!

Nope - it is an inactive user who lost management of her the public profiles after one year of inactivity.

The manager is also marked as deceased, so I have already asked Geni to decide what to do with the remaining profiles.

She have a lot of zombies in the royal and noble lines, and it is probably just an upload point for a gedcom found on Internet by you know who.

David, have requested a merge for:

I picked up Linda Mae Fox unmanaged files , but they all link to me.... I layed back on merging royal (I'm in uknown data) Please I trying to build my tree... Let me if I can unclog the locks, I still new on this site.... I some time do not look at this discussion groups I work fulltime job and do not get on computer and GENI as much...(did I do wrong taking control of those unmanaged accounts?)

Francis ...No, you have lots of collaborators, so any of us can do them as well, we're also family group ...

Does anyone collaborate with Private, that can help me with this merge request?




There are people who collaborate with her.

I don't at the present.

Ofir got there super quickly!

Two users:
Ken Rice
Michael Hungate
show on my radar frequently now. Anybody collaborating with them?

Does anyone collaborate with Susan...I have merges pending with Susan all over my tree. Can anyone help here? Thank You

Susan who?

In any case - if there is a common collaborator he/she would show up as an alternative on a merge request on one of Susan's profiles, and since it is your collaborators who can read your message there is probably none of them who are collaborating with this Susan...

I also have merges pending with Susan.

I forgot to add. There are no common collaborators on any of Susan's profiles.

Thanks for the link, - she is listed as a Premium user which is a good sign and Private is listed as Friend and probably also family group member.

I traded emails with Susan a while ago, we have some connections as where she is from is where some of my family is from and it's a small town, even then she wasn't particularly interested in merging, every so often I send her an email, but nothing. So I wouldn't hold out a lot of hope that she is going to suddenly appear and start collaborating.

Thought I had seen something on:
Max Bégon-Lours
But couldn't find it, she has blocked me!! isen't there anything one can do;-(((

He has blocked everyone so it's best to undo pending merges with his profiles

Does anyone collaborate with: Felicia Wetzig -- Private User

I noticed that a slight slip of the mouse could mean the difference between requesting to collaborate with someone or blocking them. Perhaps Geni should address their interface design...

David Embrey, in both cases you have to make a second click to confirm the action, so there shouldn't be any issue with users actually performing the wrong action.

Does anyone know anything on Dr. Rotger Michael Snethlage: Private User
I think he has blocked me - This blocking is a very silly tool!!!

Günther - isn't that an account that was mentioned in the МЕТЕВ case where he had initiated some merges with his profiles. If you now are blocked without any reason it might be that МЕТЕВ is controlling this account as well.

Ashiya@Geni: I was in contact with Jean-François who specifically asked that we do not transfer his profiles to another user. As mentioned in my previous email he and his family are in the process of removing that data.
You might try reaching out to someone in his branch who is an active user. Until I hear from one of them , I am going to leave his account as such.

The answer is be patient reight!!!

Showing 31-60 of 245 posts

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