Can I have your help with my merges??

Started by Private User on Thursday, March 25, 2010
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Yes, it is possible if both profiles have same number of managers, but that is something we only do when the manager of the main profile is known as problematic.

In any case: Does it matter?
Correcting Data is something you do when all merges is completed and in the data conflict window you can choose which values to use.

I understand what you mean. Finally fixed a profile for Issac Cox, and then i refreshed the page and now I have 5900 merge issues =/ I think i might die.

Check your options, - you are probably including merge issues from your collaborators, like me:

I was trying to help you with the old ones but. I got blocked

I just tried to do business in my own profile Anna Herr Martin (Weaver) wife #2

It says I do not have permission. I no longer have permission in my own family group or with my collaborators because Jenna blocked me.

She does not understand what it means to be a curiator. She is not in my family group and she is not one of my collaborators and it is not right that she gets that kind of power over me.

Her power should only be with the profiles that she manages and no others.

What is going on with Geni? Why would they give such power to one who is not a member of a group.

She had a problem with one profile out of 1,000's I have worked with since I joined. None of my people have complained to me. She is the only one that has written a complaint to me. She takes the joy out of genealogy.


I posted on your other discussion about that profile -- it has nothing to do with curators, maybe there's another issue?

I am posting a thank you to you for updating the data on my seventh great grandfather, Deacon Samuel Bryant, Sr. ... a geni discovery for me, and one I haven't had much chance to work on with anyone in sourcing out.

I'd be honored if we continued to work together on the Bryant line.

Virginia, you sound so frustrated, I wish there were something I could do to help. I can tell you, though, from personal experience, that Jenna is one of the nicest people I've ever met. I really can't imagine her ever doing anything mean. Is it possible there's been some sort of misunderstanding - or even a bug in the Geni software?

If you could write Jenna a note and ask her help to figure out what's going on, I bet you'd be so surprised and happy at the response you'd get! She could be a terrific friend to you and very helpful.

My very best wishes to you! Jen

I am wondering why, after viewing requested merges in my list, that when I try to go in to do them, a red sign pops up that says I do not have permission to go into that page? Why are they in my merge list then?

Sorry, actually what it says is that I do not have permission to VIEW the page....

Sally, I've had the same experience. It began only within the past couple of weeks.

If you go to matches. Then once you get in there, you can go to your family. Then you can gp tp those you follow. Then you can go to those you manage. Then you can go to those you collaborate with.

Once you find the list you want you can keep going to matches and clear them up.

I have all mine cleared on all lists and am now finishing the one list of my collaborators. The thing is. I can only help those I collaborate with. Thank God no others show up on my listsx. If I have asked people to join my family and have asked them to collaborate with me then I have a responsibility to help them.

I worked on the oldest ones first.. I work on the Data Conflicts list first as that seems to clear a lot of other lists up. It is a long slow process.

If I invite new people to join my tree, or merger into my tree then it is my responsibility to help them keep the tree untangled. I always keep my own list (the ones I mange) cleaned first then I go on to others. Good luck with your cleaning, I have been on mine for over a month now. I am finally seeing the rewards of it.

Oh I see, so we have to do it in some sort of order... family, follow, and then collaborators... But sometimes it is not possible to clear up the family, or what I am managing, especially when there are 2 MPs for the same person that are not the same. and so that means I cannot go on to the next level I guess. So I will forever have over 22K merges and conflicts of info... ha! No wonder I am always frustrated... an old frustrated lady! :-)

Gene, I was thinking to do merges that look sure, and not if they do not look even close. I do often back out of merges that don't look right to me.


Congratulations on clearing your matches and data conflicts. I know it's slow, but it's also very satisfying.

You also described the process exactly right, thank you. I should also mention that "resolving data conflicts" is often (but not always!) fast and easy (select the data furthest to the left / or the data for the MP).

I *don't" resolve conflicts for collaborators as I have many collabs as a member of the collaboration pool:

BUT my own list of data conflicts ("profiles I manage") is 40. I hope to knock them off within a few days.

The most important thing to work on is the Data Conflicts in all catagories.

Your Relatives
Followed by you
Managed by you
Managed by your collaborators

The next important is the Tree Conflicts in these 4 areas.

At this point leave the requested merges for awhile

The lease important is the Tree Matches

If you feel the need to work with Requested Merges then be kind enough to immediately go to Tree Conflicts and Data Conflicts and clear (Finish) what you started.

There are a few of you that work in the Merges (Requested & Matches) that never finish (follow through) and you leave a mess for the rest of us that are really trying to clean the tree.

Some of the people that do this I have dropped from my Collaborator list. Then they do not show up for me any more. I am not willing to help anyone who will not participate in their own clean up.. I am speaking of long time members not those new to the tree.

I have no resolving data on relatives, over 11 K with collaborators.

I don't have the courage to merge this... Anyone else up for it? what do you all think?

Here are 2 profiles, the same manager, looks like the same profile, in my folder of requested merges, and when I try to merge them, or at least look at them to see if they should be merged I am getting the same thing for both of them. I do not have permission to view either of them. They are listed as 2 separate profiles in the folder of requested merges, and yet they both have the same number, it appears...
John Parker
John Parker

Mike Stangel@Mike, in Tree view this profile has a blue dot outstanding merge as Sally, above, has mentioned and it is a public profile however I cannot complete the merge either.

Sorry Sally, Maybe Mike can help. This doesn't seem right to me.

The two John Parkers above are the same person, It's trying to make a merge on a third. The third is most likely a private profile and a claimed historical profile is causing the error (or so it would seem)

May need a work ticket to fix.

Terry and others. Do not process that merge before you have cleared out the parent conflict on John Parker, II, of Great Burstead and eventually have fixed a bad merge by adding a new version of a profile that got a bad merge, and THEN you can consider which profile the other profile should be merged into.

Bjorn, I wouldn't touch it as I could tell the area was a mess but thought maybe Sally would have the knowledge.

OK, Sally: here is the secret: You can make manually a manually merge by constructing an url like this: this: where you replace xxxx and yyyy with the profile ID of the two profiles.

Bjørn: Besides the fact that the "this:" got attached to the URL, that URL used to work on all combinations but since the recent privacy changes it does not always work now.

I guess everyone understood that they should removed this: from the link, - I just hinted that it could be a bad merge because it at the current status is unclear who the target profile is because the parent conflict shows that two different persons is merged together.

The clean link is:

I need help merging abandoned profiles that are closely related to me. Can anyone merge these profiles need help merging abandoned profiles that are closely related to me. Can anyone merge these profiles:


You need to reach out to Patricia (Patty) Wright

This is a claimed profile and only she can complete a merge.

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