Theobald de Verdun's Parents

Started by Carole (Erickson) Pomeroy,Vol. Curator on Friday, January 22, 2010
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Private User
1/22/2010 at 2:47 PM

Who are these people and what family line do they belong to? Riggs, Day, sleight, Hoard, Yeckley, Vermilya, Steed, Breese, Ludlow, Whitman,etc. I am at a total loss as to who they are and where they belong.

Private User
1/22/2010 at 3:10 PM

If you look to the left you find a link to the profile.

Private User
1/22/2010 at 7:44 PM

Hi Carole, Great Job!! You sure are doing you're homework and questioning facts which don't seem to be right even if they come from 'reputable sources'. I'll be real interested in other information you uncover. Don

Private User
1/24/2010 at 8:06 AM

Hi Carole, this is the relevant page from
Theobald, 2nd de Botiller (d 19.07.1230)
This link goes back to the top of file 'Butler01' where are given Theobald's children by his first marriage who continued with the name de Botiller, later Butler. Another link here, to lower down in 'Butler01', is to where Roesia is shown as Theobald's second wife. Because their children took their mother's name, we show them below.
m(2). Roesia de Verdon (d 1248, dau/heir of Nicholas de Verdon or Verdun of Alton) above
1. John de Verdon or Verdun (b c1226, d 1278 / 21.10.1274)
m1. (before 14.05.1244) Margery de Laci (dau of Gilbert de Laci (Lacy) of Ewyas Lacy by Isabel le Bigod)
A. Sir Nicholas de Verdon or Verdun of Ewyas Lacie (dvsp 28.06.1271)
m. Basilia de Cogan (d c12.1284, dau of John de Cogan)
B. Sir John de Verdon, lord of Weobley (dsp c1295 / dvsp 28.06.1271)
C. Theobald de Verdon or Verdun of Meath, Constable of Ireland, 1st Lord (b c1248, d 24.08.1309)
m.(before 06.11.1276) Margery / Elenor
i. Sir John de Verdon (dvpsp 13.06.1297)
ii. Sir Theobald de Verdon or Verdun of Alton, 2nd Lord, Justice of Ireland (b 08.09.1278, d 27.07.1316)
m1. (29.07.1302) Maud Mortimer (d 17-8.09.1312, dau of Sir Edmund de Mortimer, 1st Lord of Wigmore, by Margaret de Fenles (Fiennes))
a. John de Verdon (dsp)
b. William de Verdon (dsp)
c. Joan de Verdon, heiress of Alveton (b 08.1303, d 1334)
m1. (28.04.1317) John (not William) de Montagu (dvpsp bur 14.08.1317, son/heir of William, 2nd Lord)
m2. (24.02.1317-8) Thomas de Furnivall, 2nd Lord (d 14.10.1339)
d. Elizabeth de Verdon, heiress of Ewyas Lacie (b c1306, d 01.05.1360)
m. (before 11.06.1320) Bartholomew Burghersh, 3rd Lord (d 03.08.1355)
e. Margaret or Margery de Verdon, heiress of Weobley (b 10.08.1310, d by 1377)
m1. (before 10.02.1326/7) Sir William le Blount of Sodington, Lord (dsp before 03.10.1337)
m2. (before 18.10.1339) Sir Mark Hussee (dvp before 21.07.1349, son/heir of Henry, 2nd Lord)
m3. (before 10.09.1355) Sir John Crophull of Bonnington (d 03.07.1383)
m2. (04.02.1315/6) Elizabeth de Clare (b 16.09.1294/5, d 04.11.1360, dau of Gilbert 'the Red' de Clare, 7th Earl of Hertford, 3rd Earl of Gloucester)
f. Isabel de Verdon, heiress of Ludlow (b 21.03.1316/7, d 25.07.1349)
m. (before 20.02.1330/1) Henry Ferrers, 2nd Lord of Groby (d 1343)
BE1883 identifies John's 2nd wife as Alianore "whose surname is unknown". TCP reports "Nothing is known of Eleanor's parentage but she may have been a Bohun."
m2. (before 1267) Alianore / Eleanor
D. Humphrey de Verdon (b 1267) not mentioned by BE1883 but mentioned by TCP as possibly of this marriage
Uncertain who was mother of ...
E. Thomas de Verdon of Staffordshire (a 1326) identified by BE1883 as 4th son
i. ?? de Verdon presumed intermediary generation, presumed father/grandfather of ...
a. Sir Thomas de Verdon of Denston, Staffordshire
b. Sir John de Verdon, Sheriff of Staffordshire (a 1360, dsp)
c. Joan de Verdon
m. John de Whitmore of Whitmore
(1) Joan Whitmore
m. Henry Clerk of Ruyton
(2) Elizabeth Whitmore
m. James de Boghay, lord of Whitmore
BE1883 mentions this marriage and then refers to the family of Mainwaring of Whitmore. It is presumed that an estate at Whitmore passed through this marriage as follows ...
(A) ?? de Boghay
(i) ?? de Boghay
Uncertain on number of intervening generations.
(a) ?? de Boghay
((1)) ?? de Boghay
((A)) Robert de Boghay or Boghey
((i)) Alice de Boghay (d 1573)
m. Edward Mainwaring of Whitmore and Biddulph (d 1586)
F. Agnes de Verdon (d 1305)
2. Humphrey de Verdon (d 1285, rector)
3. Nicholas de Verdon of Clomore (dsp)
4. Theobald de Verdon ancestor of Verdons of Darlaston and Biddolph
5. Maud de Verdon (d 27.11.1283)
m1. John FitzAlan, 'Earl' of Arundel (d 1267)
m2. Richard d'Amundeville (a 1286)

Main sources: BE1883 (Verdon) with some support from TCP (Verdun)

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