Wayne Richard^< Davy merging completions

Started by Terry Jackson (Switzer) on Sunday, January 17, 2010
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Noah Tutak@Noah, we have only ever had one person who could complete merges for Wayne Richard Davy and he was blocked fairly rapidly so that we now have 7 pages full of requests to complete merges and nobody able to do so. Has this guy even been online? His tree was started in May 09.

Sybil profile ....DONE

Myrna...all done

Private User@kerry, is there a problem with the ones I've posted here or have you just not got around to them?

Hi everyone....RE ...Wayne Davy merges
I have been out of the loop with Geni over a summer break and just getting back into it. I was unaware that I am just about a sole collaborator with
Wayne. So, perservere with me while I try and make my way through the pages to merge the profiles.
I do seem to have a lot of issues with the dreaded "red technical difficuties" page. Is is just me or does this happen to others alot?
So between that, and tech difficulties of my own (its called ...sharing your computer with all the family), I will endeavour to attack them all.

Just a simple request though, I am not that up with all the geni tricks, but some I have gone to merge, have been stacked with 25-50 profiles and I have had to hunt my way through them all to get to Davy's. Is there any shortcut that can take me straight to his specific profile.? I usually knock off a few more while I'm in there if I'm able, and it all takes time, so please be patient with me.
@ Terry JACKSON....I am having a little trouble with some of the profiles that say "through" eg Hidlegard-Lorraine. I can't seem to get to the profile page. I just come up with tech difficulties all the time. Not sure why...but I will keep trying. We don't have particularly fast internet speed down here in NZ...lol.

NB...could you check the profiles yourselves and delete them, until I am completed, then I can let you know that I've done them. There are so many at the moment, I don't know whose I have and have not done.

Kerry ... I've also had a bunch of the dreaded "technical difficulties", my advice is to move past them and do the ones you can, I assure you I have tried a bunch of different ways to fix and it's hard. I had to go to parents and complete enough merges to make the area less complicated, that takes a lot of time.

Glad to have you back!

I see Wayne Davy has 6 Collaborators **************
I have gone back and completed as many as I can, so please check them and repost if I have missed any.

Lucia...a couple were already taken care of...I finished the rest..plus took care of J F Pultz merges as well. so, they are all done.

@Terry.....done...Sybil Corbet

@Kerry, thanks for the merges and @Kerry and Gene, I get my share of "technical difficulties" messages, too. I tend to refresh the page and very often the page loads OK. Sometimes, it takes a couple of refreshes.

@ Pam & Myrna,....done

@ Terry....done

@Lucia...done :)


Showing 31-52 of 52 posts

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