Pam wrote: "The place name for where a life event occurred (birth, marriage, death) should match the name of the place at that historical period in time"
Who shall decide which name is the historical correct for a given time. The sources we have are ususally written by someone not local to the farm, community or area that the names they have written down belongs to. Over a couple of years I have seen the same farmname written several different ways in the churchbooks here in Norway, I don't think it is different elsewhere. It's the same in the censuses. So which name shall we use when you have 5 different spelled names of the same farm during a couple of years, and who has the guts to say that one way to spell it is more correct than the other?
It's easier when using areas as big as countries, but birth, marriage and death events happens on a local spot, usually a farm or city, and it's impossible to be historical correct using the farmnames and how they were spelled for a given time. The result would be that the same place will have a lot of different spellings, and in my mind that is only going to make a mess.
This discussion comes up a couple of times each year in the norwegian genealogical forums. Some want it historical correct for a given time, and some are normalizing and using the same names all the time. When asked to give a list over historical correct names for the farms inside a county they find out that the job is impossible to do, just because they don't know which name is the historically correct one and it is impossible to find out, and the job is far to big to do.