Shalom Валерий Кузьмин, the often mentioned Shmuel here (for some reason I had unfollowed this discussion).
I find your brackets much harder to read, as they look too much like a letter. The "shape" of the / makes more space between the names and is less ambiguous.
My "technique" was created primarily for the Biblical Tree, which initially had English and Hebrew. Now some of the profiles also have Arabic, being [also] sourced from the Kuran.
1) There is an actual *technical* reason why the "Latin" alphabet MUST come first. This has to do with how browsers handle right-to-left alphabets, such as... Hebrew and Arabic. If you put either of these first, the whole thing becomes "impossible" to edit.
2) This is ALSO another reason to prefer the '/' over ANY bracket form ( { [ When using bi-directional text, we often have problems with these, as the browser tries to reverse them as well, creating a mess.
3) But from experience, the MOST important reason to use the "English" spelling first is because English speakers seem to be the LEAST tolerant of other languages. If that "foreign nonsense" comes first, they are more likely to delete it. Really. This happened a LOT to me. People even refused to apologize for it.
Of course, 1 & 2 do not apply to sets of names that don't include right-to-left scripts, but I personally, would prefer a single convention throughout the historical parts of the tree, as hard as that might be to achieve.
Someone asked about using the Greek alphabet. We should in theory use this for the Trojan kings and ancestry, but no-one has bothered to enter them so far, or at least hasn't merged them into the main lines.
Lastly, as in the Bible Tree there are no LAST names (or even middle names), extending my format to a period that does can get a bit messy, because you'd need multiple slashes, one for each name part. So what I now suggest people do is also use the Display name field, which would hold the complete names in all languages, separated by a single / Using my own name as an example, it would look like this:
First Name: Shmuel Aharon / שמואל אהרן
Last Name: Kam / קם
Display Name: Shmuel Aharon Kam / שמואל אהרן קם