Break Relationship Requests 2

Started by Private User on Thursday, December 17, 2009
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come up wth "Merged failed Cannot merge parents and child together "

both there read the same: RIchard Tilden b. 1520-1565

Check the merge stacks. There is for example a mix of men and women here:

the big picture - @

the one on left - @

one in middle - @

the one on right - @

i don't see a problem with any any of them but when in the table witth the paents on top, siblings in middle and spouse on bottom it says they are son and parent

maybe I am not seeing the erro and I do not want to merge any of them and caus someone else a "Geni Headache" or a 'Geni Moment' and have had enough of those in my Smith Hinckley tree and prurged all but the ones that were connected now I am back to re-entering just the prandparents in a stright line refering everyone off to my tng site with doucmentation and the gchildren and grand children listed for each set of grandparents - some one else can merge them into the big tree -

On you persmisson I will start merging these three together if allowed too many will probably pass through you I got feelign anyway

Judi - I am working on the merges. I have to pick up my son now but will be back after it this evening

I will try to merge them but I just do not want to cause a "Geni Headache" or a "Geni moment' - I don't want to be accused of destorying some ones work - and above all cause any one else undoe work tearing apart the bad merges - been there done that and its time consuming - and as fast as one can tear one appart they can be put back together only to have to start over again a vivous circle been there done that - -

I just do not see where any of these profiles is a 'son' as the final warnign come up from the table or chart -

The following profile of @Benjamin Smalley was the victim of a bad merge a few days ago:

Ensign Benjamin Smalley

Benjamin was merged with one of his grandchildren or nephews who bears the same name but was born in the following century. Ideally, this remaining profile would be the "old" Benjamin (son of Benjamin Smalley & Rebecca Snow, husband of Rebecca Wright and Mary Allen), and other connections to parents and wives would be removed. We probably need a new "young" Benjamin profile as well.

Thanks for your help

Incorrectly merge here:


Thomas Goodenow

NOT the son:
Thomas Goodynow of Donhead

I can't resolve this without the dread "sorry chosing John Goodenow <the correct father> will break the tree."

Can anyone help?

Many thanks

The wrong parent comes in with this profile Thomas Goodynow of Donhead and as long as it is not merged into the main profile you don't have the option to cut the connection.

Just undo the pending merge and wait until you have access to fix this specific profile.

Seems to be OK now

Thanks Bjorn. I had tried unwinding the merges and restacking without the bad connection, but was not able to. What did work was to merge in yet another duplicate profile and try again.

Married to him/herself errors fixes itself when you open the tree-view of the profile.

I just asked David K to complete a bad merge & he was so efficient that he did it before I could beg off. My error!

Olivier-Jean Daigle

Olivier D'aigre parents are unknown. Not the Daigle family currently shown in the tree. His family name did not become "Daigle" for another 3 or 4 generations. Please BREAK this relationship.

@ Peter; done

Just ran into this and don"t know what to do. Husband of Humbert II Count of Savoy. Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy

Eldon Lester Clark
What is the problem on Hubert besides a merge.

When I went to merge, It showed one Humbert as the wife of another. I don't know how to unstack them to correct the problem.

Correction, husband of each other

There are four of the same profiles on this tree match page.

Please detach Philippe II from "wife" Jacqueminte. She is really his mother. This is the start of a very tangled line!

Phillippe (2) du Trieux

@ Peter; did you mean both Jacqueminte?

and are his children are OK?

Just Jacqueminte, not Jacquemyn. And Maria is OK, but "son" Philippe (1) du Trieux is really his father.

OK I can see the problems now and I'm working on them

those names can be confusing you know

done with the divorce

I'm afraid there is more to it than it first seemed

When I try to remove an invalid relationship, I get the red message: "Warning: Removing these connections will split the tree."
But the "Remove" button is greyed out and can’t be clicked. Why?
When I choose the "Save and close" button, everything remains as before.

So, what can I do?

Ask a curator to help you or try to find a place to connect the part you are trying to cut loose first.

"Ask a curator to help you"

That’s exactly what I thought I did by posting here.

? "or try to find a place to connect the part you are trying to cut loose first." ?

What do you mean with "connect"?
This person IS connected, but shouldn’t be, since there is no relation any more.

Showing 61-90 of 92 posts

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