Break Relationship Requests 2

Started by Private User on Thursday, December 17, 2009
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Showing 31-60 of 92 posts

@Matthew--they are not showing up in the list of connections that may be broken (the list of cycles)--perhaps someone already got to it in the past hour?

Hi Pamela, you're right--looks like someone did, thanks!


Thanks for getting it done. One less merge issue for me.


Erin - a view tree on such a profile usually fix the old married with yourselves error automatically.

I received this email, amongst copious others which are not at all applicable at all to my family- to the best of my knowledge since I do not have time to go through them ALL I may very well be missing important posts which really ARE applicable to my family-

Dear Susan,
Ofir Friedman commented in the family discussion "Break Relationship Request"


Reply to Ofir's message:
Leave a Reply
-The Geni Team

..............Well, I went to leave a reply, and once again, I am directed to a topic which states: "You are not permitted to view the requested discussion."

I feel like I am part of some sort of cruel joke! Is this what Geni is about, flooding my inbox with non-applicable non-family discussion notices which then tell me "You are not permitted to view the requested discussion.? unless, of course, I pay Geni money this family does not have to do so?

Would someone PLEEZ remove Isaac Nichols, Jr. and the attached, which I named INVALID, in effort to sever the Lee family, which, at present we no longer have valid knowledge that they are, or are not related?

As far as Mr. Friedman, I would appreciate if he would stay out of my Geni, since he appears to be playing cruel & childish communications and games with me.

Thank you.

Hi Sue ...

Hope the snow was kind to you this year, I'm 11 hrs east of you, we seemed to avoid all the snow this year!

I think I can help explain some of what you are seeing, first, Geni has a relatively new "discussion" section that connects collaborators and family group members ... it's kind of odd in it's operation, not sure why you would get the email but not have access. One oddity is that once a collaborator/family group member makes a comment in a thread, then you get access, although doesn't seem to be the case every time, maybe there's a bug.

I expect you are getting the emails do to some of your family group or collaborators, when I look at your profile it shows me that we are connected through a Robert Lockwood, who is a family group member of mine, not sure how he is connected to you. It's not a pay Geni money issue.

What the specific message means is that someone asked for help doing something for which only "Pro" members have access to, so Ofir helped, and replied that he had completed it with a "done".

I assure you Ofir is not trying to cause you trouble, I have had many interactions with him and he is very helpful and diligent when completing merges, etc. If anything, it's Geni's crazy way of sending emails and access rights that is the problem.

I can understand your aggravation with all the email traffic. You probably want to go to your settings and see who is in your family group who is not family and remove them, make them a collaborator instead. The collaboration was recently made a free feature. There are email settings you can change as well to reduce the volume, I turned them all off, I just check it every few days ... like with you, the 100's of emails every day were overwhelming.

If you can post the link to the person you want separated, I will try and help disconnect them ...


Sue ... look at "Settings" and then "Notifications", you can turn off lots of the emails.

Sue ... I forgot, if you do get to the discussion, there's a "unfollow" button.

Is there any way - around this profile -

if I backout as geni told me to do in December and I have slowly been doing on the Smith-hinckley lines - it t puts this profile into my tree inside of out of it like i want - -

I have requested the owner to merge - there has been no response for over 3 weeks

should I go ahead and do that - hoping I will gain one of the profiles back again that contain 'jeb' or "Jeb'

I asked Geni - I contacted geni for help as suggested by another and their response was

We do reach out to those inactive users on the site, but only after about a year. This person will likely be contacted soon. We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime.

The manager account, Private is an halfway unclaimed account.

I will ask Geni to fully release it.

That would be great I think it would solve alott of issues - maybe not - I am getting there - slowly bee a challenge -

I totally regret the one collboration I made - and tryign to get this mes cleaned up before I decide what to do -

I just wanted to share and preserve my 36 years of research
there is a yellow triangle there - on Mary RIchards - wife of Thomas Hinckley -
something is very wrong there - the parents are listed as
William Bradford III (COLLIER) 7 sarah Clark -

i have here parentage only as - Thomas Richards per:

2. C. F. Swift, Revised by, Genealogical Notes of Barnstable, Massachusetts Families (1979 Genealogical Publishing Co. Baltimore, Maryland), Vol. 2 pg. 33-7. Being a reprint of the Otis Amos Papers Orginally published in The Barnstable Patriot, Barnstable, Mass. Vol. 1 - 1989 Vol. 2 1890 F.B. & F. P. Goss Publishers & Printers. "Gov. Thomas Hinckley, son of Thomas married for his first wife Dec. 4, 1641 Mary Richards daughter of Thomas of Weymouth. She died June 24, 1659

clicking for her tree - brings this up -

Added by: Celia Tomlin on Nov 11, 2008
Managed by: Celia Kathleen K. Tomlin

she has 2 there - combine with a linda watkins profile

Shmuel ; done

kristal Fawcett profile - sex change needed

Tamsen Smith

Tumsen - by what I have for sourcing is female - per:

A Memorial of Rev. Thomas Smith"
Susan Augusta Smith
Avery & Doten, Plymouth, 1895, p7

THE immigrant ancestor of Thomas Smith' was John Smith' of course. That name seems to have been the common starting point of most of the Smith families, but while the John Smiths were legion we will have none of them. Our John Smith' was "Rev. John" of Barnstable and Sandwich.

A valuable letter written some years ago by Amos Otis, the Historian of the Cape, states that Rev. John Smith' came to New England in the ship "White Angel." Just when he arrived I have so far been unable to learn, but this spirit did spread its wings and fly to these bleak shores, and carried in its bosom sometime our ancestor. We know him to have been at Barnstable in 1640, although he must have come to this country several years previous to that time, for by a deposition of his taken in the settlement of some probate matters quoted in Freeman's History of Cape Cod, it appears he was son of Thomas Smith, of Brinspittae, about five miles from Dorchester, in Dorsetshire, was then "February 8th,
1651, in Barnstable, only son and heir, supposeth his age to be 37, it being next May 21 years since he came out of England," and that his SISTERS Hannah and TUMSON. then living
in England. It would seem therefrom, that he was born in 1614, and came to New England in 1630. Although Mr. Otis stated him to be from Kent



there is wrong connection and I can't unlink this

Sigi, king of Hunaland {Volsunga saga}
is not son of
Odin, {Norse God}

who can unlink this relation?


Henn - get rid of all the Unknown spouse connections on both, - very often they are the reason for mysterious parent connections only visible in the tree

Thänks - I try

Charlotte ... Hedwig has been taken care of, some of parents and children, please take a look and comment on what to do next.

@Ric, done!

Thank you, Mikael.

Ric ... done


1) Richard b. 1501, mannaged by SDH, linked as son to his son
Richard Buller

2) Richard b. 1501, managed by SDH, linked as son to his son.
Richard Buller

Tree should be:

Richard b. 1501, father of Francis b. 1545, father of Richard b. 1578

There are multiple copies of Francis and Richard b. 1501. Merge away.

Thank you.

Please break Mary Morgan b. 1730 (Mary Cunningham) relationship with the John Thomas Musgrove family:

Unknown Profile

It is the wrong Musgrove.

I am very appreciative of the help.

Sara Holbrook
Pls detach Sarah Baker and her son Samuel (mgr Tyler Hill) from William Holebrok (1370).
[Samuel 1787-1845]
Samuel Asberry de Holebrok, Sr
You can leave [Unknown 1765 Holebrok] attached to Sarah or discard him.
Thanks, Russ

Philippa Thornbury was not married to John de Pympe. He was married to a different Philippa.

Can someone please set correct parents he has been incorrectly merged:
Egino II von Dettingen, Graf von Urach
According to MedLands, they are:
Egon I & Unknown Grafin von Urach
Thank you!

Clairification: Egino I & Unknown, I mis-typed Egon.

Showing 31-60 of 92 posts

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