Merge Issues 6

Started by Private User on Thursday, December 17, 2009
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In general: If it is a correct merge you should NEVER remove them from the merge stack just because you don't have access to merge, - someone else might have access, and the fact that somebody managed to place it into the stack shows that someone does have access.

Unding a pending merge will always result in a parent conflict for the generation below and very often also a Cannot View Tree error as the result of that when it is a zombie because the privacy protection for "living" profiles kicks inn.

Only in very rare situations we undo valid merges, but then you have to do that for the whole line.

Storlie, Hill, Gard (3), Clark, Bremer, Conrad, Bascom (John FitzGeoffrey)

Davy (Walter de Berkeley)

Haslem, Mabee, Suter (Carlo I d’Anjou)

Bascom, Hibbard, Barrow, Head (Guidenilda)

Gassman, Filson-Lang, Topping (Olav I King of Man)

Fierro, Hill (Guillaume de Garlende)

Pam: Bremer done in the first request. Mabee in the second one.

@Michelle--I can do DeGraw.

Referring back to a problem raised by Anne Marit a few days ago--

Please be aware that Maud of Chester (aka Kevelioc), Maud de Clare, and Mabel de Meschines were NOT the same person. It appears that these have all been stacked together and I have been trying to sort them out but they keep getting re-stacked. We must be extremely careful since there were a number of Anglo-Norman Mauds and Matildas and Mabels who lived about the same time (in the late 12th and early 13th century) with very similar names:

Maud of Chester (aka Kevelioc or de Meschines) (dau of Hugh de Kevelioc) married David of Huntingdon.

Mabel de Meschines (aka Of Chester or Kevelioc, also daughter of Hugh and sister of above Maud) married William d'Aubigny (*one* of them--there are also two unrelated men by this name who lived at the same time, so this adds even more to the confusion)

Maud de Clare married William de Braose

Another Maud/Matilda de Meschines (dau of William de Meschines) married Phillip de Belmeis and Hugh Mortimer...

And it goes on. You get the picture. Please be careful out there!


Ofir Friedman and everyone else really -

One of the features that were added when they recently changed these Discussions, is the ability to "tag" people. This means that when you type their name, this becomes a link to the actual profile, which is both much nicer AND easier to read (look at your own names at the beginning of this comment).

There are two ways to do this:
1) If someone is related to you, then you type a @ and then start typing their name. A pop-up will appear with possible matches, choose one.
2) For ANY profile, just write double square brackets, like this: [[]] and put the person's profile ID (long number in the URL to their profile) between them without any spaces.

Personally, I only use the 2nd method, because it saves time not having to check if someone is found or not, or choosing the wrong name/profile by mistake.

While it's a bit more work, I propose using this method to name ALL managers we want merged (except for "well known" managers like De Graw). This makes it easier checking if we CAN do the merges. I certainly can't remember all of the additions to my Family Group, and some here have hundreds more.

Ofir try it with ONLY the FIRST number like this (only without spaces): [[ 6000000000621314583 ]]. This gives you Kenneth Dean Fortie.

Ok thanks
hope this would work
Private User

Dear Members
Does anyone have permissions with the following people:
Paul Douglas Van Dillen
Private User
Private User
Private User
Kenneth Dean Fortie
thanks again for your help

I'm Paul Douglas Van Dillen. Why are you asking for people who have permissions with me?

Paul, there's a bunch of people spending a lot of time cleaning up some really messy trees, mistakes, etc. There are a significant number of mgrs who are not active or do not respond. This makes the cleanup either hard or impossible. If you're an active mgr, it was probably an oversight on Ofir's part not to go to you directly; there are so many mgrs it's hard to keep them straight.

Gene, Bascom done.

Paul, the purpose of this discussion is to help each other resolve merge issues. I would presume that Ofir asked, because he has some of those with profiles you manage.

By way of example I just merged the link that Gene posted directly above your comment, and need someone else to finish the following merge for me.

Philip David Reid Castleman:

Gene, Bascom done.

Paul, the purpose of this discussion is to help each other resolve merge issues. I would presume that Ofir asked, because he has some of those with profiles you manage.

By way of example I just merged the link that Gene posted directly above your comment, and need someone else to finish the following merge for me.

Philip David Reid Castleman:

Shmuel: Done

Ofir Friedman have just joined the merge group, so have him excused because there was several names there of active mergers or people who have trusted others to take care of their merges by giving them collaborator and/or family group access (Private User as an example).

Paul: I recommend that you accept most collaboration requests you get from the people who you find active in these discussion topics. We all try to help each others with merge issues and feel free to post your own issues here.

It might be time for me to start a Merge Issues 7 (the first 5 was family group only discussions, but I have 500 extended family group members, - the most active merges and contributors both with profiles and maintaining them).

Instead of asking if people have access, just post the issues here, because some of us, like me, might have better success in requesting access since they have seen the name before somewhere.

I have a pending collaboration request with you too.If you don't respond we have to do the merges in other ways, thats why it is so silly that some people of one reason or another don't accept collaboration requsts!!
The "bigtree" belong to us all!!!

By the way I think Castlemann is one of the sticky!!!


Gunther: I collaborate with Castleman and am also in his family group.

Thanks everyone for explaining my point; it's Just a proof that this system does work.
I've also sent a personal message to Paul.
As you've probably all noticed in the last couple of days I've been very busy working on royalty and nobility lines, try fixing the big ugly mess that they are.
During my work I came across dozens of pending merges, some of them are about 6 !!! Months old and are all related to the same several managers.
The first 5 managers that I've posted are just the tip of the ice of a very long list of managers who added similar royalty and nobility profiles.

In order to fix as many mistakes as I can I'm doing my best and try contacting each and every one of them.
I'm sending them requests to merge and collaborate with them on those specific related profiles.

Ofir Friedman - If you control and find the merge stacks OK it is much easier to post a link to them here and ask others to complete the merges instead of waiting for approval yourselves.

I don't understand much of the "big tree" aspect. I built my tree for my friends and family to enjoy. I don't have an interest in merging with other trees or relinquishing control over the profiles that I have built into my tree. Is there anything wrong with that?


I sympathise. I collaborated, and some kid in Argentina ended up owning all my info. Initially he was "kind" enough to share management of my info with me, but he has now locked me out of editing my own stuff. I had to go in and delete my mother's and partner's personal info to protect their privacy.

Paul ... If you want to keep your tree to yourself DO NOT accept any merge / collarboration / family group invites. Once you do, even one, it WILL quickly impact lots of people info, then they want to get their stuff cleaned up. If you do accept merges and then stop, it can easily screw up lots of other peoples trees. It's sort of like being pregnant, you are either in or out. Keep in mind that a close relative (4th cousin and closer) can also let people merge into your tree.

If you choose to be "in", you do not need to give up any access. You can approve requests on their individual merit. When 2 profiles are merged, but managers retain all mgmt rights. I don't understand what's happening to Justin, that is not a good thing, especially so close to living people. You will find that the people in these conversations guard personal data carefully and what to keep it open not closed.

Justin ... I'd take your problem up with Geni directly, they may be able to help you.

Gene, I already talked to Geni. They are cheerful, as always, but tell me nothing is wrong. I uploaded the info, he controls it. What could be wrong? One example out of thousands: Malatiah Luce He has rejected my request to manage this profile dozens of times. Even though Geni can't find any connection to him, he apparently wants to keep control.

Gene Daniell "It's sort of like being pregnant"...hahahaha, wonderful put and so right you are!

I don't think everybody understands what they do when they start merge and collaborate. They just find an invitation (from somebody making a hot match perhaps?) one day and ignore it, then after some time they get angry letters....and people wants to collaborate. Perhaps they don't even know what that is.

The manager of Malatiah is also related (by blood), but you are very much closer. As he has 86.000 other profiles to take care of it is really very strange you can't get manament as it is important to you. I am collaborating, can I help in any way - send a message at least?

Justin Durand - According to this post: you should have been restored as manager of your previous profiles, so we should ask Geni why not.

I have also contacted this "Argentinian kid" about why he did not offer you to get your profiles back (with the help of Geni) since you rejoined Geni and are now collaborating in full scale.

As I wrote before to some members there should be a "Geni Users Manual Guide"
Such manual should include explanations about everything you need to know about the site.
It's should also include some guidelines especially for new members regarding adding already exited information on Geni.
I think such guide should help all of us and make it easier for everyone to understand each other.

Ofir Friedman that is the intention behind the Geni User Wiki: Everyone please feel free to jump in to keep it updated and complete.

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