Merge Issues 6

Started by Private User on Thursday, December 17, 2009
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Wow, now I have never seen a green circle in the lower left corner and crossed out updates in a profile. Henn, you confounded that profile for sure!

Well I guess some changes went into effect while I was absent all day...catching up.

I tried to make it work. I was able to give the "non-relative" profile the parents, but still could not get him to merge into his duplicate. Very weird.

I tried to make it work. I was able to give the "non-relative" profile the parents, but still could not get him to merge into his duplicate. Very weird.

The profile statistics is not updated so often so those values will stick there for a while.

Anyhow, someone have connected the disconnected profile again into a pending merge. A quick look on the main stack shows that you have a real "own ancestor" error in the stack now, just look at this connection:

You should just cancel the error report, unstack and fix the errors.

The new Revision tab is by the way announced and discussed here, and the good news is that they are closer to a of revision control, including recovering of deleted profiles.

Allow me to get off topic for a moment since I can really use some urgent help with this
Does anyone else having problems in the last day or so regarding not getting the usual messages directly into your email
I didn't get any at all for about 10 hours and in the last 5 hours or so I did received some selected e-mails but not all of them
I also send a help requests but didn’t get its confirmation to my email so I kind of lost that ticket #


I am still getting my emails.

Emails from Geni seem to be an half hour or so delayed now.

I need help. I admit confusion with parent conflicts. I have an Elizabeth Gregory that has two fathers Robert BIshop or Cyprian Bishop. I want to delete Cyprian. But I just do not know how. Can someone send me an email explaining how to do it?

I need help. I admit confusion with parent conflicts. I have an Elizabeth Gregory that has two fathers Robert BIshop or Cyprian Bishop. I want to delete Cyprian. But I just do not know how. Can someone send me an email explaining how to do it?

Adelisa de Huntington

I have been working on the de Toeni family ALL week, with very little progress. Too many Ralphs, Rogers, and Roberts.

Alice of Huntington is the wife of Ralph IV, and needs to be disconnected from Ralph II.

She is not the mother of Roger the Spaniard. Roger the Spaniard is the son of Ralph II.

Thank you. More later, I am sure.

@ Janet; I feel your pain
I've also been working in that area this week; and indeed too many Ralph's Roger's Robert's have been merged together

@Ofir, I haven't been getting any Geni emails at all since the end of June, I think the same day you posted your message, the 29th. All my settings are the same as they were. I wondered if anyone else was having that same problem. The odd thing is, I hadn't gotten messages from facebook for almost a year (at a different email address), although my settings showed that I should. All of a sudden, the facebook messages started coming in and that's when my geni messages stopped coming at all. I still have the problem.

Another merge issue here. I received this with no option to merge. Can someone take a look at it and tell me what I'm overlooking. It looks merge-able to me. But it won't sallow me to do it.

Hi Ann,

I clicked the hyperlink for the name of the profile on the right. William Taylor

It is set to "private" and that's why you couldn't merge.

I generated a request to the profile manager asking to join her "family group." Then I'll be able to edit the profile from "private" to "public" and as your collaborator, complete the merge.

Alternately the profile manager can edit it herself, but she would still need to finish off the merge.

Thanks so much!!

Hello Everyone,

To give you some background, I questioned Customer Service, what is the purpose of classifying us as "Managers of Profiles" if someone can delete the profiles on our trees without our foreknowledge or forewarning.

Here is a response I received from Ashiya who is Geni staff, I thought you all would be encouraged to know:

- We are working on enhancements to the site which will include something your are describing. however, please note that an ETA on this has not yet been established and the full details of this new feature are still a surprise and will be revealed shortly.

Hope this will bring some encouragement to all of you. Have a good evening!


Did discover that Cecilie Nygård is the only Collebrator he have, so I did send her a message.

I just sent her official merge requests for most of those merges. Should be all done soon!

Glenn, I'm going to do as many of these as I can before I zonk out for the night but I wonder - are you a member of the collaboration pool? If not, you might want to join. I collaborate with at least one person on a ton of profiles, which lets me complete merges or at least request that others complete merges for me. Check it out!

Hi Marsha.
Thanks for that.
I have seen the thread about that collaboration pool, but have not posted anything there yet.
But count me in

If you want to collaborate with about 500 people, go to that discussion and enter your name. That's all you have to do. Everyone else will send you collaboration requests. Just click to accept!

Already done so :)

Cool! Welcome!

Elizabeth Woodville, Queen Consort of England

Elizabeth Wayte was the mistress of Edward IV of England. I have not seen parentage for her, but she is NOT the daughter of Jacquetta of Luxembourg.

I can't finish the merge, fix the parents, or connect her to Edward IV.

Thank you.

The following from seems to confirm that Jacquette was Elizabeth's mother. I nearly changed as requested but stopped when I checked Medlands and saw this.

RICHARD Wydeville, son of RICHARD Wydeville & his wife Joan Bedlisgate ([1405]-beheaded 12 Aug 1469). He was created Baron and Lord de Ryvers 9 May 1448, and Earl Rivers 24 May 1466.

m ([6 Feb 1436/23 Mar 1437]) as her second husband, JACQUETTE de Luxembourg, widow of JOHN Duke of Bedford, daughter of PIERRE de Luxembourg Comte de Saint-Pol & his wife Margherita del Balzo ([1416/17]-30 May 1472).

Richard & his wife had fifteen children:

1. ELIZABETH (Grafton Regis [1437]-St Saviour’s Abbey, Bermondsey 8 Jun 1492, bur St George’s Chapel, Windsor). She was crowned Queen of England 26 May 1465 at Westminster Abbey. Her second marriage was declared null and void 25 Jun 1483 by the Act of Parliament “Titulus Regius”, their children becoming illegitimate, but recognised as valid once more Oct 1485 by the first Parliament of King Henry VII. m firstly Sir JOHN Grey of Groby, son of Sir EDWARD Grey of Ruthin & his wife Elizabeth Ferrers Lady Ferrers of Groby (-killed in battle St Albans 17 Feb 1461). m secondly (Manor of Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire 1 May 1464) EDWARD IV King of England, son of RICHARD Duke of York & his wife Cecily Neville (Rouen 28 Apr 1442-Palace of Westminster 9 Apr 1483, bur St George’s Chapel, Windsor).

Something changed between the time I posted and you replied.

Edward IV has three mistress: (from FMG)
Mistress (1): ELEANOR Talbot, widow of THOMAS Butler [son of Ralph Boteler Lord Sudeley], [687]daughter of JOHN Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury (-30 Jun 1468). The declaration of nullity of the marriage of Edward IV and Elizabeth Wydeville (25 Jun 1483 by the Act of Parliament “Titulus Regius”) was based on his alleged pre-contract of marriage with Eleanor Butler.

Mistress (2): ELIZABETH Lucy née Wayte, daughter of THOMAS Wayte & his wife ---.

Mistress (3): ---. The name of King Edward's third mistress is not known.

My problem was with Elizabeth Wayte Lucy, who was linked to Jacquetta of Luxemburg, but has no mother listed in FMG. She is no longer visible as a mistress of Edward IV, nor are the instances or her found on a geni search linked to the big tree.

Terry: Thanks for looking at this, Janet

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