Doda di Friuli de Poitiers - Places: Friuli, Italy; Neustria, Italy; Neustria, France; Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France

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I'm very confused by all the place names in her place of birth, complicated by her surnames.
It may not have been clear in the source used, although I'm not sure because I don't yet have access. I would really love for the sources of information about Doda to be... typed out and notated!
Below is some of my wiki research on different names and places to help me suppose her origins.
Being wikipedia research, it is less a guarantee than a narrowing of possibilities.

di Friuli
Friuli is a name (from Forum Julius meaning Julius's Market) associated with the most Northeast region of Italy, east of Slovenia. Friuli is said to have its own regional identity. There is also a distinct Friuli language. "di Friuli" seems to follow the Friulian language as opposed to Venetian or Italian ways of phrasing surnames (based on the di as opposed to da or del). Also, the surname Furlan/Furlano means from Friuli, but in Venetian dialect. Unsure whether this name "di Friuli" would indicate her place of birth or her parents' or her Heritage. Also unsure whether it references simply the region of Friuli or the Patria of Friuli or something else.

Today, the autonomous region of Italy "Friuli-Venezia Giulia" includes 4 provinces: Udine, Pordenone, Gorizia, and Trieste. All provinces but Trieste were part of the historical region of Friuli. Gorizia at one point was its own republic, so probably not always included with region Friuli, although that is my own guessing.

Friuli Region today:

Doda di Friuli de Poitier's birthyear is given as 1520 (on the Geni page as I write this, late March 2025).
Some info for the Friuli area before and up to ~1520:

1068-1420 Patria del Friuli (aka the Patriarchal State of Aquileia)- 1068-1420 -
The cities of Udine and Cividale del Friuli were switched between as capitals during the Patria.
1420 Republic of Venice- took control 1420 but still let it keep its own laws and customs for some time.
Very nearby locales were under control of Habsburgs/Holy Roman Empire or Republic of Gorizia.
1508-1516 War of the League of Cambrai- began in 1508 fought until 1516, part of the Italian Wars 1494-1559.
1511 Friulian Revolt/Cruel Fat Thursday- an uprising of starving people, began in Udine and spread to all Friuli, began 27 February 1511 until it was put down 1 March 1511. Thought that a certain noble secretly organized the revolt to have the other noble families in his area taken care of. Nobles were murdered and apparently peasants masqueraded mockingly in their clothes. Peasant leaders of the revolt were killed and sometimes put on display.
1511 Idrija Earthquake 1511- A very destructive Earthquake hit the region around 3pm, 26 March 1511 and affected Friuli. Many deaths, Udine Castle, then a Lombard-Built fortress, was destroyed.
1516 Noyon pacts- 1516- Habsburg Empire controls eastern Friuli region, Venetians control western and central Friuli

I would be interested in movements/emmigrations of Nobles and Peasants out of the Friuli region around this time, but also if recorded at other times prior. Does anyone know of sources of that info?

Friuli Historical happenings:

Neustria (Italy)
region of Northern Italy during Kingdom of the Lombards (c560-744)
Various powers claimed/conquered the area over time

Langobardia Major, of the Lombard Kingdom in Northern Italy, was comprised of today's region of Lombardy, the Duchies of Friuli and Trent (Tridentum), and the Tuscany region. Austria was the name for the Eastern portion of Langobardia Major and included the Duchies of Friuli and Trent (Tridentum). Neustria was the name for an extended area North, West, and South of today's Lombardy region. The Duchy of Tuscany (Tuscia) was south of Neustria. Wiki pages have helpful maps.

Neustria (France)

Early Middle Ages, name for the Western part of the Kingdom of the Franks. Initially included land between the Loire and Silva Carbonaria, with Paris, Orléans, Tours, Soissons as its main cities.
Regnum Neustriae - a subkingdom of the Carolingian Empire and then West Francia, region between the Loire and the Seine rivers.
Marches of Neustria - created 861 as buffers between West Francia and Breton/Bretagne, and West Francia and Norman/Norsemen.

Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France

Lot is a department of France in the Occitanie region created 4 March 1790, named after the Lot river.
Lot-et-Garonne is a department in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of Southwestern France. Also created 4 March 1790.
The Lot, originally the Olt, is a river in France. It rises from the Cévennes range on the south-east edge of the Massif Central and flows west until it flows into the Garonne near Aiguillon.
Midi-Pyrénées, France is a former administrative region, in 2016 becoming part of the new region of Occitania (Occitanie).énées

Fréjus (France)éjus
Founded as a city to be a Forum Julius, meant to rival Marseilles at the time.
Fréjus commune, Var department, Provence-Alps-Côtes d'Azur region, Southeastern France

de Poitiers
Poitiers, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Poitiers and Lot-et-Garonne are both in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France.

Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany/Deutschland
History of the city dates to the Roman Empire. The oldest city in Germany. Traditionally known by English and French name Treves.
Witch Trials of Trier took place here between 1581-1593. Doda's death on Geni is currently stated as being 29 September 1575, before these Witch Trials.

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