Splitting Balian

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In Carving up Crusaders, Hans Eberhard Mayer shows convincingly how a mistaken transcription of an 1145 chartar led Count W.H. Riidt de Collenberg to believe that Barisan-le-Vieux, Constable of Jaffa (Balian II, Lord of Rama), had to have been dead in 1145, and must therefore be split into two different Barisans.

Remove the necessity to kill off Balian II, Lord of Rama in 1945, and you remove the need to split him in two. He contends that these events are all one Balian:

  • Barisan-le-Vieux who was in the Holy Land before 1115 and was constable of Jaffa by this year (RRH no. 80),
  • represented Jaffa at the Council of Nablus in 1120,°
  • staked a claim together with Hugh of Jaffa in 1123 and 1126 for adding Ascalon to the county,°
  • held fiefs from Hugh of Jaffa outside the county in 1127 which later reverted to the crown,’ returned his fiefs in the county to the count when he led the Jaffa vassals into the king’s camp during Hugh’s revolt in 1134.5
  • was enfeoffed in 1141 with the name-giving castle of Ibelin,
  • took part in the great war council at Acre in 1148°
  • and is mentioned alive for the last time in RRH no. 262 of early 1150.'°

He says:
In this charter Patriarch William I of Jerusalem, who died on 27 September 1145,‘ confirmed the statutes of the hospital of the Saviour founded by abbot Hugh of St. Mary of the Valley of Josaphat with the help of a confraternity.

Nomina vero illorum, qui se primitus in hac confraternitate miserunt, sunt hec: domnus Balduinus rex primus et domnus Bernardus episcopus de Nazareth, Guillelmus de Buris, Guido de Miliaco, Goscelinus domnus de Tiberiade, domnus Balianus et ceteri plures, qui mortui sunt.
[But the names of those who first sent themselves into this fraternity are as follows: lord Balduinus the first king and lord Bernardus bishop of Nazareth, William of Buris, Guido de Miliacus, lord Goscelinus of Tiberias, lord Balianus, and many others who have died. SHARON 2025]

Combining the full printed version with Réhricht’s abstract, Riidt de Collenberg (p. 453) quoted this text in a fashion which never existed except in his own imagination:

Balduini I (Rex), Guillelmi de Buris, Guidonis de Miliaco, Joscelini de Tiberiadis, Baliani et aliorum benefactorum mortuorum et ceteri plures qui mortui sunt.
[Baldwin I (King), William of Buris, Guidon of Miliacus, Joscelinus of Tiberias, Balian and other dead benefactors and many others who have died. SHARON 2025]

By his insertion of the phrase et aliorum benefactorum mortuorum he was led to believe that all benefactors named in the confirmation by Patriarch William were dead, when William issued his charter some time during his term of office (after 27 September 1130—27 September 1145). In fact, because he assumed all benefactors to have been dead at the time of issue, he dated RRH no. 135 in the early 1140s, because William of Buris was still alive in early 1141 (RRH no. 201). If all benefactors listed were dead by 1145, this applied also to the domnus Balianus who is no doubt Barisan-le-Vieux. But it is this assumption by Riidt de Collenberg which is wrong, and to which he was led by doubling the word mortuus. The only time it occurs is in the phrase et ceteri plures, qui mortui sunt. The relative clause clearly does not apply to all benefactors, but only to the ceteri plures whose names were no longer known because they had joined the confraternity in its early days but were long since deceased.

Cawley has followed Collenberg in splitting the two. He says:

BALIAN [I] ([1070/80]-[Feb 1141/27 Sep 1145). The origin of Balian is not known. According to the 'Lignages d'Outremer', "Balian le Fransois fu frere au comte Guillaumin de Chartres" [Balian le Fransois was brother to Count Guillaumin of Chartres] but this seems unlikely, the same source conflating Balian [I] with Balian [II][780].

  • Baudouin I King of Jerusalem confirmed donations to the church of St Marie, Josaphat by charter dated to [1115], including a donation by "…Barianus constabularius Joppæ…[Barianus constable of Joppa] "[781].
  • William of Tyre records "Barisanus Joppe constabularius" among those present at the Council of Nablus in 1120 at which Gormundus Patriarch of Jerusalem delivered a sermon[782].
  • "Balyanus Joppensis constabularius" donated property to the church of St Jean, Nablus, for the salvation of "uxoris Heluissæ" [wife Helvis], by charter dated May 1122, confirmed by "Hugone Rametensi, Balduino fratre eius domino Mirabelli, necnon Baliano" [Hugh of Rametense, Baldwin his brother, Lord Mirabellus, and Baliano] [783].
  • "Barisanus constabularius Joppensis" donated "casale Algie in territorio Ascalonis" to the Hospitallers, with the consent of "Hugonis domini Joppensis, et Emmæ uxoris"[Hugh of Joppen, and Emma his wife], by charter dated 17 Jan 1126[784].
  • William of Tyre records him as "Balianus senior" in 1132[785], suggesting that he was the father of another Balian.
  • Balian was mentioned as a deceased benefactor, along with Guillaume of Bures (who was alive in Feb 1141), in the document confirming the constitution of the hospital of Notre Dame de Josephat, which was sealed by Guillaume Patriarch of Jerusalem, who died 27 Sep 1145, and so although undated must have been issued before that date[786].

m HELVIS, daughter of ---.

  • "Balyanus Joppensis constabularius" donated property to the church of St Jean, Nablus, for the salvation of "uxoris Heluissæ", by charter dated May 1122, confirmed by "Hugone Rametensi, Balduino fratre eius domino Mirabelli, necnon Baliano"[787].

Balian [I] & his wife had [four] children:

1. BALIAN [II] (-[1150/52]).

  • His parentage is confirmed by William of Tyre referring to "Balianus senior" in 1132[788].
  • "Balianus miles" donated property "mea casale…Dargerboan" to the abbey of Notre-Dame de Josaphat with the consent of "dominus meus Hugo, comes Jope" [my lord Hugh, count of Jope], by charter dated 1127[789]. It is assumed that this charter refers to the younger Balian as no primary source has yet been identified which suggests that Balian senior was no longer constable of Jaffa at that date.
  • He supported Foulques King of Jerusalem in his dispute with Hugues du Puiset in 1132/33[790]. "…
  • Barisanus…" subscribed the charter dated 5 Feb 1138 under which "Fulcho…rex Ierusalem Latinorum tercius" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem[791], although this could refer either to Balian or his father.
  • In 1141, he was granted the castle of Yebna, francisised to "Ibelin", south-west of Lydda. The Lignages d'Outremer confirm that the king gave "Ybelin" to "Belleem a la Barbe"[792]. "Balianus…" subscribed the charter dated 1144 under which "Balduinus…sancte Ierusalem rex Latinorum quartus" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, signing first among the subscribers[793].
  • He succeeded his brother-in-law as Lord of Rama, by right of his wife. “Reinerius de Ramis”, fearing death, donated property to “infirmis Sancti Lazari secus muros Jerusalem”, in the presence of “...me Barisano, Hugone...ac Balduino filiis meis, nepotibus ipsius...atque muliere mea, sorore eius”, confirmed by “Barisanus et Hugo ac Balduinus filii mei”, [me Barisano, Hugh...and Baldwin to my sons, his grandsons...and my wife, his sister", confirmed by "Barisanus and Hugh and Baldwin my sons ]by charter dated 1148[794].
  • William of Tyre records "Balianus senior" among the magnates in Palestine present at the council held at Acre recorded under 1148[795]. https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/JERUSALEM%20NOBILITY.htm#HelvisRam...

Following a discussion of the logic of Hélvis, of Rama years of fertility if there is only one of her, Mayer makes quite a lot out of the vercity of a document that appears might be pivotal in casting doubt on his theory were it not to have been forged. (Which he thinks it was)


Google translates this as:
Maj., ind. VIII, epact. XI, concurr. V. — Balyanus, Joppensis constabularius, consensu Balduini II regis et Hugonis Joppensis «consulis»,2) cutocothroffii S. Johannis Neapolitani 3) ecclesiae redecimationem integram de Mirabel, Luceri, Marescalcie, Rentie et Kafreherre pro salute sua et uxoris Heluissae donat, Hugone Ramatensi, Balduino, fratre ejus, domino Mirabelli, necnon Baliano confirmantibus. — Adam de Rammis, Balduinus Colepance, Hymbertus presbyter, Ordelet, Johannes Castor, Arrabi, Eurardus, Anselmus, Philippus, Ramundus, Radulphus, Petrus, supradicti cutocothroffii famuli, Anscherius senescalcus (Paoli I, p. 236, No. 191 ; cf. p. 546). Hoc privilegium (ut chartam 29 April. 1 1 66) J., abbas S. Sepulchri, et Adam, archidiaconus Acconensis (c. 1 250), se vidisse confirmant (Delaville le Roulx, p. 17).

Maj., ind. VIII. 11, concur. V. - Balyanus, constable of Joppa, with the consent of King Baldwin II and Hugh of Joppa, the "consuls", 2) the cutocroff of St. John of Naples, 3) the whole church of Mirabel, Luceri, Marescalcie, Rentie and Kafreherre, for the safety of himself and his wife Heluissa, he gives to Hugh of Ramatsi, Baldwin, his brother, lord Mirabelli, as well as Balianus, supporting him. — Adam de Rammis, Balduinus Colepance, Hymbertus presbyter, Ordelet, Johannes Castor, Arrabi, Eurardus, Anselmus, Philippus, Ramundus, Radulphus, Peter, servants of the aforesaid cutocothroff, Anscherius senescalcus (Paul I, p. 236, No. 191; cf. p. 546). J., abbot of S. Sepulcher, and Adam, archdeacon of Accon (c. 1 250), confirm that they saw this privilege (as a charter of April 29, 1 1 66) (Delaville le Roulx, p. 17).

Sorry, I see I didn't add the link to the other half of what Mayer is arguing is the same Barisan "the Old"

The ages of these three sons will form part of Mayer's argument. Hugues d'Ibelin, lord of Ramla Baldwin of Ibelin, lord of Mirabel & Ramla and Balian, lord of Ibelin

It's likely that I'll only get a chance to tease these arguments out next weekend, I'm afraid.

I'm going to say that google translating 'salute' as 'safety' would be better translated as 'good health'?

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