Meier Wallich - Meier Wallich

Started by Avrohom Adler on yesterday
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On Ancestry, I saw trees which are saying that "Rabbi" Meyer Wallich's father is Maier ben Yitzchak Walch, which obviously doesn't make much sense.

However, I did find in a sefer, and I will post the pictures in media, that Meyer Wallich's father is Rav Yosef Shtadthaugen Joseph de Bonne dit Stadthagen whom we know as Joseph de Bonne, Stadthagen.

Now, I did notice some discussion about Mate Stadthaugen there, whom I don't know yet.

This sefer also has a further discrepency regarding Shimshon (de Bonne) of Mitz's wife, but I will discuss there.

If anyone can shed light on this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much

Hi Avrohom,

The name of Meyer Wallich's father is unknown. Meyer had a son-in-law called Moshe Stadthagen in Yiddish and Moses Goldschmidt in German. If the primary source on which the tree is based is unknown, discard it. Secondary sources, such as a sefer, cannot be trusted either without a reference to a primary source, such as a tax list or a tombstone. Did you see my article “The Wallich List from Worms,” in: Aschkenas 25 (2015), pages 181–204?

Best wishes,


Thank you.

where can I find that article?

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