It jumps from John 2nd (II) to John 4th. (IV) - so I was just looking for John 3rd (III), that I believe is married to Elizabeth Kilgore..
George J.1640-1691 + Mary P Wells Stock 1633-1699
1 George Jr. 1672-1717 + Rachel Warfield 1681-1719
2 Elizabeth 1673/5-7.8.1736 + Thomas Plummer II
3 John 1675-3.19.1720 + Elizabeth Tucker 1673-1712
*John (II) 1691-1731 + Joan E. Gaithers 1695-1731
* John Estes (III) 1714-1779 + Elizabeth Kilgore 1718-1795
* John Lewis (IV) 1738-1798 + Sarah Price 1741-1769
4 Ann 1677/8-1735
What do you think?