Lazarus Stewart, Sr. - Hypothesis: [1] Lazarus line of descent from Robert II, King of Scots, [2] How Lazarus received his name

Started by George Raymond Freeman on today


I have two working hypotheses that I would like to run by you. The first is a reasoned conjecture on how “Lazarus Stewart 1683-1744” fits into the Stewart Bute line. The second conjecture is how Lazarus received his name.

The approach I created for this study was as follows:

[1] Based on the reasoned assumption that Lazarus was a descendant of “Ballintoy Stewarts,” find a Stewart Ballintoy family unit whose documented family names match the derived naming pattern of Lazarus’ descendants. NOTE: Ballintoy Stewarts (in Northern Ireland) are confirmed descendants of "Sir John Stewart Sheriff of Bute, Arran and Cumbrae 1356-1441."

[2] Reconcile the naming of “Lazarus.” It is unlikely that Lazarus changed his name, as many have speculated, as Lazarus gave his name for a legal deed transfer and in court (reference the recent document findings). Thus, any Ballintoy family unit connection must have at least conjectured accounting for the naming of Lazarus.

[3] Search for DNA evidence of any chosen family unit by searching for trace autosomal evidence of paternal lineage of the maternal-named line (and its variants) against the profiles I manage on Having no trace evidence cancels out the possibility of a match.

I designed these three prongs to help me cancel out family lines more than find them, hoping that if a line withstood these tests, it would be worth investigating further.


As I have mentioned in a previous thread, two of Lazarus’s children (John and James) named their first son “William” and their second son “Lazarus.” Since we understand Lazarus is their “Father’s father,” and we have no “William” in the known children of Lazarus, we have a reasonable expectation to believe that Lazarus also had a son named “William” but that this son did not survive childhood—based on patterning, this would likely be his second son.

If we hold that supposition and extend it further by “believing that the William and Margaret Stewart” found in the back-to-back deeds from “December 10th, 1712 in the Parish of Lifford” were the parents of Lazarus, we can hypothesize that Lazarus and his children followed a modified “Parental” naming pattern as generally follows:

--- Son’s
- The first son was named after his father’s father, father.
- The next son was named after his father’s father.
- The next son was named after his father.
- The following sons were named after their father’s brothers.
- However, if there were a demand for a maternally named son, it would occur anywhere after the first son.

--- Daughter’s
- The first daughter was named after her mother’s mother.
- The next daughter was named after her father’s mother.
- The third daughter was named after her mother.
- The following daughters were named after their mother’s sisters.

Under the above premise, Lazarus’s children would align as follows per the above (understanding that there was likely a son named “William” born between John and Lazarus):

- John Stewart (1712-1777), named for his father’s father, father
- Margaret Stewart (1714-1796), named for her mother’s mother
- Margery Stewart (1716-?), named for her father’s mother
- Lazarus Stewart (1718-1779), named for his father
- Peter Stewart (1720-1784), named for his father’s brothers
- James Stewart (1723-1817), named for his father’s brothers
- David Stewart (1724-1798), named for his father’s brothers

Using this pattern, I set out to find a generationally correct “Ballintoy Stewart family unit” that would fit this structure. This fit would be recognized if the following was true:

- Lazarus’s parents would be - William and Margaret
- Lazarus’s paternal grandfather would be - John
- Lazarus’s maternal grandfather would need to be a – Lazarus (named through the mother’s father naming tradition)
- Lazarus assumed father “William” would need an accounting for his name

After rotating through the Ballintoy family units, I found a reasonable fit under “John Stewart of Ballintoy 1630-1691” (the 9th named Stewart below) as follows:

Robert II, King of Scots (1316-1390)
John Stewart Sheriff of Bute, Arran and Cumbrae (1356-1441)
William Stewart of Fennock, 3rd Sheriff of Bute and Arran (1408-1464)
James Stewart of Kilcattan, 4th Sheriff of Bute and Arran (1450-1477)
Ninian Stewart of Ardmaleish, 6th Sheriff of Bute and Arran (1468-1539)
Archibald John Stewart of Largizean (1508-1600)
James Stewart (1542-1600)
----- Earliest residents of Ballintoy -----
David Stewart of Ballintoy (1585-1630)
John Stewart of Ballintoy (1630-1691)
----- Suppositional placement of William and Margaret from deeds -----
William Stewart (1660-)
Lazarus Stewart (1683-1744)

Reference the following patchwork image to see the hypothesis:

In this image you will see the following:

[1] Lazarus’s father’s father is a “John”

[2] Lazarus’s father is a “William”

[3] Lazarus’s father (likely a second son) mother’s father is a “William”

[5] Lazarus’s mother is a “Margaret,” which is why they named their second daughter “Margery” due to the conflict that was created in the first daughter being named after her mother’s mother (i.e., Margaret Harris, not shown).

[6] And for the kicker, I believe Lazarus’s mother was a “Lowery.” The Lowery’s had the Lazarus name in their structure, and parts of this family were living only a few miles from “Lifford” (the Deed location) in the later 1600s per trees and a PRONI reference. In addition, “Lazarus Lowry 1688-1755” was a neighbor of our Lazarus Stewart in Pennsylvania, and if I’m correct, a 1C1R. I also found that this line of Lowry’s married into a segment of “Margaret Steuart’s” (Lazarus’s wife) family line, specifically George Stewart.

From a trace DNA evidence perspective, I have traceable hits on the “Hogg” and “Lowry” connections back to Ireland/Scotland. Still, as we know, that is dangerous territory to base suppositions on, so again, I used it only to cancel out family lines.

Please let me know your thoughts and whether you view this as something that deserves additional investigation.



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