Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre - @

Started by Raymond Henry (private) on today
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Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre is Yaroslav the Wise's fifth great granddaughter.
Yaroslav the Wise → Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks (his daughter) → Philip I, king of France (her son) → Louis VI the Fat, king of France (his son) → Louis VII the Young, king of France (his son) → Marie Capet de France, comtesse de Champagne (his daughter) → Marie de Champagne (her daughter) → Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre (her daughter)
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Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre is Yaroslav the Wise's granddaughter's fiancé's fiancée's third great nephew's wife.
Yaroslav the Wise → Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Kiev (his son) → Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (his daughter) → Constantine Doukas Byzantine Co-emperor (her fiancé) → Olympias ‘Helena’ de Hauteville (his fiancée) → Maud of Apulia (her sister) → Ramon Berenguer III "the Great" count of Barcelona (her son) → Ramon Berenguer IV "the Saint" count of Barcelona (his son) → Dulce de Aragão, rainha-consorte de Portugal (his daughter) → Fernando de Portugal, conde da Flandres (her son) → Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre (his wife)

Jeanne de Constantinople, comtesse de Flandre
is my 22nd great aunt.

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