Sigehelm, Ealdorman of East Kent - Sigeraed, Prince of Kent

Started by Colin Henshaw on yesterday
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Seen several lineages relating to Sigehelm on, (Latter Day Saints),"ethel..., and

I can't vouch for the authenticity of these lineages, but they trace Sigehelm's lineage through kings of Kent and Essex starting with Seaxneat Teddasson b358. Sledda of Essex married Ricula and her lineage goes back to Hengist, Hengis's father is given as Wihtgils, and his lineage extends back thirteen generations, no doubt all mythological.

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The link is made solely on similarity in names and nothing else

Sigehelm, Ealdorman of East Kent is my 33rd great grandfather.
You → Elza Dzelvite (Grahpe,Grāpe) (your mother) → Jahn Grahpe (her father) → Baron Arnold Julius von Vietinghoff-Riesch (his father) → Juliane Charlotte Lulla von Vietinghoff (his mother) → Helene Gertrude von Krüdener (her mother) → Bsse Helene Maria Esther von Völckersahm (her mother) → Helene d'Orville von Löwenclau (her mother) → Isaac d'Orville von Löwenclau (her father) → Peter Friedrich d'Orville (his father) → Pierre Peter d'Orville (his father) → Samuel d'Orville (his father) → Anne Godin, de Tampezo (his mother) → Christophe Godin (her father) → Jean VIII Godin, seigneur du Commun fief (his father) → Jean VII Godin, échevin de Valenciennes (his father) → Jean VI Godin, seigneur d'Auberchicourt, chevalier de Jérusalem (his father) → Johan V Godin, heer van Auberchicourt (his father) → Maria de Sebourg (his mother) → Adrien de Sebourg (her father) → Mathilde de Durbuy (his mother) → Mechteld, Gräfin von Kleve (her mother) → Dietrich Graf von Kleve gen. von Dislaken (her father) → Dietrich IV/VI "Nust", Graf von Kleve (his father) → Margaretha van Holland (his mother) → Ada de Huntingdon, Countess of Holland (her mother) → Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon (her father) → David I, King of Scots (his father) → Saint Margaret, Queen of Scots (his mother) → Edward 'the Exile', Ætheling of England (her father) → Edmund II 'Ironside', King of England (his father) → Æthelred "the Unready", King of the English (his father) → Edgar I "The Peaceful", King of the English (his father) → Edmund I "the Magnificent", king of The English (his father) → Eadgifu (his mother) → Sigehelm, Ealdorman of East Kent (her father)

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