Duplicate tree to be isolated - no need to merge R.Abun-HaChassid Kalonimus, The great - Duplicate tree(s)

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  • Private User
    Geni Pro

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Private User
Today at 7:47 AM

Hi Private User,

There's at least two duplicate (but not identical) trees for the Kalomymous family on Geni.

One starts here: Duplicate tree to be isolated - no need to merge R.Abun-HaChassid Kalonimus, The great This makes R Abun the son of R Meshulam ben Moshe Kalonymous.

The other starts here: Rabbi Abun Kalonymus, Hachassid HaGadol and has the tree that you worked on this past week. That makes R Abun the son of R Eliezer Kalonymous.

I think I've seen at least one other tree here, but can't find it right now.

cc Yigal Burstein and Randy Schoenberg for context.

Any way we can consolidate these trees?


Jeremy Lichtman

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