Dumas Malone, in Jefferson the Virginian, remarked rather dismissively on the Jeffersons’ claim to originate in Wales, “Whether they ever did seems to be beyond the possibility of historical verification and the matter is of no real importance.” …
… While these may indeed be evidence of a particular interest in Wales, I do feel compelled to point out that, based on his house, books and other possessions, Thomas Jefferson appeared to be interested in almost everything.
… The DNA tests proved no such thing, however, and indeed the results seem to make it even less likely that the Jefferson family originated in Wales. To summarize very briefly, DNA tests were performed on 85 men with the last name “Jefferson” at the University of Leicester, and only 2 of them turned out to have the same Y chromosome as our Jefferson. These two men, whose relation to President Jefferson was estimated at about 11 generations back, had ancestral ties in Yorkshire and the West Midlands, respectively. I have just looked at a map and can tell you with some authority that neither of those are in Wales. …
Dumas Malone source: https://archive.org/details/jeffersonhistime01malo/page/n21/mode/1up
Wikipedia includes Thomas Jefferson DNA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_haplogroups_of_historic_peopl...
Possible Jewish Y DNA of Thomas Jefferson 2007:
From the National Library of Medicine:
Correction on the last link above from the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: https://www.csueastbay.edu/museum/files/docs/exhibit/dna/dna-thomas...