Fulk V, King of Jerusalem - I had no idea my family tree was like the Da Vinci Code. Wow, rich people believe some crazy stuff!

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Сегодня в 5:38 после полудня

As a little girl my gramma told me we were descended from Jesus, King Arthur and other interesting characters that I didn't believe at all.
I guess she wasn't joking. Her family tree goes to people like Muhammad.

Why don't they teach us about the real Knights Templars in American School? We learned nothing about Europe in American school. Real is history is crazier than Star Wars! They teach us about the crusades and all the killing of muslims, and they mention something about protecting travelers to the holy land, but that's it. When Dan Brown came out, I was like....ok I guess my gramma isn't crazy.

Thank you to everyone that contributes to this website, I still have a hard time navigating all these genealogy sites. But I have learned so much about ancient history thanks to the time and efforts of so many of you. When I can see with my own eyes, the documentation that ties me to my ancestors, it makes learning history so much less boring and more significant.

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Сегодня в 6:05 после полудня

Isn't it amazing!!
Be careful though some of the currators here allowed changes that weren't right and messed up my dad's side.

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