Robert I, count in Wormsgau & Upper Rheingau - Additional Unsourced children

Started by Sharon Doubell on today
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Today at 12:27 AM

[[Robert I, count in Wormsgau & Upper Rheingau Robert I, count in Wormsgau & Upper Rheingau] ROBERT] [I] (c700/10]-b<764)
s/o [[Lambert II, bishop of Metz Lambert II, bishop of Metz] LAMBERT] [II] comes in Neustria and Austrasia & his wife
x c730 [[Williswinda im Wormsgau Williswinda im Wormsgau] WILLISWINDA], d/o [[Adalheim, count of Wormsgau Adalheim, count of Wormsgau] ADALHELM] Grundherr im Wormsgau (-c12 Jul 764/776)

seems to have acquired additional, possibly unsourced children.

Today at 12:57 AM

I can find no evidence that Landrada in the Wormsgau and Upper Rheingau is a daughter Robert.

Today at 1:01 AM

Not for the others either. Removing relationship, pending primary sources being found.

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