Theodo II, duke of Bavaria - Question of Theodo II of Bavaria

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Сегодня в 10:13 до полудня

Good afternoon,

I was hoping someone might help me with a question on (A) Theodo (625) II, Duke of Bavaria and (B) Theodo (625) II Agolfinger, Bavaria. Both have a date of birth of 625 and a death of 716. Are these two the same person? Theodo A shows a spouse of Folchaide* (645) of Bavaria while Theodo B a spouse of Regintrude (633) of Austrasia.

Given that the profiles show different children and neither show parents. I assumed they were different but how much of a coincident is it to have two Dukes from the same area with the same date of birth and the same date of death?

Am I just over thinking this?

Thanks for your help in keeping me sane.

John Love

Сегодня в 10:16 до полудня

A follow up thought. Could this be the same person with two spouses?

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