Comte Auguste Olympe Hériot - Hériot was not married to Colette!

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Hériot was known for having had a brief affair with Colette (Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette), but they were never married.


"He [Hériot] is best known for his brief affair with novelist Colette. In the winter of 1909, while he was Liane de Pougy's lover, he met Colette in Monte-Carlo and wooed her assiduously, covering her with gifts and dinner invitations. Together they travelled in Italy. Nevertheless, their affair ends soon after. She will not be long in meeting her future husband, Henry de Jouvenel. Auguste Hériot is one of the sources of the main character of Chéri, a novel by Colette, published in 1920.


"He married in 1928 an Austrian, Countess Hildegarde Karoline von Auersperg (1895-1981), from whom he divorced in 1938. He died without descendants in 1951 in Paris."

See also:

"She was also involved in a heterosexual relationship during this time, with the Italian writer Gabriele d’Annunzio. According to one writer, Colette “never gave Missy as much love” and took “advantage of her and more or less appropriating Rozven, a Brittany villa, from her after they split up.” Another affair during this period was with the automobile-empire scion Auguste Heriot."

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