Thomas Williams - Thomas Williams

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I posted the North American Family History pages pertaining to Thomas Williams and Rebecca Waterhouse Williams

According to the above reference Thomas was born 3-9-1656
his family is listed on page 3
There is a mix up between this Thomas Williams and this Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams
The later family is listed in the North American Family History.

Since this is not a direct relation of mine ( I am researching for my husbands family Henry Williams that married Smith) I am going to list the References used here for those with direct relationship to research as that is the only way to know what is the correct information. Those documents should be posted here and the North America History should be removed from the incorrect one.

Also make note that it lists the marriage date of the aboves parents in FAG as 1657

then 12 years after this son was born in 1647 they started their family with Samuel 1659

American Ancestor I:95
Ancient Wethersfield I:196, 224, 314, 591 II: 823, 828
Com. American Genealogy I: 892 IV: 525
Hartford Herald July 10, 1941
Hartford Probate Records 7:159 (Will of Thomas Williams)
Early Conn Probate Records, II: 139
Middt. Upper Houses 766, 772
N.E.H.G. Reg XX: 205-206
Savage Gen. Dict. IV
Wethersfield Town Records II: 15
Writings by Jaret Butler Standish of Wethersfield

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