Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland - Related

Started by Colleen Jordan on Saturday, February 4, 2023
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This is my 43rd great grandfather.

He’s supposedly my 40th great grandfather on my father’s maternal Norwegian side, but given that Sno, Frosti & Wind are mythical beings- are we even referencing real people here?

Geni say that Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is my 42nd great grandfather.

Colleen Jordan Private User and Private User

No, he is not your ancestor. There are no reliable sources that will confirm a relationship to him. Whatever Geni or any other online tree say he is not your ancestor since the relationship is not provable. Please stop stating your relationship to unprovable profiles! Yes, the profile of Fornjot is on Geni, yes he may be connected to you, but before you're stating that he is you ancestor, you need to check the reliability of the sources used to establish your relationship to him. Geni may not be correct, so trusting the relationships this far back may not be the turstworthy.

Private User well spotted.
As Remi says, just because a website says something is so does not make it so.

I apologize.

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is your fourth great aunt's first cousin's husband's uncle's wife's uncle's partner's second great uncle's wife's 31st great grandfather.

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is your first cousin four times removed's husband's third great grandfather's wife's grandson's wife's uncle's fiancée's husband's first cousin 22 times removed's husband's 15th great grandfather.

Its my 41st great grandfather.

I have more mystical people before it gets back to him !

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is your 39th great grandfather.

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant,"King of Kvenland
is my 42nd great grandfather.

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland is my 42nd great grandfather

For those who might enjoy whether related or not; Fornjót

(also known as: Fornjotur)

The Ancient Giant

King of Kvenland




Kari ‘Wind’ “King of Kvenland” FORNJOTSSON (189 – 240)

Ægir (the ruler of the sea)

Logi (fire giant)


Fornjót (Old Norse: Fornjótr) was an ancient giant in Norse mythology and a king of Finland, Kvenland and Gotland. His children are Ægir (the ruler of the sea), Logi (fire giant) and Kári (god of wind).

He is believed to have lived between 160 AD – 250 AD.

The name has often been interpreted as forn-jótr “ancient giant”. Karl Simrock (1869) identified Formjotr with the primeval giant Ymir. But it is also possible, as was suggested by Peter Erasmus Müller (1818), that it is one of a well-established group of names or titles of gods in -njótr “user, owner, possessor”, which would make Fornjótr the “original owner” (primus occupans vel utens) of Norway.

Fornjót in the texts

Fornjót is mentioned only twice in old verse: in stanza 29 of Ynglingatal where “son of Fornjót” seems to refer to fire and in a citation in Snorri Sturluson’s Skáldskaparmál:

How should the wind be periphrased? Thus: call it son of Fornjót, Brother of the Sea and of Fire, Scathe or Ruin or Hound or Wolf of the Wood or of the Sail or of the Rigging.

Thus spake Svein in the Nordrsetu-drápa:

First began to fly

Fornjót’s sons ill-shapen.

Fornjót is listed as a giant (jötun) in one of the thulur sometimes included in editions of the Skáldskaparmál. This is as expected, since Fornjót’s son Ægir is also identified as a giant in various sources.

In the Orkneyinga saga and in Hversu Noregr byggdist (‘How Norway was settled’)— both found in the Flatey Book— Fornjót appears as an ancient ruler of Finland, Kvenland and Gotland. He is father of three sons named Ægir or Hlér, Logi and Kári. The Hversu account says further that Ægir ruled over the seas, Logi over fire, and Kári over wind.

Orkneyinga saga

There was a king named Fornjot, he ruled over those lands which are called Finland and Kvenland; that is to the east of that bight of the sea which goes northward to meet Gandvik; that we call the Helsingbight. Fornjot had three sons; one was named Hler, whom we call Ægir, the second Logi, the third Kari; he was the father of Frost, the father of Snow the old, his son’s name was Thorri; he (Thorri) had two sons, one was named Norr and the other Gorr; his daughter’s name was Goi. Thorri was a great sacrificer, he had a sacrifice every year at midwinter; that they called Thorri’s sacrifice; from that, the month took its name. One winter there were these tidings at Thorri’s sacrifice, that Goi was lost and gone, and they set out to search for her, but she was not found. And when that month passed away Thorri made them take to sacrifice, and sacrifice for this, that they might know surely where Goi was hidden away. In honour it was named Goi’s sacrifice, but all heard nothing of her. Four winters after those brothers vowed a vow that they would search for her; and so share the search between them, that Norr should search on land, but Gorr should search the outscars and islands, and he went on board ship. Each of those brothers had many men with him. Gorr held on with his ships out along the sea-bight, and so into Alland’s sea; after that he views the Swedish scars far and wide, and all the isles that lie in the East salt sea; after that to the Gothland scars, and thence to Denmark, and views there all the isles; he found there his kinsmen, they who come from Hler the old out of Hler’s isle, and he held on then still with his voyage and hears nothing of his sister. But Norr his brother bided till snow lay on the heaths, and it was good going on snow-shoon. After that he fared forth from Kvenland and inside the sea-bight, and they came thither where those men were who are called Lapps, that is at the back of Finnmark. But the Lapps wished to forbid them a passage, and there arose a battle; might and magic followed Norr and his men; their foes became as swine. as soon as they heard the war-cry and saw weapons drawn, and the Lapps betook themselves to flight. But Norr fared thence west on the Keel, and was long gone, they shot beasts and birds for meat for themselves; they fared on till they came where the waters turned to the westward from the fells. Then they fared along with the waters, and came to a sea; there before them was a firth as big as it were a sea-bight; great dales came down to the firth. There was a gathering of folk against them, and they straightway made ready to battle with Norr, and their quarrel fared. All the men either fell or fled, but Norr and his men overcame them as weeds over cornfields. Norr fared round all the firth and laid it under him, and made himself king over those districts that lay there inside the firth. Norr tarried there the summer over till it snowed upon the hearths; then he shaped his course up along the dale which goes south from the firth; that firth is now called Drontheim. Some of his men he lets fare the coast way round Mæren; he laid under him all withersoever he came. And when he comes south over the fell that lay to the south of the dalebight, he went on still south along the dales, until he came to a great water which they called Mjösen. Then he turns west again on to the fell, because it had been told him that his men had come off worsted before that king whose name was Sokni. Then they came into that district which they called Valders. Thence they fared to the sea, and came into a long firth and a narrow, which is now called Sogn; there was their meeting with Sokni, and they had there a mighty battle, because their witchcraft had no hold on Sokni. Norr went hard forward, and he and Sokni came to handstrokes. There fell Sokni and many of his folk.

Stephen Robert Kuta

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Thorri “King in Kvenland” SNAERSSON (320 – 365)
November 5, 2018
In "Norse Sagas"
Heiti ‘Heytir’ “King in Kvenland” GORRSSON
October 31, 2018
In "Norse Sagas"
Kari ‘Wind’ “King of Kvenland” FORNJOTSSON (189 – 240)
November 8, 2018
In "Norse Sagas"
This entry was posted in Norse Sagas, Pedigrees, Viking Ancestry and tagged Family History, Fornjót, Frosti, genealogy, Giant, God, Kari, King in Kvenland, Legendary, Mythology, Norse, Viking. Bookmark the permalink.

Please, all of you, you're just making a fool of yourselves genealogically when stating that Fornjot is your ancestor. Why do you want a relationship to someone that we don't have any proof of even existed?

Kesa Kae Hopkins you're probably older than me so calling me a bad-tempered old person is unnecessary and is not making the discussion any better. Genealogy is about proving links between people and getting the story of their lives, and saying "So what if it’s not provable." is not the genealogical way of presenting family links. I think that genealogists have more fun finding what is provable, than what is fantasy, and on Geni we don't want links between people that are not proven with reliable sources.

Kesa Kae Hopkins -- as Remi says, on Geni we try (it's not always possible) to keep to links between people that are based on reliable sources.

There are often disagreements about what those sources are, or how to interpret them. Hence the discussions.

But that has nothing to do with your imagination and curiosity, which definitely you should exercise and enjoy.

Naturallyl, Geni's methods do not work for everyone. It's possible to keep a family tree, sourced with as much imagination and curiosity as one would like, at many other genealogical sites (our sister site, MyHeritage, being one of them).

As to the "genealogy police" remark -- No, the Geni curators are not the genealogy police. But we have a mandate to help to keep the Geni World Tree as reliable as possible, following genealogical proof standards. For the curators who work in the early historical tree, as Remi does (so do I, in a different branch), it's necessary to negotiate very vexed sources, which were, very often, created in order to show that important families descended from the deities.

That was the early medieval method. It's no longer the way in which genealogy is done. Times change.

To bad Kesa Kae Hopkins deleted her comments from this discussion which makes the posts of Anne Brannen and me look peculiar.

Remi Trygve Pedersen — oh, I think the gist is clear.

Remi Trygve Pedersen, I love this sentence "I think that genealogists have more fun finding what is provable, than what is fantasy, and on Geni we don't want links between people that are not proven with reliable sources." I have found so many answers to questions here that were a lot closer in the tree. So much to make me smile. :-)

Thanks, Susanne Floyd

That’s because I want you to leave me alone, so please do so.

Kesa Kae Hopkins you're on Geni which is a collaborative site. On Geni all of us are supposed to be working together, so we can't leave your profiles alone, since duplicates of the same person must be merged on Geni.. If you don't fancy that, then Geni is not the site for you, you should use an offline/online genealogical software that is better suited for your purposes.

Calling everyone fools is your idea of working together? Kindly leave me the f**k alone and “collaborate” elsewhere since you think I’m such a fool and stop harassing me.

@ Susan Angeline Schumacher Lostetter

Fornjot "the Ancient Giant", King of Kvenland

Thanks for the story.

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