Aethelbald, king of Wessex - My connection

Начал Dwayne Edward Weber сегодня
Сегодня в 5:54 после полудня

→ Edwin Ernest Weber
your father → Katherine Helen Weber
his mother → Matthias "Matthew" Alflen
her father → Johann "John" C. Alflen
his father → Anna Maria "Mariae" Alflen
his mother → Mathias Linden
her father → Maria Giertrud Linden
his mother → Joannes Marx
her father → Phillip Christian Marx
his father → Magdelana Marx
his mother → Christian Spira
her father → Cristoffel Spira
his father → Beatrix von Spira
his mother → Katharina Katherina von Nassau-Saarbrücken
her mother → Johann Ludwig I, Graf von Nassau-Saarbrücken
her father → Johann II von Nassau-Saarbrücken, Graf von Saarbrücken
his father → Philipp I, Graf von Nassau-Weilburg
his father → Johann I, Graf von Nassau-Weilburg
his father → Agnes von Hessen
his mother → Heinrich 'The Younger' Brabant, Herzog
her father → Adelheid von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
his mother → Otto I, Herzog von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
her father → William of Winchester, Lord of Lüneburg
his father → Henry "the Lion", Duke of Saxony and Bavaria
his father → Henry X, duke of Bavaria
his father → Henry IX the black, duke of Bavaria
his father → Judith of Flanders
his mother → Baldwin IV the Bearded, count of Flanders
her father → Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
his father → Baldwin III, count of Flanders
his father → Arnulf I the Great, count of Flanders
his father → Baldwin II "the Bald", count of Flanders
his father → Judith, countess of Flanders
his mother → Aethelbald, king of Wessex
her husband

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