John Bunch, III/ “Jr.” - Relationship path

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Sunday, January 15, 2023
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John Bunch, III/ “Jr.” is your third cousin once removed's wife's 7th great grandfather.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks (Emerson)
your mother → Ossie Mae Emerson (Pratt)
her mother → George Washington Pratt
her father → Nancy Jane Pratt Huddleston (Huddleston)
his mother → Nimrod R Huddleston
her brother → Henry Marshall Huddleston
his son → Dillon Floyd Huddleston
his son → Private Huddleston
his son → Private Huddleston (Howe)
his wife → Private Howe (Inman)
her mother → Orpha Lucille Inman (Sidebottom)
her mother → Rosa Malinda Sidebottom (Bunch)
her mother → John William Bunch
her father → James Monroe Bunch
his father → William Bunch
his father → Calloway Bunch
his father → Henry Bunch
his father → John Bunch, III/ “Jr.”
his father

I was working on a Huddleston line today, just doing clean up and wound up with a DNA match who has two Bunch branches.
In adding one of these branches to the Big Tree, I did find several places to merge in, including profiles that have not been touched since ~2011 but I ran into a male Bunch again and traced him up the line to John Bunch, III/ “Jr.” John Bunch so I am pleased to see that Huddleston and Bunch are in community and hope to be able to work more on connecting my BUNCH line.
I have the "problem" of not enough ancestors in my line and not enough folks to compare with along with several John and Elizabeth who have been smushed and we have been able to disconnect here.

No action requested at this time.
Just making a note/discussion

Again, this is my Bunch third great grandmother I am hoping to connect back to this Bunch:

DNA match is at AncestryDNA

If you go to wikitree do dna calculations on their sight you can transfer results here I did look at my dad.and mom.


Billie June Keaffaber how do you do DNA calculations? Not sure what you mean
I added my kits there of course and do the DNA confirmation but I don’t like their format…
I just discovered a link there to find all the close dna cousins with an account. That was cool!

Ok, yes.
I see you have done it on your parents.
I am a while away from that because it is not a line I have been able to find a lot of people on Gedmatch and of course Ancestry doesn’t show us shared segments
My second great grandmother was one of two children and Winnie only had one child so the gene pool to match is not big
I have a snp for specific ancestors.
I will try to do better with sharing this on their profiles and on my profile as well
Thank you for recommending this

Margaret Frances Crawshaw had four children but if I am remembering correctly, only two survived to adulthood.
I have matches with the descendants of Roxie.
Roxie is a family name that has been passed down for many generations.
I have a first cousin named Roxie, an aunt named Roxie and a great aunt named Roxie.
I love that so much.
This is my mitochondrial line as well, for Maudie Mae, and I upgraded 23&me to be able to use their search tools and etc
I just dropped Tier 1 at Gedmatch when I cancelled my PayPal account and have not renewed so I am not able to do segment searches there for now but may add it back soon.

I kinda keep a handful of direct ancestors on the back burner because they are so difficult but I have not given up on them lol

Cynthia I sent you privet message. It has link to go to.


Billie June Keaffaber thank you so much
It looks awesome and I will work on it asap
New tools are nice
Wonder why I didn’t see it before?

Cynthia because wikitree hides everything so you can’t find it lol. I only did few generations on it but some stuff learning I bringing over to geni it helping my profiles look better here on geni.


Agreed. Same with me.


Billie June Keaffabercould you send me that info too😊

I sent some information so you can get started.


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