Frances (Randolph) Halbert - Disputed Origins

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Сегодня в 7:47 после полудня

Frances Halbert Was Not the daughter of Colonel Richard Randolph, 'of Curles' & Mary Randolph They did not have a daughter called Frances.

I’ve detached.

If anyone knows differently, please advise with references.

Сегодня в 7:50 после полудня

Daughter of Colonel Richard Randolph, 'of Curles' and Jane Randolph (Bolling)
Wife of Col. John Dandridge; John Jones and Joel Halbert
Mother of Elizabeth Frances Halbert (Jones)

Three husbands and one child correct?

Сегодня в 7:51 после полудня

Or has she been confused?


Wife of Joel Halbert
Dau of John Jones

is different than Frances Randolph

Сегодня в 7:51 после полудня

And looking at HER profile, the About says:
This Elizabeth's attached father was reportedly born in the same generation as this Elizabeth. Her attached mother was born about a generation after this Elizabeth! Further research is warranted.

These kinds of "notes" NEED to go in a Discussion and NOT on the profile.
Pet peeve.

Thank you

Сегодня в 7:52 после полудня

Daughter Elizabeth Frances Halbert is how I ended up here.

Сегодня в 7:53 после полудня is for Frances Jones daughter of Jones and married Halbert.

No idea where Colonel John Dandridge, II comes in

Сегодня в 7:53 после полудня

I cut/paste from my message thread to managers from this morning and now am on my iPad so please forgive the choppiness

Сегодня в 7:57 после полудня

I still don’t follow lol but I’ll take it one profile at a time.

The thing to note is an attempt by people to make someone a descendant of Pocahontas. And that genealogy does not look valid.

Сегодня в 8:56 после полудня

Frances Halbert Was not the wife of Colonel John Dandridge, II who is probably most notable as father of Martha Washington, First Lady of the USA

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