Arto Cavoukian - name change

Started by Alex Moes on Thursday, December 29, 2022
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According to Armenian wikipedia page Cavoukian is only a very recently assumed name:
Artin Gavuk (Arto Gavuk, real name: Harutyun Hovhannesi Gavukyan , December 25 , 1915 [1] , Mersin , Turkey - 1986 , Toronto , Canada ), Armenian photographer.

Wife's name (Lucy) listed on daughter's page

Father's name "Hovhannes Gavukyan" as per son's Wiki

Alternative spelling for father is "Ohanness Cavoukian".
Previous posted name is via Google Translate and I have no idea how good it's Armenian=>English is.

Raffi's wife (ex?deceased?) was Deborah Pike aka Debi

Alternative spelling of wife "Lucie Cavoukian"

Per Raffi and Deb divorced and never had kids.

Thanks, Alex.

To be honest, I was just hoping to stub the profiles and figured others who were more interested would add more and better details. I don't have the time to work on these :-)

As unconnected profiles i don't think anyone else can edit them even though some are Public(?).

Maybe your collaborators could?

I started this thread from the father's profile rather than Raffi's because even as a curator i can not start it from Raffi. Even as a curator i could only edit Raffi's profile if you asked me to do so on your behalf.

I had a laugh at one websites description of Raffi as the world's most popular children's singer. I have 3 kids (teens and 20s) but have never heard of him until today.

> As unconnected profiles i don't think anyone else can edit them

That's why I wanted to make his a master profile. It's not possible for me to make it public as he is living.

I'm Canadian, and he is definitely one of the, if not the most famous children's singers. Although of course these tend to be generation specific. I'm not sure what his popularity is elsewhere.

Anyhow, I've already spent more time on this than I can. This just isn't a project I have time to work on... just wanted to stub it out.

thanks for the help

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