Sir Edward Lewis, of the Van - Not the father of "General Robert Lewis" of Virginia

Started by Private User on Wednesday, November 23, 2022
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Spent a couple of hours chasing Warner Hall Lewises through the shards of, finding out just how thoroughly fictitious "General Robert Lewis" was.

The whole "Sir Edward Lewis of the Van and Lady Anne Sackville-Beauchamp" part of it got blown sky-high by a marriage date of October 7, 1622 and the approximate birth records of four sons: Edward (probably c. 1623, eldest), William (MP, c. 1625), Nicholas (c. 1626?), and Richard (MP, c. 1627) - the MPs can be found in History of Parliament Online for 1660-1690.

Some sources say there was a fifth son Robert, but he must have been younger than Richard and at most about two years old when his father died in 1630. There are no certain records of him thereafter.

So no, the Warner Hall Lewises have absolutely zippo to do with Lewis of the Van.

Sir Edward Lewis, of the Van is my 17th cousin four times removed.

There seems to be some question whether he had a son Nicholas, a son Robert, or both. Confusion with his father, the senior Sir Edward Lewis of the Van, is a possibility. Investigation continues.

Still no further information regarding any son Robert.

This is the only mention of a son Robert Lewis:

Inscription on the tombstone erected by his grieving widow:

Here lye the Bodyes of the Right Worshipful Sir Edward Lewis late of the Vane in the County of Glamorgan Knight one of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber to Prince Henry and after to King Charles: and of the Right Hon’ble Anne Lady Beauchampe, His Wife, the Widow of Edward Lord Beauchampe Daughter of Robert Earle of Dorset, by the Lady Margaret Howard, Sole Daughter of Thomas Duke of Norfolk. They had issue Living Fower Sonnes, Edward, William, Richard and Robert, and One Daughter, Anne Lewys, He Departed this Life the 10 October 1630. In Memory of whom his Mournful Lady erected this Monument for Him and Her Selfe, who deceased the.. [remainder missing]' - 25th of September 1664.

I don’t see how there’s a connection to this image uploaded:

Let's see, we have:

* uncredited photograph of unnamed gentleman stuck onto a quote from an unsourced document with the flat assertion that "General Robert Lewis" was "the first Virginian of the name" (which isn't true, as there was a John "Lewes" (Lewis) with the First Supply in 1608, and a George "Lewes" (Lewis) living in Virginia in 1624/5, who arrived in 1617, and others).

* 2 images of a painting of, probably, the second Sir Edward Lewis of the Van, vintage 1620s.

* Snippet from "Lewis and Kindred Families", dated 1906.

* Photo of tomb of Sir Edward Lewis II, enumerating four sons (including a Robert) and a daughter.

* Lineage chart reproduced too small to be easily legible, allegedly dating "Robert Lewis" to "c. 1607-1645" - which means he was NOT the son of Sir Edward Lewis II, who did not get married until 1622-23.

* Probable source for the above, dated January 1898

* Photograph of Edington Priory Church, exterior

* Snippysnips of the tomb of Sir Edward Lewis II.

What has been "proved" by all this is, simply and only, that Sir Edward Lewis II *did* have a son Robert...who must have been born between c. 1625 and 1630, as he was neither the first nor the second son - possibly not even the third. This makes it flat IMPOSSIBLE for him to have been a grown man any earlier than c. 1645-50, and therefore he CANNOT have been the alleged "General Robert Lewis, 1607-1645".

No one has ever presented any hard evidence for the existence of a "General Robert Lewis" anywhere in the Colonies at any time during the first fifty years. All we have *ever* seen is "family lore" and say-so claims more than 200 years later.

The "family lore" was called into question as early as *1901*, when an article in the "William and Mary Quarterly" pointed out that Robert Lewis of York County was only known to have had two daughters and NO SONS. This article proposed that the John Lewis who patented land on Poropotank Creelk in 1653 was a more likely candidate, as he was associated with several other male Lewises.

Solid support for this view did not emerge until 1948, when the tomb of John Lewis of Monmouthshire was discovered in the old (abandoned) Lewis cemetery on Poropotank Creek. That was, indisputably, the 1653 patentee, and other stones in the same cemetery and at Warner Hall clearly indicate that he and no other was the founder of the Warner Hall line of Lewises.

As to the origins of John Lewis of Monmouthshire, there is no doubt he came from there, though exactly where and from which of numerous Lewis families may still be debated.

It is perhaps not altogether irrelevant that "Lewis" is listed among the "Anjou Lineages" - fake pedigrees created by genealogical forger and con man Gustave Anjou.

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