Adam of Eden - Claimed Historic Profile?

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Private User
вчера в 6:01 после полудня

How is it possible for Adam to "Follow 1372" geni profiles?

вчера в 6:04 после полудня

Huh. I've never noticed that before, perhaps they were added by the person who originally made the profile?

Private User
вчера в 6:05 после полудня

Adam the father of the entire human species is following a boatload of profiles I am following, but have since been set to "private".

Private User
вчера в 6:12 после полудня

When you click on Profiles Mentioned: Adam of Eden, and than on Profiles Following 1372, it says

Followers receive recent activity updates. Profile privacy determines which updates they will receive.

1372 people are following Adam of Eden's profile, not that Adam is following 132 profiles

Private User
вчера в 6:26 после полудня

Statistics [for Adam of Eden]
Family Tree 84
Blood Relatives 10,000
Descendants 10,000
Followers 1,231
Following 1,372

Nearly everyone under Adam's Following (not his Followers) have been dead for many thousands of years. They're people who literally never heard of a Geni profile (or even a computer or the internet).

Private User
вчера в 6:39 после полудня

There is no Activity Tab, so it is not a claimed Profile. And it should not be possible for it to be Following anyone.
Definitely sounds like a bug!!

Private User
вчера в 6:49 после полудня

Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן - any idea why he is listed as Following Profiles?
A bug, or something I am not thinking of?

вчера в 7:09 после полудня

I went back to his profile that he is following and it started in 2011 to present. Sounds strange! He cant follow profiles. Someone might have put a bug or hacked into Adams profile.

вчера в 9:23 после полудня

He is following people because a bunch of fake accounts of adam were closed and merged into the MP profile

Private User
Сегодня в 4:12 до полудня

Джейсон Скотт Уиллс -

I have a relative who added profiles, then closed her account, others whose account was closed after they were reported deceased - none continue to show as Following anyone.

Dr. Earle Ullman Scharff is credited with adding many profiles (per link after Added By) - a large gedcom import was done from him back in 2009 - but he is not now shown now as following anyone

Why is an exception occurring for this one?

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