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Сегодня в 3:03 до полудня

Could someone delete Emmanuel Marcon from this project as he is obviously a liberal and not a socialist or communist.
Emmanuel Macron, 25° Président de la République Française

Private User
Сегодня в 5:16 до полудня

Fair point, removed.

Сегодня в 10:57 до полудня

> Галина Ивановна Никитина
your mother > Анна Алексеевна Никитина
her mother > Алексей Павлович Корытов
her father > Николай Павлович Корытов
his brother > Вера Николаевна Лузгина
his daughter > Лузгин Илья Степанович
her husband > Агафья Ивановна Лузгина
his mother > Максим Иванович Копанев
her brother > Акилина Максимовна Копанева
his daughter > Максим Петрович Кончаловский
her son > Софья Петровна Кончаловская
his wife > Петр Михайлович Вышеславцев
her father > Михаил Петрович Вышеславцев
his father > Петр Михайлович Вышеславцев
his father > Капитолина Михайловна Мальцова
his sister > Сергей Иванович Мальцов
her son > Капитолина (Тола) Сергеевна Дориан
his daughter > Николай Васильевич князь Мещерский
her ex-husband > Елена Васильевна Баронесса фон Курлянд
his sister > Gustav* Peter Furst Biron von Kurland
her son > Emma Elisabeth, Marquise de Jaucourt
his wife > Pierre Levisse de Montigny, marquis de Jaucourt
her brother > Laurette Levisse de Montigny de Jaucourt
his daughter > Charles-Henri de Levis-Mirepoix
her ex-husband > Francoise Henriette Jeannine Foucault
his wife > Jeanne Marie Charlotte Bertin
her mother > Paul Bertin
her father > Ernest Hippolyte Eugene Bertin
his brother > Marie Louise Josephe Pujol
his daughter > Simone Marie Madeleine Trogneux
her daughter > Brigitte Macron
her daughter > Emmanuel Macron, 25° President de la Republique Francaise
her husband

Private User
Сегодня в 3:18 после полудня

Macron was previously an active member of the Socialist Party/Socialist International. This project takes into account all affiliations someone has held in their lifetime, not just the current or final one. I believe he should be readded.

Показаны все сообщения (4)

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