Could someone delete Emmanuel Marcon from this project as he is obviously a liberal and not a socialist or communist.
Emmanuel Macron, 25° Président de la République Française
Could someone delete Emmanuel Marcon from this project as he is obviously a liberal and not a socialist or communist.
Emmanuel Macron, 25° Président de la République Française
> Галина Ивановна Никитина
your mother > Анна Алексеевна Никитина
her mother > Алексей Павлович Корытов
her father > Николай Павлович Корытов
his brother > Вера Николаевна Лузгина
his daughter > Лузгин Илья Степанович
her husband > Агафья Ивановна Лузгина
his mother > Максим Иванович Копанев
her brother > Акилина Максимовна Копанева
his daughter > Максим Петрович Кончаловский
her son > Софья Петровна Кончаловская
his wife > Петр Михайлович Вышеславцев
her father > Михаил Петрович Вышеславцев
his father > Петр Михайлович Вышеславцев
his father > Капитолина Михайловна Мальцова
his sister > Сергей Иванович Мальцов
her son > Капитолина (Тола) Сергеевна Дориан
his daughter > Николай Васильевич князь Мещерский
her ex-husband > Елена Васильевна Баронесса фон Курлянд
his sister > Gustav* Peter Furst Biron von Kurland
her son > Emma Elisabeth, Marquise de Jaucourt
his wife > Pierre Levisse de Montigny, marquis de Jaucourt
her brother > Laurette Levisse de Montigny de Jaucourt
his daughter > Charles-Henri de Levis-Mirepoix
her ex-husband > Francoise Henriette Jeannine Foucault
his wife > Jeanne Marie Charlotte Bertin
her mother > Paul Bertin
her father > Ernest Hippolyte Eugene Bertin
his brother > Marie Louise Josephe Pujol
his daughter > Simone Marie Madeleine Trogneux
her daughter > Brigitte Macron
her daughter > Emmanuel Macron, 25° President de la Republique Francaise
her husband
Comme Benito Mussolini, Marcel Deat, Joseph Staline et bien d'autres, beaucoup d'hommes politiques ont démarré une carrière en tant que "progressiste". Comme l'indique l'intitulé de ce projet, "proeminent and less proeminent il a "malheureusemnt" en tant que ministre "socialiste" toute sa place à coté de ces illustres et moins illustres qui ont plus ou moins mal terminé.
Like Benito Mussolini, Marcel Deat, Joseph Stalin and many others, many politicians started a career as a "progressive". As the title of this project indicates, "prominent and less prominent he has "unfortunately" as a "socialist" minister his full place alongside these illustrious and less illustrious who have more or less ended badly.